This is what killed Nintendo

since 1994/95 Nintendo's only success was to release a console for old people and children with gimmicks and a library of shovelware

>Unironically thinking that Playstation will outlive Nintendo.

>tfw I used to laugh at people saying Sup Forums was overrun with sonyniggers

This place is fucking unbearable these days.

>redditfugees honestly believe the switch won't lose 3rd party support

sonyggers, xbone and nintendo fanboys are equally delusional.

Blizzard and Valve fanboys are pretty bad too. And then you have steamcucks

latest poll 87% zelda vs 13% horizon

Don't worry Sup Forums is still ours.

>since 1994/95 Nintendo's only success was to release a console for old people and children with gimmicks and a library of shovelware

That's not wrong though.

Ok Sonygger.

I'd like to see Sony innovate and change the industry. Try to defend what the rip off of Nintendo. I've had my share of Sony consoles, but Nintendo focuses on delivering a fun game, not a movie with limited gameplay.

Just look at the main series sales and reception for Zelda and Mario. And the juggernaut that is Pokemon. They've set the benchmarks for what is considered standard. I don't see that with Playstation, which is now a low-end PC.

>the Wii doesn't count for 'muh casuals and soccer mom' excuse, despite the only reason the PS4 sales is the casual market
>PS3 still couldn't manage to outsell the 360 even after having support all through Generation 8
>generations of Nintendo handheld dominance don't count

>overran by Sonyggers
No they're just the most vocal minority, which is why they're considered the niggers of the board.

This is what led to the gamecube, healthy competition.

>innovate and change the industry.

>consolewar babies can't go two posts without complaining about the meta fanbase of a board no one is forcing him to stay on
eat shit

The gamecube was so good they had to cancel Burnout 3, GTA SA and Spy Hunter 2 because the system was too weak.

Berseria won 89% to 11% Horizon
I mean i love ToB but we can both agree Horizon would lose to a stick, since even said stick is more enjoyable to play with.

Yeah but it also made Nintendo actually try again when they knew they had to take their competition seriously, when Nintendo is on top they are content will selling wii sports tier games and making wii tier consoles.

>Nintendo actually try again
They tried so hard they ended up releasing Mario Sunshine and Starfox Assault. And their only decent game was made by FUCKING SEGA

Not really, Nintendo fans are just more eager to defend their games and Nintendo purchases than Sony fanboys.

I've played Horizon and BOTW, if you're basing your argument on what is more 'fun' to play then Horizon will win that category because the controls, camera, fighting combat mechanics are polished. BOTW feels, controls and plays like a 2007 game.

>3rd party support
Because everyone wants CoD 30 and Ass Creed 20

Shovelware Knight 4, Peggle 3 and other awesome Greenlight games.

Your pic speaks for itself.
The best thing nintendo ever created was the playstation.


>innovate and change the industry

Mario 324 / Zelda 23 / Pokemon 235
Basically the same old shit.

>because the system was too weak.
No, it was the storage limit from the GCN discs.

Do I need to remind you about RE4 again

you forgot the part where nintendo defended its portable turf from everyone including sony and manages to stay relatively strong even when it should have been already completely obliterated by smartphones