Aah, you were at my side, all along. Bloodborne Only for PS4, the Game of the Generation

>Aah, you were at my side, all along. Bloodborne Only for PS4, the Game of the Generation.

When was the last time you replayed the greatest game of the entire generation (until a Bloodborne 2 is released of course haha)?

Other urls found in this thread:


sounds good but i can't find it on steam. where can i get it for my pc?

Literally a couple days ago, was doing a Boom Hammer run.
What a mistake that was, what a shit weapon. Switched to beast cutter near the end.

It's a ps4 exclusive, just in case u r serious.

>switching from a shitty weapon to an even shittier weapon


Surely a PC version would run better and provide a definitive version of the game?

beast cutter is fun fuck you
the buff on boom hammer is pretty much worthless except for 1shotting mooks, and because that's it's l1 it has a pathetically tiny moveset

I'm going through it for the first time. A little past Lady Maria. Holy fuck what a great fight. The stage, music, her attacks, her, it was all so perfect even if she was kinda easy. I want to go back and fight her again damnit. Easily my favorite part of the game. I thought I was playing a Platinum game for a second.


Ahh, sweet child of Kos, returned to the ocean… A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea. Accepting of all that there is, and can be.

I liked it but the lack of weapons and build diversity keeps me from replaying it again I just get bored. probably in a year or 2 I'll replay it again. I really enjoyed it though.

>Guys why won't you pay attention to my rehashed game anymore?
>please like me!!!!!

Replay it in like a year. That should be good enough

>the lack of weapons and build diversity
Stop playing it wrong.

>Still no BB wallpaper for the PS4 the only game worth owning until Persona 5

What gives?

Tho the weapons were limited I enjoyed them way more than the weapons from ds3, even the 10 or so hunter tools were way better imo than magic from ds3

Reddit has this "return to bloodborne" event thing going in middle of March, could be a good opportunity to do that aswell

I beat Bloodborne for the first time last night and I have to say I'm glad I stuck with it. At first I thought it was cool but difficult, and then I stopped playing because I wasn't really sure what the "right path" was or if I specced my character wrong and I just restarted with a new character in mid December. I've played on that character about 35 hours since then and I just got to Amelia on NG+. Something just clicked about the game for me once I got into the second half of Forbidden Woods and I just couldn't stop playing. My trophy list is pretty funny because you can see how much I played the game for 2 or 3 days after I bought it, then there's nothing, then there's another one, and then there's nothing for 6 or 7 months and then there's all the rest in the span of a few weeks. I was overestimating how difficult I found the game just because I was trying to play it like Souls. It's actually pretty easy. I can't think of a single boss besides Gascoigne the first time that I died more than 3 or 4 times facing. I have never had any desire to play NG+ on any other Souls game yet when I finished Bloodborne I immediately started playing again to see how quickly I could blast my way through to Amelia. I didn't buy a PS4 for this game but god damn am I glad I have one, it's seriously the best modern game I've played in 5 years.

I don't have a lot of extra money right now but should I buy the DLC while I'm still only on NG+? I plan to get the other endings and I've heard it's hard enough on the first new game, I can't imagine how hard it'll be on NG+3.

Last time I playes bloodborne I was just after killing defiled cursed fire dog faggot, however after that I suddebly stopped playing and I fear that going back I will suck due to lost on muscle memory and control scheme

I was browsing my digital library on ps4 the other day and found I owned this.

I remember started playing it, but I coulda swore I borrowed a friend's copy. Like all soulsborne games, I found myself bored with it halfway through. That was when it came out.

Considering trying it again tho. Convince me to, Sup Forums.

this moment is only rivaled by:


Oh yes, as usual the dlcs in souls games are topnotch, bloodborne aswell, has a lot of cool areas,weapons,tools and bosses, it's worth it when you can get it, I think it's around 10$

Personally, I only did ng+ once. It's more fun starting fresh new games with different builds (Chikage build, MLB-build were great).

Honestly, the DLC is the best thing about Bloodborne. Get that ASAP.

If you don't like souls combat at its core you're not going to like it

Do it faggot

Any tips for beating him I am level 53 and his second form keeps killing me.
I am using the saw spear for the first phase and Ludwig's holy blade for the second phase both are at +6.
I like fighting him, but trying to beat him for 2 days straight is kinda wearing thin on me.

>TONIGHT GHERMAN JOINS THE HUNT can only be rivaled by itself

I have over 900 hours in it and I've done everything I wanted to do really, including challenge runs like perma death and LVL4 NG+6

Last time I played it was like 3 months ago.

>mfw when the crescendo hits immediately after that cutscene

Hes referring to Ludwig's monologue

LEVEL UP 53 is too low
improve your weapon(s) to +9 or +10
ludwig does NOT fuck around

there are no shit weapons ya dinguses, you just need to practice more.

The boom hammer is actually fucking overpowered for PvE because it practically never bounces and you can hit enemies around corners in hallways.

But I want to get his sword early, I got him to like a quarter of his health a few times, but that back dash with the 2 swipes keeps killing me.

Which boss?

You're fighting him 30 levels and 3 weapon levels before than you should for a first run.

Other than that, just learn his moves.

Damn dude I think I was level 75 or so when I fought him. I just stayed close for the most part. Just kept dodging his attacks and watching my stamina.

use blood beast pellets and go ham when you get an opening

>greatest game of the entire generation

>Only for PS4

Does it physically hurt being this wrong?

His second form is way easier. You can just stand right in front of him and keep hitting him until he staggers. Then you can do a visceral.


I already beat him once like a year ago, but I am replaying it now since I never beat laurence and the fishing hamlet and I found out that I missed out on cainhurst and wherever the fuck ebrietas is.

It really is only for the PS4. I know it sucks, I'd like to play it on my PC too, but it's not going to happen no matter how much you wish it would.

Over hyped boss. Dunno why idiots can't into parrying in this game.

Anyone else playing when "Return to the Hunter's Dream" starts on march 10?

I did an Arcane build last time I played and it was lots of fun. Thinking of going bloodtinge this time.

I know it's supposed to be the best part of the game but I heard it's much more difficult on NG+ than if it was played normally.
What's the point of doing different builds though if you have to play through a large chunk of the game just to get certain weapons and armor? In NG+ you'll already have them right when you start.

his first form is a cinch I have his moves down he can barely hit me, but I think I am still to weak to actually stagger him.

I'll try that out I never use items anyway so I should have a bunch of them.

where are the fucking mods/janitor???

I hope they dont call it BB2. A subtitle fine.

No idea about difficulty comparison between Ng and ng+ since I never played it on the former

Its as hard as any new area you find in the base game for the first time

Is this /osg/ - Overrated Shit General?

I just wish it had a better post-game.
Something to grind for so I have an excuse to keep playing it.
The gem farming isn't enough.

It's From we're talking about. Define definitive.


Who was in the wrong here?

That's just a fanart shit. There isn't a single female character like this in the game. And there's only one npc like Alfred. Alfred was in the wrong obviously. His stupid ass doesn't know Annalise is immortal

which weapon are you using? I used LHB but if you are using something smaller like the blade of mercy, then you should try circling around his second form at point blank.

Do you even lore?

Maria is from Cainhurst and is directly related to Annalise.

Granted, Maria probably left Cainhurst long before the executioners came, but still.

I am using the beast saw for his first form and I switch to LHB in his second form since it staggers him more often and I don't have as many chances where I can wail on him like his first form so a few hard hitting strikes are better, but his back dash and swip is what usually kills me.

>beast saw
I meant saw spear.

damn, that's really impressive that you've mastered the first form with the saw spear.

His second form didn't back dash much for me. Maybe that's because I just tanked his sword swings because they hardly do much damage at point blank range.

If his second form is backpedaling then I suggest forward dashing towards him to maintain the point-blank range.

>damn, that's really impressive that you've mastered the first form with the saw spear.
It's pretty easy, you just have to kinda stay under his chest without giving him any room to breathe whatseover and just keep wailing.
The only thing that can kill me is when he dragoons or if I don't see his charge coming.

What usuallly kills me iin his second form is when I try to dash toward him and he dashes back with his swords 2 sword swings.
Maybe I should try playing it a bit safer with him instead of just rushing him like his first form.

Give me a quick rundown on Bloodborne.

kill werewolves, and Ayys are the master minds behind it also dreams.

Should I get the NA copy and DLC or the game of the year edition?

In the second form I usually waited for a sword swing and THEN rolled towards him.

Maybe the fact that I baited the swing prevented the AI from ever backpedaling.

That may actually be it, I'll try it out thanks user.

Why did Ludwig suddenly become lucid during the fight?

>Bloodborne 2

yeah, I wish.


The sight of his sword probably jogged his memory or something.
Also how did he even get that magic sword?
I heard somewhere that the sword is the reason why he went crazy.

if the Moon Presence was asshurt at you for killing Gehrman and ascending to godhood, why didn't it forcibly boot you from its' dream after dying to it even once?

>I heard somewhere that the sword is the reason why he went crazy.

I read it in game as the other way around. Since the guidance rune and moonlight sword has similarities in description. The dancing lights when Ludwig closes his eyes is the only comfort he has during the hunt. All those blood drinking and hunting is what drove all the old hunters insane, hence Hunter's Nightmare.

>there isn't a single female Cainhurst knight in the game
Lady Maria

>Also how did he even get that magic sword?
read the swords' item description, he found it while spelunking the Old Labyrinth for the Church

the sword contained tiny spirits that were able to (partially) restore his sanity

what the fuck was this thing and why were the bell women summoning it?

It's Kos(m) with the Orphan of Kos sticking out of it most likely.

>game of the generation

Where the fuck did this cancerious meme come from? It's not even top 5 exclusive....

only "some" ever said Kosm. most of these people were dumb


Calm down nintendrone, you can shitpost all you want in your zelda threads. This is for discussing the undisputed game of the generation. It can not, it will not be topped until the next generation of consoles are released many years from now. Unless we see Bloodborne 2 by the FROM Soft SSS+ Team instead of the Z team that made DS2, DS3.

what makes you say that

>it's only in softcover



please no

Like five months ago, playing it after DaSIII has a refreshing experience

Mensis's attempt at making a Great One. All the bodies in it were likely the people they kidnapped before the blood moon.

but I thought that they wanted to turn themselves into Great Ones


at the time BB was too fresh and insane when I played it right after DaS2.

Going back after DaS3, it feels like a true next gen souls game. DaS3 just feels like DaS1/2 with a bit of spiff.

BB has a superior non casual DURH WHAT HAVE I GOT EQUIPPED? UI too even.



I accidentally played to almost the end of the game without getting the DLC.

Did I fuck up? Is the DLC truly worth it? Should I start a NG+ and get the DLC and play it?
It's definitely my favorite game that I played in 2016 and 2017 so far (it's been taking me a few months to get through it since I've been busy)

its cosmos so kosm is valid

Did they use the snatchers to kidnap people? Why did they kill the snatchers then?

no it isn't cosmos, it's kos

>the grand lake of mud, hidden now, from sight... the Cosmos, of course!
the cosmos he's referring to is the lake of mud ie great bodies of water obscure the eldritch truth, not Kos

There actually is one, you just have to platinum the game and you get a code for it in the mail

The DLC is arguably better than the main game

I don't think it could since you had already achieved power rivaling it's own by then. It had to kill you or be killed.

loose nightmares and meat beasts killed snatchers after blood moon. they are just some side effects of the ritual.

>did they use snatchers to kidnap people
yes. you yourself are kidnapped and Adella confirms it

they propably got some bigger operation going on cause of all those prison charriots.

You can start the dlc whenever you want, if you want to wait till new game plus for a challenge that's fine.

they needed a shitload of meat to make , all the respawning villagers were practice

Mensis were trying to rebirth themselves as a Great One after getting accidentally NIGHTMARE'd by Mergo, but were cockblocked by Rom until you killed her

No game makes me as MAD as this one. IT MAKES ME FUCKING FURIOUS.

because i'm a poorfag and will only buy the ps4 this month, i missed the feeling of surprise and discovery of this game, spoiled to hell and back


i'll finally play it, i am anxious as fuck