The WiiU looks like shi-

The WiiU looks like shi-

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PS2 graphics.


So that came out in what, 2015? And Uncharted 2 came out in 2009. Too lazy to make some comparison pictures

half-naked 13 year old girl tho

Not even meming, there are original Xbox games that look better than this. Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Escape from Butcher Bay, Invisible War, etc.
You really think this looks good?

>comparing a game to a movie

stop being silly user.

You could have posted a better screenshot desu.

>comparing graphics in a graphics bragging thread
oh whoops my bad


That would be considered good looking ten years ago.

>nintendocucks think that water looks good

Looks like shit honestly. They should look into art style some. Skyward Sword on the wii looks better. Colorful artstyle looks way better than low resolution textures. Those models are also way too low poly. I cant tell if the texture res is worse than the poly count.

>10 years ago
Try 15. Crysis released 10 years ago.

is this ironic?
these literally look like graphics from 2 gens ago

Funniest thing was, 2 years ago one of the most praised things about the game was its visuals. With less than a quarter of a budget and only 3 years of development it looks better than a fucking PS4 game that came out two months ago that had millions of dollars thrown at it and over 10 years of development desu.

>original xbox

At least post screens that aren't pc bullshots running at resolutions that would have tanked a 7800gtx back in the day.


Zelda and Nintendo EAD can fuck off, Monolith Soft are the true gods of open world design.

what game is that?

>wii U

Nice bullshot

That's CEMU, idiot. And it does look awful

Also just going to post more, bravo Square for the repeated textures.

Don't you know, the latest Zelda game that came out 2 years ago.

Now post original 720p that runs at 25fps . Nintendo pathetic

The picture from is actually taken from the game desu. The picture is bait


Come on user, you can do better than that.

>That water
>No normal mapping
>That lighting in general

It's like a PS2 game running in a higher resolution

so? it looks good.
this painting is much older by the way and looks even better

>No normal mapping
can you honestly not see

>1080p screenshot
>taken from the game

Nope. shitty hardware can't run 1080p

I own the Xbox version of Half-Life 2 and it looks no where near that bad

The Xbox has a fairly powerful GPU in it so it wasn't actually that intimidated by Half-Life 2. In fact the console actually loaded the game faster than PCs could at the time.

what ps2 game is this?

idgaf what people say about the wii u. People have been doggin it ever since it came out. Its been my favorite console experience since the gamecube.

You do realize that that's not HL2, right? It's The Lost Coast, a PC-exclusive tech demo highlighting new HDR rendering that they implemented after HL2 came out. It's about as far as you can get from the Xbox version of HL2.


that does look bad tho

>That rock texture
Games is gorgeous overall but you literally couldn't have picked a worse screenshot


>PS4 has good graphi--

It's a shame BoTW doesn't look as good as XBCX.

BoTW looks like a wii game with better lighting.

Xenoblade X looks better than a ps4 game. And with cemu Xenoblade looks better than console witcher 3

Not that FF looks good in any way. But it is a bit of a diffrence of focus.

FF looks pretty impressive up close but disgusting from afar. While Xeno looks pretty impressive from afar but like a PSP game up close.

>nu uh HL2 didn't look like that on Xbox

It sure as hell did, I owned it, I also owned Doom 3. Those games were amazing for console ports at the time. They looked great. You obviously just don't remember what "great" actually looked like back then. They looked good for xbox games, but the PC versions shit all over them and you needed a $1200 PC to run them decently.

Still not sure what the fuck happened. It's by far Nintendo's worst looking game, at least when it comes to their flagship titles.

>Those rock textures
>Those disgusting clouds
>Grass looks like it's made of plastic
>Massive LOD problems past 20 meters
>No light hitting the outcrops in the background so the horizon just looks weird which is especially bad since the game is called Horizon

Jesus Christ.

Well that's because XCX run in native 720p. If you run it in 1080p on cemu it looks way better up close, because Monolith Soft actually used 1080p textures for 720p game

Xenoblade X is a good plate but nothing's on it.

It doesn't even remotely look like that. When the fucking IGN logo and text is also pixelated you know something is wrong


This is Zelda BoTW, a minimalistic physics game released in 2017 with a world 3 times smaller than XCX and as much creature variety as 1/10 of XCX

I thought it was supposed to look good


Yeah no. Nothing can fix the horribly undetailed models and flat textures. If anything the higher resolution just highlights how bad they are.

Also. fairy certain the Wii U can't handle having most textures be around 2048x2048. It looks be be sruggling to go over 512x512.

yes but cemu can.

Wii U is garbage hardware, but XCX is very impressive for it's hardware. And it scales much better in cemu than say the wii games in dolphin.

Oh wow. For an open world game that is actually pretty bad. They live on die on the amount of content.


Stop posting this.

now let's see their faces

Why does that image leave out a whole bunch of confirmed enemies? Eg: stalfos which have a totally unique moveset. Or Lynels.

>yes but cemu can.
That's not how it works user. Textures don't magically become bigger when you increase the resolution.

When was the last time you played a game on an actual xbox?

>this painting is much older by the way and looks even better
>a painting that took months to paint is somehow comparable with something that needs to display 60 pictures each second

>all that lag

It's going to look so good on PC

>even the IGN watermark is pixelated
You got a shitty image

That's the fucking point. XCX actually never compressed their textures on Wii U. They never bothered to compress them. That's why the game scales well in 1080p in cemu. It's also the reason why the game is 24 gigs.

It's the same as the pokemon 3d models for 3ds using a ridiculously high polygon count, far beyond what the 3ds can render.

>there are people ITT making fun of Nintendo graphics that play on ps4 or xbone

Hell even RDR looked better than this somehow. Grass still might be shit but god damn.

How are we going backwards?

>there are people in this ITT making fun of graphics and not playing on a PC

Yes that's another way to say exactly what I said
It's pathetic

It looks sort of comparable because the RDR image is tiny and everything is really far away.

That said the game does look really impressive from away(well, apart from the fact that everything is so blurry and jaggy it's almost impossible to see things clearly).

Not to mention most of the game is pretty damn simple from a graphics perspective. It kinda has the Zelda thing of just being a sort of flat landscape and someone sculpted the shit out of it and forgot to add all the models to add detail to the world.


Why would anyone play on PC?

Yep, pretty laughable.

Because that image makes it look look like a last gen title played on PC by comparison.

because your tomb raider assassin's creed mashup ubishit game is not worth getting over a PC


Care to name better looking games than THE PS4 has in its library.
PC graphics is on par with Switch.

That would be impossible as the PS4 has no games.

Also, that previous picture legit looks like Shadow of Mordor played on PC.


Nigga have you been huffing paint?

That's the biggest non-sequitur I've ever seen.

How did they do it?

RDR is literally the beginning of the end of the open world genre
>But instead of a city with an decently detailed design and lots of places of note its just """""The open west""""" and largely fuck all, on a horse, for miles.

It was impressive when it first came out but there's a reason they haven't remastered this game or done any other releases, they know it doesn't hold up.

Why is this an insult? There were a lot of good looking PS2 games.

Fucking graphics now are either uncanny valley shit that just makes me feel disconnected from having any fun.

wow BotW looks great

>2 years ago one of the most praised things about the game was its visuals.
2 years ago delusional fanboys praised visuals of an extremely ugly wii u game.

>the PC versions shit all over them and you needed a $1200 PC to run them decently
But that's wrong, I run HL2 on a 800$ bux pc from two years ago. Source was well optimized and not even that impressive in a year of Far Cry and Riddick. (Far Cry did rape video cards though)

>how did they do it?

They didn't, they just continually updated the engine and game throughout the years and it looks way better now than the original version did.

>you needed a $1200 PC to run them decently.

No you didn't, Half Life 2 & Doom 3 could run on 2001 hardware, Carmack even said Doom 3 was designed for Geforce 3

& it didn't look like that you fucking retard, that's lost coast with HDR, not HL2

I remember what made me go "wow" when first playing HL2 was the physics and the shaders. The textures, shadows and geometry were always a bit meh.

Oh and facial animations. That is still on par or even better than most modern games.

No it didn't, Xbox version was famous for it's long loading times

Also framerate drops when physics came into play

Reflections were nice as well.
I think you could even see peoples faces reflect in Kleiner's glasses unless I've created a false memory of it.

Who are you calling a retard? I never claimed that lost coast was the OG HL2. Also, sure, HL2 and Doom 3 could "run" on something like a FX series or GeForce 4 series... but not that great. We are talking around 40fps and 800x600 medium settings with a geforce 4.

>This meme again

Actually the move to 2007 Source actually had multiple downgrades, though small

the only improvement was re enabling shadows for antlions, which was disabled in the original version due to performance issues

>40fps and 800x600 medium settings with a geforce 4.

Still better than the Xbox

>Carmack even said Doom 3 was designed for Geforce 3
Carmack was a lying cunt because Doom 3 struggled on my Geforce 4.
I would have to play at substandard resolution to get even simple 30+ fps on medium settings. It was an awful experience.

3 was hopelessly outdated by the time of its release.

>still better than the xbox

Yes, of course it was. Consoles have always been pieces of shit since like the early 90s. Are you just passive aggressively agreeing with me or something?

All of my posts have been shitting on the xbox version of HL2 because an user seems to be claiming that a screencap of lost coast is an accurate representation of that version of the game.


Xbox ran it at 640x480 & it was worse than low settings with levels gutted & mirrors removed

Really sick of people who played Doom 3/HL2 on Xbox as kids & act like it ran at 1200p on Ultra at 60fps

>confirmed faggot who started his own console war with other PCfags without even realizing it just because they were pointing out that Doom 3 and HL2 were demanding games at the time

No, you seriously do get people who forget how the consoles ran them because you don't pay attention to that as a kid

like people refusing to believe OOT was 20fps is a good one, people actually tell me they remember it being a smooth 60fps