When will able bodied white cis gendered men stop ruining video games?
When will able bodied white cis gendered men stop ruining video games?
Oh no, video games might actually have some variety in their protagonist design.
How horrible.
I don't get it. It's not like this single panel is going enforce this is any way and it's not like they even said "Don't ever have white cisgender able-bodied male characters". Just literally consider having some other types of characters.
ive seen blacks in africa make a flash game where they have themselves as their main character.
if they want otherkin main characters then those landwhales will have to make their own games.
Bring back fuzzy and cuddly animals as main protagonists!
Why would even SJWs bother with an "otherkin" character in vidya?
Why wouldn't you just make that character a dragon to begin with?
It's so funny seeing pussy ass white boys get mad that the world doesn't revolve around them anymore.
The "good old days" are over, you fucking scum. Sorry you have to acknowledge that there are people who aren't like you now.
When someone else starts playing them?
Which Dev gave this presentation? will boycott all games from them.