Have you apologised yet?
Yeah, I apologized to my eyes for putting them through such torture.
Do you feel like you fit in now?
Dear Bioware,
I am sorry that your women are so ugly
I am sorry that your writing is trash
I am sorry that I will not be purchasing your game
>he doesn't fit in
Seeing your true colors now.
Apologized for what?
>fitting in on an anonymous chinese memes and frogposting board where no one knows who you are or even if you are one poster or the next
Fem Ryder still looks like an abortion.
Peebee looks a tiny bit better I think maybe.
Someone get to posting the webms.
You know the one boys.
>admitting you're a shill
>being this buttmad
Can you show me where I told you to buy anything?
>arguing with people who want to fit in on an anonymous chinese memes and frogposting board where no one knows who you are or even if you are one poster or the next and trying to change their opinions
Sounds counter productive.
Meant to this unfitting lad here
>shitposters spend all day shitting on the game calling SJW even though there isn't anything SJW about it
>game has nudity and sex
>gameplay looks good
>b-but muh SJW
>muh shitposting
>"ammo collected"
This still triggers me
>discussing with this kind of people
Are you a masochist?
Why even bother coming here?
Still looks like shit.
No music makes it seem worse too.
>that fucking childish dialogue
Think I'll give this a miss
>Why even bother coming here?
I ask myself this everyday.
I like vidya and shitposters aren't going to stop me.
>I like vidya
Man, I have some terrible news for you.
The combat looks ok. I'm more interested in how the exploration turns out so I'm waiting on more videos.
The writing is trash.
The "scan everything to see what to do" hand holding was grating.
All in all I'll see what the actual rest of the gameplay looks like before deciding whether to buy it in a sale or not. So far it's a not.
Daddy told us not to be ashamed of our character models.
Her hips are too wide.
I already cracked up at 00:12 with that animation and closed the video.
I only want this game to be a massive success just for the tears on Sup Forums.
Why can't Bioware design any cool alien party members?
>more loyalty missions
Me too.
The buttmad and tears from all the shitposters after Horizon Zero Dawn was confirmed good were epic.
The amount of tears and butthurt over MEA will be even worse, we may even get shitposters killing themselves and having strokes through sheer rage.
It will be glorious :^)
>those animations
>that dialog
>that combat
Have a (you)
Why do people get so ass pained about this? They're not the focus of the game like ME2. Guy in the video even says this mission is being done after the critical path.
For what? The shitty animation, bland textures, and boring uninspired combat.
This game has nice butts
we've had this discussion a million times, if you can't be bothered then fuck off
>can't play as a smuggler/bounty hunter in the original galaxy in a game focusing on making bank and making a name for yourself in the criminal underworld
Oh ok. Would it make you feel better if they were just called companion specific questlines? Would that make you feel less like a therapist? There's no reason not to have missions that tie specifically to your squadmates. Mass Effect 1 had them, Fallout New Vegas had them, etc.
requires imagination and effort
Because designing cool aliens requires effort. Why go to the effort of creating animations and clothing/armor for a unique alien when you can just take a turian body and a human head, slap some Lekku on it and call it a day?
Why is renly here?
>can't romance yourself
>can't play as a narcissist
>no romance scenes jerking off in front of the mirror
Can we kill of Peebee yet?
I'll buy the game right now if we can
Why did faggot SJWs latch on to Mass Effect so much?
Because Bioware caters to them.
>no romance scenes jerking off in front of the mirror
now i can't play as a self insert
why can't I fuck my sister what the fuck Bioware?
>call it pre-release to excuse their god awful animations
Agreedo. Bioware cater to every other deviant fetish but apparently incest is just too much.
>confirmed good
you fell for the ign meme bud
Peebeepie is the protagonist of the story.
>andromeda have 2 collectors edition
>the main game not included
>wahh why isn't everything mocapped and over polished like cod wah i want set pieces that look like films or im not playing
Literal cancer. Bioware remembers that games are games.
This IS the most retarded shit I've ever read
huh? what are you saying? What?
were you raised in a barn?
Has bioware apologized for ME3? No? Then suck my dick
>can't even flirt with sister
>her name is actually peebee
Bioware must be fucking with us at this point.
did the fix the horrendous animation yet?
I know jack shit about Mass Effect lore but why the asari chick isn't wearing a helmet while rest of the companions does?
Plus isn't this gate console looks too familiar with stargate consoles from "Stargate"?
Are you autistic? Literally no one is saying this.
I just wonder if it was their intention from the start or if they noticed those types loving their shit and shifting as a company to cater to them.
There was gay shit in BioWare games as far back as KotOR I guess.
It's the latter. They also realized they're easier to please than the grognards that used to make up their fanbase.
Honestly better than anything coming out of Japan lately.
dat handholding
those eyes are huge
>Just want a cool scifi space saga about exploring an unknown galaxy
>Its going to be full of shit bioware writing, shit bioware animation, shit bioware tumblr garbage, shit and now pretty much non existent bioware rpg mechanics
I guess I just won't buy the game.
Bioware employs a racist. Fuck them
Oy vey goyim, there's no such thing as reverse racism, if anything YOU are the racist for even insinuating that it does! :^)
>Killing nuLiara
I hope it fails