When will able bodied white cis gendered men stop ruining video games?

When will able bodied white cis gendered men stop ruining video games?

Oh no, video games might actually have some variety in their protagonist design.

How horrible.

I don't get it. It's not like this single panel is going enforce this is any way and it's not like they even said "Don't ever have white cisgender able-bodied male characters". Just literally consider having some other types of characters.

ive seen blacks in africa make a flash game where they have themselves as their main character.

if they want otherkin main characters then those landwhales will have to make their own games.

Bring back fuzzy and cuddly animals as main protagonists!

Why would even SJWs bother with an "otherkin" character in vidya?
Why wouldn't you just make that character a dragon to begin with?

It's so funny seeing pussy ass white boys get mad that the world doesn't revolve around them anymore.

The "good old days" are over, you fucking scum. Sorry you have to acknowledge that there are people who aren't like you now.

When someone else starts playing them?

Which Dev gave this presentation? will boycott all games from them.


>reddit is literally on Sup Forums

Not even a guy but I'm pretty sure this is (Jewish/Elite) propaganda and indoctrination.

How about you just make characters that are best suited for the theme, genre and atmosphere of your game? You know, letting it come naturally?

But non-whites are literally beneath me.

That is insulting to all of the minorities and women that want to believe that their success is just as natural as a white man's success, which of course is not the case.

The medium, like all nerd things are being bullied because they know nerds are weak willed and bend easily. Its why feminists are fighting against videogame politics rather than the state of womens treatment in third world countries

>characters are defined by superficial details rather than their principles

also how the fuck am I going to play a game as a character in a wheelchair

>there are posters on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that came from Reddit and Tumblr
Christ this board is fucked.


Don't hand out (You)s willy fucking nilly. You'll tank the value.

>being an SJW apologist
Opinion instantly tossed out

I want to believe this is just fringe, mostly ignored shit at the conference. Something that a group of nu-males and their skittle hair colored girlfriends can pat each other on the back for, you know virtue signaling.

You mean (((You)))

Martin Luther King was a SJW.

Bull Connor was an anti-SJW.

you forgot the le troll face with your 2008 shitpost.

>All a person is, was, and can be, is their race/sexuality/sex/cripple-status

Man that's pretty racist, sexist, and cripplist.

Also wouldn't that mean that the only measurement that matters is those, so by that logic cripples are objectively the worst class of human?

Yeah, when I consider myself superior to someone I too like to spend all day complaining about how they're becoming more relevant and successful than me.

Sorry I'm in your safe space.

Considering SJW is literally just an attempt to turn being a good and decent person into an insult, you can consider me more than just an SJW "apologist".

You have to admit it, whites have been getting their asses kicked for the past 60 years, the past 20 have been absolutely brutal on them. The next 50, they likely won't even be around.

I don't even hate white people, at all. But honestly, you colonize and rape the entire world then try to destroy it with climate change because of your greed, you didn't expect to win, did you?

this to be honest :/

We need more games where you play as dinosaurs or dragons.

I guess just making black protagonist is not enough, you have to make sure no one will remotely consider buying it so the disabled protag


pretending to be retarded is the same as being retarded, friendo

I can't wait for an influx of non-humans, considering how the vast majority of games have human protagonists.


You can have a non-white non-male character and still have a good game with good writing. This really isn't the issue in and of itself.

I could play as a cardboard box. I just want a fun game.

>that haircut
>that message

Yup, just more proof of the indoctrination factory of post secondary

No, cis gendered white men made the best and most entertaining games.

They even invented video games.


Non-white here.
Why are always the white people forcing their multiculturalism and Marxism shit? I mean they sure are jews but only whites people believe them.

White people likes to cuck themselves for free?

As a non-white, I really prefer White as MC, I find disgusting use niggers or spics like me in vydia.

Where were you when video games died?

I don't get this stupid fucking "able-bodied" shit. I'm disabled and at no point do I go "man if only this protagonist in this action game had a heart defect like me so he can't go more than 30 feet without feeling tired and hsving his vision black out, that way he's just like me!".

That's fucking retarded. I want to play as exceptional people, not worthless people.

All I can say is that the world is fucked if the Chinese or the Indians take our place.

Why would nobody buy a game with a disabled protagonist?

nice false flagging pol

>being good and decent person
>openly disparaging and shaming white males based on the color of their skin and their gender/sex
>good person
Truly initiated the thought process

only blacks care about it desu

>Those fucking bullet points
I'm convinced the person who made this is retarded and I'm retarded now just by seeing it.

you're just as much of a pathetic cuckold as multikulti marxists, but for different reasons

So you're a non able bodied male scum ?

once upon a time Sup Forums used to agree that devs needed to change shit up. Then something happened.

It is. There are multiple panels and events going on at the same time, you're allowed to attend or not attend whatever you want, and they all have descriptions, it's not like you are forced to attend any of this or don't know exactly what you are walking into.

>Genghis Khan literally murdered and raped his way across half the planet
>China is the biggest polluter on the planet

But you know what? I wouldn't mind white people being gone. Because the human race wouldn't last very long after that. There would be a short and brutal rule of chinks and that's it.
What, you think niggers are going to rule the planet. Not on your life Jamal.

If conservatives don't like video games having a liberal bias, why don't they just make their own?

So...Sup Forums was right again. LITERALLY

8 years

>white people
>being little whiny bitches
This one checks out.

>Sup Forums has actually been overrun by SJW cuckolds
This board is finished. Anyone know if 4+Sup Forums Sup Forums is any good?

Yes, they put a wig on and called them "women".

That's literally the worst message they can give

to practice their civic duty of never creating another /ksg/ again.

I have cerebral palsy and I don't like how people are pushing politics in games.
And I am being honest here, a protagonist that's crippled would be pretty fucking boring and bad.


If leftists don't like games, why don't they make their own instead of attacking them in the media and strongarming them into complying with their views rather than the developers artistic view?

Serious talk - there's not much that they can do with physically disabled characters (for obvious reasons of course unless if it's some kind of self-insertion fantasy,) but there's plenty they can do with mentally ill characters. In fact many games already utilize this unconsciously.

A disabled character would a neat choice for a horror game though.

>default should be the minority
RIP democracy

>racism is bad except when it's against white people
Truly a tolerant and accepting group lmao. Keep doubling down on the toxic identity politics that lost the democrats any and all power in the government. Surely that'll work in 2020.

I still agree. We need more black hair, blond hair, brown eyes, green eyes, different hair/beard styles, etc.

No shitskins though.


>he thinks white men are losing power
Some day you'll learn how the world really works, Tyrone.

Reminder that 96% of the population is straight.

triggered white boy detected

All humans are bisexual.

>tfw European mythology and history is going to get blacked.

>5 people in the room
>some of them went there to laugh(the guy taking the pics)

Has there ever been a horror game where you're a legit schizo or something but there are still actual things out to kill you so you're never sure what's real?

Dang, it's almost like that's how people have used racism for the last 20 years.

>but someone of a darker shade did something a thousand years ago!

We don't need white people, they've hurt the planet more than they've helped it. You realize it was Africans that started civilization? I'm not even a believer in utopian ideals, but damn, if white disappeared, you'd be near it. You'd certainly end imperialism, colonialism, 99% of all violent and petty crime (they're systemic in nature) and the system, globally, is oppression from whites.

Other nations on the other side of the world are only starting to breath on their own, they've been in the fist of white supremacy for so long. Islam founded the numerical alphabet used today and mathematics, whites stole it and destroyed the middle east and still are today.


Nice quads. They eally magnify your extreme whining.

They do. Pretty much every game has been made by leftists.

The only notable exceptions are Bible Adventures for the NES, Giopi: Mission Majority, and Ethnic Cleansing.

We need more games about killing leftists.


I can imagine what will happen to the brainwashed listeners of this crap after they get job in making mobile game and realize you have to insert tits to be able to stay even remotely relevant in landscape where same games dominate charts for years.

>Bonnie (((Ruberg)))

It keeps happening

I'm not bisexual. You fucking faggot.

These people are killing entertainment.

All of Silent Hill's protagonists are severely mentally ill for starters.

It's like no one bothered to teach these people when they were kids that negative reinforcement is still reinforcement aimed at a positive goal. Making fun of a fat person isn't supposed to make them fatter; it's supposed to convince them that being fat is bad for them and hopefully make them start taking better care of themselves.

4 basic ways to get convince someone to take action.
Give them something they want. (A treat)
Take away something they don't want. (Relief)
Give them something they don't want. (A beating)
Take away something they want. (Their self esteem)


looking at the pics there is almost nobody there so why do you give a shit

>1 Shekel has been added to your bank account

Sorry to hear that, dude.

>End White Human Skin Coloured Bandaids as the Default!

Yeahp, its that stupid of a comment

This is true tho. Whether people want to admit it or not. You can't avoid politics unless your game is totally abstract like tetris. It's just that SJW politics is still rottten politics to inject into video games.

>white people are whiners
t. Tyrone "blacks are completely and totally equal under every single US law and even get some advantages and slavery has been over for 200 years but there's still racism" Jackson

Honestly what the fuck does """"""""""""cis"""""""""""" mean?

>Sup Forums is now full of Republicans

What happened?

Oh, I can't wait to play a game as a fucking tranny Mexican paraplegic. How exciting.

>you're not allowed to like whites


It's already funny, but it'd be even funnier if you actually believed that.