Any good game that doesn't do this?

Any good game that doesn't do this?

Everquest has some very butt-ugly females for trolls and ogres. Iksars also manage to avoid lizard tits.
WoW's kind of hit and miss with this, too.

>wanting to play as an ugly girl

Both genders are equally attractive though, I don't see the issue

Don't devs do this because barely anyone picks ugly choices for female characters when there's a pretty choice available?

Pick something that's not Blizzard of Japanese.

Yes. But peolpe who complain about these sort of things don't know this because they don't play videogames.

Even the women who play games like these don't complain.

people want humanoid races
people don't care about beast races at all

Pretty much. If the choice is between a sexy succubus race female and an ugly orc female, you just know 99% of people will pick the former.


nope. good games are the only ones that do this.

Yes. Including women.

Logical conclusion is that the people who bitch about this don't play videogames.

I love ffxiv but fuck the au ra are awful. I always like playing monster races and was excited when i heard about a dragon race. Imagine my disappointment when i saw elezen who like to dress up in scales. In order to play a horrifying disproportionate grotesquery I had to roll a lalafell. Oh well.

Fuckin normies.

>Charr and Asuran sit at the bottom

I played a black guy, I was the only black human player I ever saw. Saw plenty of the other 2 though.

>Controversial (unlike Draenei and Pandaren)
I believe people had been asking for Goblins since Vanilla, BC at latest.

>Reading the Roegadyn description
>"Something about a behemoth Roegadyn healing other players is cheerfully subersive"
>mfw I read "cheerfully submissive"
>mfw submissive Roe women

>Picking anything else when Lalafell exist

I wish there were just more crazy character creators. I realize it'd be dumping a lot of resources without much return but it'd please every party if you were able to make characters as human/inhuman as you wanted. Although I'm sure you'd run into armor clipping.

That's not true. Plenty of fem gnomes, trolls, undeads and even some orcs in WoW

>Charr fags get btfod

no because all games that don't do that have a political agenda and don't actually focus on anything but catering to the feminist crowd

>Best character creator
>Game is utter shit

It's not fair.


Might want to read it again.
>goblins were never controversial

>not posting the fifth one

more realistic

i mean its pretty obvious when you think of it.

hambeast women, despite being the ones who complain about not being "represented" in games, don't actually WANT to be hambeasts in game. they either play things like gnomes so they can be cute or they want voluptuous "actual curvy" women like Human Females in WoW (who are still really skinny).

ironically, i'd be willing to be that the few women that actually play weird female characters are ones that are attractive in real life so they don't give a fuck

Christ that looks so much more aesthetically pleasing. I wouldn't even mind if the females ended up cosplay tier, as long as these designs at least made it into the game.

>orcs, trolls, and demons

Well I know better now.

I think I'm in love with that Roegadyn. If you can make them brown, I may actually spend money on FF14

see dont think too hard on it

Don't make me cry over impossibilities user.

I think you can.

HUGE titties, too.

Female Roes look like a bodybuilder decided he wanted to be trans.

No matter how small and dainty you try to make them, they will always have a chiseled jaw, Truckasaurus Rex hands and a suspiciously large adams apple.

Also, despite still being mostly cosplay tier, the original female concepts were still more interesting than the final result as well.

FemRoes look gorgeous though.

I started off as a Duskwight, then switched to the other elf because I wanted to be like Lady Iceheart.

then I regretted using my only fantasia. I could've been a huge tittied femroe or a cute cat

Wow. Those look a million times better.

As long as they still have appealing features

Yes dude, there is something called suspension of disbelief. It is possible to believe that there are other humanoid races in a universe. But it's fucking stretching it to believe that every single one of these races females look exactly like our own.

How did they fuck up this bad? Did the fanbase bitch and moan that it wasn't just slapped on horns or something? Did they just give up trying to implement those designs in?

thats the same though

its just a normal woman with a tail and claws, thats some fkn skyrimnexus shit

>Charr and Baraka
Just judging by these two images, it's probably because they look kind of dumb.

>Goblins and Roegadyn
Nothing wrong with these two, they're just a bit too niche for most people's preferences. I did enjoy the fact that my Roe tended to stand out in parties more than other characters. They're like the opposite end of the spectrum from Lalafell's.

You can, under the Hellsguard subrace. They look pretty fucking boss.


Why play an ugly woman in a game? Why make beast races at all, or why not just make them exclusively male? So people can whine "why aren't there female [beast race]?" and when its added nobody plays it?

Male Roe = best dance

>options should be limited to suit my taste and mine alone

Hellsguard = Pale to brown
Seawolf = Green to ghostly

they can be attractive without being recolored humans

It's more like this

because they're fun.

Look my dude. When you make videogames you have to appeal to a public, not cater to everyone because you don't have the money nor the time.

The VAST majority of people would rather play as pretty women than ugly women.

If women want more diversity in female characters in games, why don't they become 3D modelors?

Exactly, my tastes are superior to all others. Why have female Orcs at all when no one is going to play them? Why have furry catfolk when that's going to be the only people playing them, furries?

female roes are so hot holy fuck

i'm this close to dropping 25 dollars to play again and make my character a roe

Welcome to femroes.

Anime vs Elder Scrolls treatment.

No, they can't.

so how about them snektits?

I hope they continue to do this.
Could also make the monster handsome for the girls.

I just picked this up again to make one Of The new dark knights, spent about an hour in the creator then half an hour ingame before I got bored

They're already handsome you pleb

What went wrong?

The demon one is justified.

Demonic males symbolize evil through brutality and violence.
Demonic females symbolize evil through corruption and temptation.

Video games aren't made for faggots. Sorry OP

Do it. But if you do it on balmung expect lalafells to crush on you

Too humanoid on the right, >Bethesda on the left.

The core gameplay of BDO is not bad. I find its combat and life skill shenanigans fun.

BDO sucks because of the huge amount of pay 2 win in the game (pay 2 not grind is pay 2 win, don't let anyone tell you otherwise), and how the game is ENTIRELY RNG based, particularly enchanting and boss drops.

I've been playing it since beta, and I still do not have a single piece of gear above DUO or a single boss drop because RNG hates me. And since I refuse to wallet warrior my way through the market, I'm stuck with subpar gear permanently.

Oh and it also forces you to shell out real money for pets since you basically NEED them in order to grind since they auto loot for you.

And all of this is a huge tragedy because its combat is just FUN. If they could get rid of the huge RNG, pay 2 win, and desync problems then the game would be top 5 material.

>What went wrong?
The Western one doesn't make my dingus tingle as much.


My character wasn't on Balmung.
I can't even play the game well since I'm a spic and get lag, so AoEs fuck me over.

But holy fuck my dude I want to make one right now.
maybe a new character on Balmung. I'll get that sweet main quest exp for something that isn't fucking Dragoon

I want to rub right one's belly, but at the same time I'm a bit creeped out by how human it looks.

Truly a dying breed.

Ok that part at the end looked really silly. Still hot though

I'm wondering where the fuck is right one's penis.


As I know most of girls are not like this Elf.

The one on the left is a dragon. Says so a bunch of times in the game. Are you learning impaired?

Left looks like a fictional animal, right looks like a fucking lizardman.



my dream is to be a cute elf paladin who's actually super lustful but fights against her own carnal desires to remain a virgin

wildstar had hideously ugly female characters. It had hideously ugly male characters too, and it was a hideously ugly game really

Somehow, this pic makes me think in that another pic related.

>draw a bumblebee
>call it a wasp
>say it's a wasp well over a hundred times in an attempt to hypnotize or brainwash your audience into thinking it's a wasp
>they still call it a bumblebee because it looks like a bumblebee

Because males force them to make generic sexy shit.

>being such a huge faggot
pick related literally don't do this

why did you reply to me though

Who wouldn't want to stare at a hot woman over a disgusting monster? Is it really that difficult?

then there should be a company run by only women! wait...

>picking anything other than alien in STO
>with that char creator

Are you high? It maybe a pile of shit but the creator was one of the best around.

>everything should be vanilla cosplay tier monster girl shit

fug my bad.

look here dammit

>inb4 "but they're not what other sources call dragons"

Pic related. It's a reyna.

Is there a game with a centaur race? I don't think I've ever seen one.

centaur race = different skeleton = different animations = too complicated = no

They can be delicious brown.

>Tfw no games have stronk 7 ft orc women