Giant Bomb thread

What do you guys think about Drew leaving?

will they end up merging the offices?

also: someone give me .m3u8 stream of Mario Party Party 6

Other urls found in this thread:,4000,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8

I am glad that he is leaving,he was nothing but burden in regards of him actually playing one game per year.
I expect new producer that will be announced on Saturday to be someone that Jeff really likes.
The Gian Bombcast was best we had in years Jeff needs to be host on everything with people who know theur shit,not fat ass Brad or retard Rorie.

>hating on Brad
But I like him! Jeff is indeed the best though.

someone PLEASE give me Mario Party Party 6

No fuck you.
If you like Fat Brad that kill yourself you are not getting a link.
That idiot cant play video game to save his life.

>That idiot cant play video game to save his life.
I agree, but I like him when he's laughing his ass off because of Jeff and the christmas Hitman video was nice.

Not op but would also like to watch mario party party 6


Come on dudes, I wanna show my 5yo niece

>watching mario party party with your 5yo niece

She kind of ignores the guys, just cheers for the game and characters while I laugh because of the guys

they're already announcing a new producer?

probably not. user is just hoping/guessing

Whatever you say niggers

they said it's about drew, they're gonna show stuff from drew's videos.

doesn't mean they're announcing a new producer.

We will see

dude post MPP6 for user's niece already

giant bomb died litteraly in 2013
>you will never EVER hear a podcast with Jeff, Vinny, and Ryan again,4000,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8

You can go fuck off now

Thanks dude, gonna watch it with her in bed until she sleeps

>Rorie bring forced into more content because Dan left and they are understaffed

He knows literally nothing about games and only plays WoW

I agree that Brad is fine, but Rorie is literally autism: the man. I hate his and Jason's appearances on any content so much. I'm really hopeful that some new dedicated cast members will make them stop bringing in Rorie and Jason to talk about completely irrelevant garbage while shilling for their favorite """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""niche"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" games which no one else plays or cares about.

>Jeff never hires new people for GBWest because he think that rotating in a bunch of random game devs and journos in content is good enough

this is my greatest fear

>fuck brad!
>posts an image where brad is fucking hilarious

you're not making your case very well, user