Vidya girls you've wacked off to thread

The Soul Calibur 2 model viewer made me a man


Quistis was one of my first vidya faps

>older than Squall
>his teacher
>legitimate 10/10 with smarts and skills to boot
>" No, thanks. "
>picks useless twat girl later on instead

What a fucking mook.

that's the SC4 model tho

>not jacking it to the viewer in SC2 where Seung Mina and Sophitia are rubbing their phat asses together


the best was accessing sound files at the same time and mashing X on her death scream. Literally the fastest way to cum of all time

to feed many healthy offspring that you will have

Rinoa is one of the worst female characters in any JRPG bar none. Fuck that hoe, she needed to go.

I want to marry Makoto and have lots of little squirrel kids!


I always finish to the very few good quality r34 pics I got

She's one of the most one dimensional, annoying and unnecessary characters in JRPG history, which is amazing considering how bad some JRPGs are in the one dimensional derivative bullshit category.

This was compounded by the fact that VIII had some genuinely interesting characters in it, but Squall and Rinoa were the two worst characters. I suspect it was to try and appeal vaguely to a broad audience, but it was just so bad in every way.


Countless times.



You gotta give it to ArcSystem, they know that underboob is best boob

can i get a template for this please

name of that anime?

For me it was this cowtits


i thought she was a chipmunk

Good stuff user.

Jill Valentine

reading comics about the bitter defence of the mannerheim line in 1940 against the soviet onslaught made me a man

does this count?




Fucking this.

Just yesterday I fapped to Jill jacking off a huge black penis.

Felt half aroused half ashamed of myself to be desu

cut the shit with this
is this porn or what?

Only the best girl to have ever been put into a videogame

brown skin


thin waist

big fake tits


what more can someone want?

Jade is GOAT

if the world ran on boners, capcom would probably be one of the lead providers

idk, does this?

i think it's called dragon maid or something.


What are the best capcom games for boners?

Okay, the models ingame or fan made porn?
Rumble Roses demo, during the chokeholds
If you mean fan made porn then, like everyone

Any game with Morrigan in it.

You forget that fucking WHIP
God. Whip me more.

Like crazy in junior high when I got a Dreamcast. I must have blown 20 gallons to her.

Too many.

What is this thread baby first normalfags fap?

the strippers in duke 3D

Something something Maid Dragon


No, it's just another one of those cockteasing anime that never goes anywhere or does anything beyond tickle Sup Forums's boners.

You could back the camera into a corner, pause,

tilt joystick opposite direction

Hit L+R+Start (which recalibrates joystick and coincidentally unpauses)

Hands-free primitive jiggle physics.


almost any game honestly.
snk also pretty much does nothing but make sexy ladies.

good thing porn artists exist.



boner stop this is not okay


>racemixing fetish

consider suicide

I dunno dude, all the characters in FF XII are really bland, especially the girls.

Shura was hilariously gratuitous

I miss those days


I didn't particularly care for SVC Chaos, but i'll be damned if SNKP didn't go all out with this one.

Bretty much every female vidya character


literally not even close
go back to Sup Forums with your faggot shit.

it wasn't as good as it could be, but i really enjoyed the characters goofing around with eachother.

my nigga

>dat miranda cameltoe
Did anybody else have to pause and jack off after hearing Jack call her a Cerberus cheerleader whore?

>complains how sweaty she is
>think about her steamy cleavage

I wonder how I even made through that game.

mai's butt

In contrast, the capcom developed crossover games were amazing. What was SNKP thinking?




Dunno, but they really drooped the ball.
I still play the game every once in a while because i really like fighting serious Mr.karate

This, Tekken 5, and Fran form FF12 were the only times I've fapped to in-game stuff.

Don't judge me


Need more porn of her dessu

Nobody does man,
alien ass is what all true warriors strive for

Miss kobayashi's dragon maid

What game?

Ugh, look at those mammoth cowtits.

SMT: Devil Survivor


My favorite demo :)

I know, they're huge.

If I remember correctly, at the shopping menu, when you quickly select and de-select an item there were some nice bewb physics going on at the background.


anybody stroking right now? would love to bate with my fellow anons.
