How the hell am I supposed to level up new characters mid game if they can't kill even the most basic of enemies as...

How the hell am I supposed to level up new characters mid game if they can't kill even the most basic of enemies as they all their stats increase to match your highest character?

Either make a new game or camp outside the bath can beat coins out of parking meters.

Is it this bad with characters you unlock midgame?

what characters mid game?
I have 8 characters and I just beat slick. Which feels like I'm a third through the game.
I aready had 6 after the tutorial.
I don't remember when I got Alex and Ryan.

Just In general. Cause you don't get everyone at the start and if starting a new game is the only viable way to level someone midway does that method apply to the unlocks too?

I'm not familiar with the genre but love River City Ransom. So I decided to give it a try.

The game suggested me to go with Story difficulty and you're getting constantly attacked by a lot of enemies even without provocating bystanders. And the few moves you have at the beginning don't seem very effective, compared to the original.

I'm probably just terrible at beat 'em ups but it wasn't fun. Refunded it.

By the time you have 8 characters the character you are using is like level 5 at best. Nothing a brand new characters can't handle after 10 mins of grinding parking meters.

But if you plan to suddenly change to a brand new character after you have taken out a few gang bosses than you are in for some trouble. I believe some enemies start getting new attacks after you beat a few bosses.

Are they really scaling? I'm steadily leveling up with Provie past level ten and one headspin is still enough to BARF a nigga.

To be fair though, this is also because I keep her stats up as well.

In other words, if we want to level up any extra characters then shortly after we run into Alex and Ryan is the time.

They are, I notice they take longer to Kill as Bruno after the second Bee Brother.

Also the enemies are doing new moves

>bugs out the ass
>police and a wanted system in a beat 'em up
>having to inconvenience yourself every time a regular guy ambles into the clusterfuck occuring
>enemies in the shop areas
>being knocked over takes an hour to get back up from
>text to determine status upgrades from food skips in one button press and takes forever to go through


They don't scale with level, but they do get stronger at certain points in the story.

Fight guys outside the spa, punch parking meters for change, go into spa to heal if needed. Literally rinse and repeat. And don't forget to buy new moves from the dojo's around town.

Cry more fuccboi. I've had zero bugs, though I have heard bugs are present.
Police can be avoided by hiding in a dumpster or a safehouse. Or you can git gud and fight them.
Regular people tend to fuck off once an enemy hits them and you wont get in shit for it, just block for 5 seconds until they're gone.
Enemies in shop areas is bullshit I'll give you that.
You can buy new moves to get up faster.
Text thing is a shitty throwback to RCR, but you just read the stats over once and remember what's good.

tl;dr It's not the worst "early access" game, they had to rush for the release date. They listen to the community so it could get better, but they want a nostalgia angle.

Yes. Or when you eventually get Alex and Ryan on the team.

I don't know the exact time you get them.

After the first Bee fight

Max level's 40, by the way.

>enemies in the shop areas
Only happened once. And that was because I brought him in by carrying his knocked down body.
>being knocked over takes an hour to get back up from
Continually tap 1 button to get up faster. mashing multiple buttons resets inputs.
>Cry more fuccboi. I've had zero bugs, though I have heard bugs are present.
No you haven't. Multiple attacks for every character are missing from the game right now. You have bugs. you just haven't notices.

It's not early access. There is no more game to add. You can finish it from start to finish. It is just riddled with bugs right now. Just a rushed release.

So I'm half way there.

Once you can go past the park a good way to grind money is beating up rich kids.

So there's a bug where you literally can't get into the dumpster if you're playing coop and have more than one player alive.

Makes the wanted system reeeeeeeaaaaaal fucking annoying.

Then go into the fuckin safe house.
Shit man, it ain't rocket science.

Yeah let me just run all the way back to a hideout every single time anyone accidentally hits a bystander.


You got to hit a bystander like 2-3 times before you get charged. You have to pick up their money within view of any other bystanders to get charged. You have to break things in front of bystanders to get charged.

In short. Don't be fucking stupid.

Good to know, thanks.

Or how about they fix their fucking game so the goddamn dumpsters work in coop? I'm gonna go with that one.

Well yeah. that too.
But in the mean time. Don't be a moron.

That's what they're doing. They rushed the release just to appease the kickstarter backers.

I didn't really haven fun playing this game. Grinding to get a basic moveset, in a beat 'em up, is not fun to me.

I fucking just found out that you can take the subway to Rollingwood after carrying the Milk wall they way by foot.

I fail to see the problem with enemies in the shop areas tho. The entire city is after you, the only reason the keepers aren't pulling out a baseball bat soon as you walk in is because they're the ones robbing your pockets.

Is there a glitch with saving games and multiplayer?

Get Good

>millenials complaning about difficulty

This is seriously way easier than the original RCR

Actually, we have been going over shit in steam. It is more of a lot of mislabing and misnaming though you aren't wrong in some attacks just not working. For instance, Provie's jump kick isn't a starting move as the controls would have you believe. You have to BUY the technique which is fucking retarded. 9 dollaroonies to unlock a button. My nigga.

Wounded Knee is also functional, but the game fails to tell you that you need to jump into the air and come down on a fallen enemy to make it work. Once again, retarded but we are learning little by little how to make certain attacks work.

Yes. Apparently they are working on a big patch to fix that but unless you're the host of the game all your progress is moot and goes back to what it was before you entered the game. Better grind out your chars before you go multiplayer.

Did they intentionally make Mike a shitty character?

>no combos
>thumb punch requires charging but does the same damage as a normal punch
>despite being labeled as a "grappler" doesn't start with any throws
>first throwing move you unlock does no damage
>only worthwhile move is his kick

Does Mike get better after early game? I really want to like Mike, but it's looking like I'll have to switch to Rudy if I want to play as a good grappler.

This game gets so, so much worse if you try to play it multiplayer, holy shit. It's literally unplayable.
Who thought a day/night cycle and wanted system in a beatemup were good things to have?

Rudy starts bad too

>day/night cycle
This much COULD work if handled in a non-intrusive manner.
>wanted system
>in a beat 'em up
This is inexcusable, though. Seems like they thought "oh hey, RCR/DNM is pretty open world and set in a city" and arbitrarily thought to add GTA-esque features to pander to millennial western kiddos.

If you're talking about the zero stats you can fix that by hitting reset at the char select screen I hear.