I missed Wow was good

I missed Wow was good

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>An entire expansion pack revolving around a Warcraft 3 April Fools joke.

Li Li is cutest

Yet it was canonized in TFT.

So do pandaren just get fat once they reach sexual maturity? I can't remember seeing a thin adult one.

But you don't know what it gave.
Boners. It gave me boners.
If this was all erased, gone from existence, all those nights of fapping... Lost... Like tears... In the rain...

It's they're culture to eat a lot, so they become fat.


OK... I need more evidence

Mop was the height of pvp

t. multi r1

>post BC
Wrath was decent

Everything cataclysm and beyond has been pretty fucking bad though, since they focus on nothing but heroic/mythic raids and everything else is designed as an afterthought to keep casuals subbed.

Fucking ironic since they said they wouldn't focus on developing for the top 2% like they did with late vanilla, yet here we are, I guess recycling raids into LFR modes pulls enough wool over peoples eyes.

It was never good. Everytime someone admits to having played WoW at any point in their lives I automatically think less of them as a person.

Have you ever seen a skinny panda bear in real life?

It's better than the fucking garbage orcs vs. humans, void lords and demons we have now.


Eternal reminder that Pandaren were considered for the game as early as the first expansion pack.

Yet despite them developing for the top percent of raiders, they balance around arena pvp. It makes no sense.

PvP and PvE are balanced differently.

>not-China is better than what Warcraft has stood for from the start

I want to impregnate a Pandaren

Jade Forest was objectively the best zone. You can't prove me wrong.


Yes, the Alliance race in BC was going to be Samurai Pandas according to sources (promotional material was seen), before they discarded the idea right before they announced the expansion and ass pulled Draenei.

>Got into WoW after the sale it had over Christmas
>Haven't ever tried playing it seriously until now
WoW is pretty fun. If you guys say it sucks now, goddamn I want to know what it was like in the past

to be fair it didn't turn out that bad, at least in the case of the females

Shit, i didn't mean to reply

The music team really went all-out on MoP.

>that feel when get to go back as a Monk in Legion

It's a shame you can't get back to the Wood of Staves

It's pretty good now, senpai. At least it isn't mid-Cata or all of WoD.

>Blizzard tricked everybody into getting back to WoW with MoP being decent
>WoD and Legion are irredeemable shit
Truly they are masterful jews.

It's a massive shame that WoD was such trash, because the Art and Music teams have only been getting better with time.

However, the Legion soundtrack has been slightly underwhelming

It really was, Orcs are not sympathetic at all given all the bullshit retcons and stupidity that surrounds them

Blame it on the lead writer's self inserted orc.

>Orcs commit genocide on Draenei
>Say sorry
>Everyone forgives them
I just want Blizzard to stop this bullshit

post lily cunni

why would Orcs commit mass genocide on Draenei instead of mass rape, anyway

You can't rape the willing, idiot.

i e been play elysium shits pretty pimp

Thank god there's a new XIV expansion coming out soon.

I want to breed a Draenei

I also wish the horsecock meme didn't catch on because there's nothing attractive about a long floppy monster energy drink can for a dick

Orcs did nothing wrong. Didn't hurt nobody.


what's female Laharl's opinion on this subject

for research

And yet it was easily amongst the best of all the expansions.

Questing storylines were easily 10/10 though

>that feel when you found the cliffside the Cinematic took place in

That she is

that popsicle's too big for her mouth

Exactly, they should be nice and suckable, something I can wrap my mouth tongue around completely.

like me?

Look, son, that obviously ain't no popsicle

Literally one of the best expansions. People shouting "m-muh Kung Fu Panda" don't have a clue what they're talking about.

Don't you also get an achievement for fixing the little stick thinggy there?

thats the filename

But I also want something that doesn't remind me of half a gummy worm.

I dunno man.
I'm a sucker for snow levels and climbing up Kun-lai Summit was cozy as fuck.


>It's a shame you can't get back to the Wood of Staves
I bet you can with a bit of walljumping.

why do you have to be mean


I dunno, you just strike me as a cuck, and most cucks I know are into small cock humiliation as well.

I really hope you guys are just fucking with me. I quit playing WoW right around the time Cataclysm dropped, heard about the panda expansion, had no desire to come back, didn't play for 5 years then finally came back due to Legion hype. Ended up getting bored of Legion in about 2 months.

I've played every expansion and I can say that MoP was easily my favorite one. My only complaint would Timeless Isle because it was such a boring fucking zone with nothing to do but grind elite mobs.

Sorry user, but it's true. It's miles better than WoD and Legion

All you really missed out on is ToT aka the best raid since Ulduar.
Everything else ranged from ok to meh tier.

I don't even have a small dick so that's just rude


Prove it, user.

Nope. MoP was like a renaissance for WoW, with the only problem being Timeless Isle which started the trend of welfare gear zones for final patches. Even then, MoP on its own was excellent, made even better by the low expectations.WoD sucked ass, and Legion is only good if you plan on sticking to one character.

>mfw an expansion about panda people was unimaginably better than the expansion about orcs that came after it

It depends on what you play for, I love the story / lore and I thought Pandaria knocked it out of the park.

It's aesthetically, musically, and lore-wise the most fun I've had with leveling in WoW since my vanilla/TBC days - and it's saying a lot, since those days were obviously more characterized by how new and exciting everything seemed.

>about orcs

Hahaha, no.

>about orcs in an alternate timeline that takes place before WCI: Orcs and Humans that now affects the main timeline and brings back a character that has been dead since WC2 purely as an excuse to bring Illidan back

I play for raiding and lore. Both of them were top notch. Hell, even PvP was alright, although I hated the fuck out of Kotmogu.

>good if you plan on sticking to one character.
>insane balance patches like "+20% damage to this ability" or "-15% damage to this ability"

It was crazy good, the only problem I had was the dailies but it was really small. The questing was great, the raids, the factions and you could fly as soon as you hit 90.

It was all about orcs and it was the true beginning of the end for WoW. Pandaren > Orcs.

Vanilla: >the golden age
TBC: >the platinum age
WotlK: >the bronze age
Cata: >the dark age
MoP: >the endless torment age
WoD: >the end
Legion: >the eternal abyss

Prove me wrong

You literally can't

More like:
MoP: >A flicker of hope
WoD: >lol nope

Oh god did you miss out, user. I don't even know where to begin, sure some may fall to personal taste but that expansion had it ALL. Music, zones, raids, new content, story, it was amazing to see so much effort come out of Blizz. It was like they put genuine love into MoP development.

Any good MoP private servers?

>14 month content draught
>genuine love

fuck off idiot

>Blaming MoP for WoD being stuck in development hell

Yeah, tell me about it.

Highly unstable and time-consuming, but had a great community.

>Burning Crusade
It's a more stable vanilla with an even bigger community, top notch

>Wrath of the Lich King
Became a little more casual, but it was extremely fun.

Strong start, but then literally nothing happened for 66% of the expansion onward, and had an underwhelming finish.

>Mists of Pandaria
It was basically a second Wrath of the Lich King that got better with each patch, where the only problems were the cloak quest, the timeless isle, and people being buttmad faggots over having alcoholic chinabears star in a lead role for 40% of the plot.

>Warlords of Draenor
A mortal wound on the game. It was more barren than Cataclysm, had meh-tier raids, abysmal PvP and story, and of the TWO major patches, one of them was dedicated to selfie-cameras and fucking twitter integration, as well as unlocking a raid that was already in the game files.

Gameplay wise, we've reached vanilla-tier dedication requirements and instability, but they keep spacing out and dragging out content to the point where you have nothing to do if you main one toon, but you'll never keep up with anyone if you play alts. Plus, there's barely anyone left in the game.

there are none, all the private server autists are still creaming themselves over Vanilla.
We will be lucky to even see a quality TBC server by 2020.

Damn it guys, youre making me want to re-sub.

Ive been clean since Legion came out

Yes retard, wod was mop content.

A very precise run-down of things.

the fuck are you on about

5.4 lasted 14 months you spastic

Wanna know why retard? Because of wod.

>timeless isle

>he wasn't one shotting everyone with 2m chaos bolts and laughing
>he wasn't knocking people off the tight rope area

>still creaming themselves over Vanilla

That's because Vanilla is the only one that's an entirely different experience. Vanilla is the era before the game was 100% focused on endgame content. Private servers for other expansions would essentially be retail with different balance and a different set of raid dungeons.

Timeless Isle was fun only for the ganking.
That shit was absolute chaos and the salty bitter tears from people on the forums complaining about PvP happening on a PvP server was glorious.

>flying is content now

Blizzard is lost.

The best thing about timeless isle was the free for all pvp item.

>Blizzard will never add a censer again that lets you kill your own faction's players

>tfw no more giant censer VS normal player fights

>le MoP was good

Did people seriously forget 12 months of SoO?

really makes you think

>There's a rare up in the cave underwater

>Blizzard will never add a censer again that lets you kill your own faction's players
Ivory talon in legion.

>le mop was bad because a raid lasted 14 months

Irrelevant, the quality of the expansion was there anyway.

I liked MoP but I'd say it was on par with Legion. All the dailies killed MoP for me even if other content was really good, Legion toned that down a lot and even though the shit to do is still repetitive it's not as bad.

>This is awesome, life size Warcraft 3! Holy shit is that a kodo herd???
>Whoa now we get to go through the dark portal! HOLY SHIT ITS HUGE!!
>The raids and pvp are awesome! This game just keeps getting better!
>Huh, I liked the old world better. Everything is so whimsical and goofy now. Well, the raids are not bad and the pvp is still pretty fun..
>Wow, the art and music are fantastic! Hey, where are half my buttons? O-oh... w-well, PvP is terrible but the raid designs are pretty cool I guess.. at least it can't get worse.
>How is this possible? How is a game with this much funding and history made so bad? I quit. I guess it's time to face facts: WoW has run its course.
>.....What is this feeling? I'm... having fun? It's not as good as the classics, but it's a step in the right direction.

>12 months of SoO
>Less than 1% of players cleared H Garrosh on either 10 or 25 before 6.0 dropped

It may have been overdone, but the last 3 bosses were all 13/10

>tfw hunters will never know how fun H Blackfuse was