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In my most recent playthrough 2 in-game weeks later when I was walking the road between Nipton and Mojave Outpost I got sidetracked and kill a few radscorpians by a crashed jetplane and then I noticed his corpse lying out in the open desert

he even wore the powder ganger clothing variant without the jacket, like he died from thirst or heat and some shit

I got a good chuckle and left his corpse un-looted

I think he dies by running directly into radscorpions.

I think he actually gets killed by the Rad Scorpions right after talking to you, though that's only what I've heard, never actually paid attention to where he went.

Is trying to figure out downscaling worth it if the only thing making an ENB shit is the AA? And if my game currently looks like this? I just like AO.

Yes, he's so high on winning, he runs directly into a radscorpion den.

do lightning/weather mods impact performance? im currently happy with a stable 40 fps on a toaster at uni but the nights that are basically just daytime are starting to bug me

also on that note, are there any mods that detect how dark it is with mods like nevada skies and make enemy ai react accordingly?

why is FNV so great compared to fo4?


It was made by the people who originated the franchise and Bethesda helped. FO3 and FO4 were pure Besthesda.

haha this was a good game

6 years ago

>only just got around to finishing OWB
>le wacky science jokes everywhere xd


>Comedy is not to my taste
>Therefore it is shit

I finally beat fallout 4 and I pretty much had to force myself to finish it

the weapons are probably the shittiest part of the game even worse than the pathetic story.
you can get a tiny knife that does way more damage than a super sledge. nothing makes sense with the weapons in that game.

>he missed the fact taht it's wacky on the top only because of how dark and fucked up it is underneath

Realistic Wasteland Lighting with Realistic nights option.
Looks great, removes annoying orange filter, and makes nights considerably darker but not TOO dark so that you can't see anything.

The humor is reddit tier.

I didn't miss that, it doesn't excuse how grating everything gets by the time you reach the end.

It's not bad per se but by the time I got to the ending slides and they were still memeing the sink personalities I was glad it was over. Like the other user said it's reddit tier in the sense that it repeats the same joke ad nauseum for the entire dlc.

how does that impact performance ?

Realistic Wasteland Lighting or Realistic Wasteland Lighting Enhancement guys? I don't really care that much about the extra weathers but I'm unsure whether I continue using RWLE or switch to RWL, because I'm unsure which is better.

So that weird autosave thing, is it across all bethesda games or just 3/NV?

What ENB? looks good.

What do you mean?


Idk how good AO is, but Reshade is useful for making nice looking games, rivals ENB imo, unsure whether it comes with AO though.

Ugghhh oh my god smell that air

ReShade has no Ambient Occlusion for F3/FNV because of the weird Depthbuffer it has, Crosire himself said it would take a lot of work to get it to work properly.
So ReShade can't do any kind of depthbuffer related shader injection in F3/NV, which yes, includes AO.

> bethesda shills trying to make fallout relevant be like

Apparently saving a game that was loaded from an autosave causes massive save bloat and is probably what leads to long loading times and some crashing


wait so how do you get around that

I used to run on autosaves a lot in 3 and NV and it only caused issues in NV.


Only really noticeable on console.

t. Trying to finish the dlcs with a 60 hour save on my ps3

>Fresh save
>Trying to kill the convicts in Primm with the Varmint rifle
>9mm doing more damage than 5.56

there's an autosave manager called CASM that creates a different kind of autosave

Oh jeez, I remember on my PS3, the lighting would screw up and the game would start going down to less than 1fps after an 40 mins to 1 hour, this was on the Ultimate Edition so I don't know if that had something to do with it.

>mfw normal/hard is too easy, but hardcore is too hard

I can't ever play this game because I constantly obsess over what the 'best' gun is so I can base my character around it

This is autism

>expecting FNV to be realistic

Build for a melee courier?


Hardcore to me always just felt like pointless tedium on top of bad difficulty (just increasing enemy stats). I only enjoyed hardcore with mods.

High STR and END, have good AGI, the rest are variable, with CHA probably being a dump stat.
Heavy Handed trait

grab whatever melee perks you see. I'd recommend tagging melee, survival and whatever else fits. If you get good survival early you can craft all sorts of stuff to help with melee and get the Travel Light perk if you wear light armor

Let's keep this in the groove, hey? Smooth moves, smooth..

What mods, famlam?
I don't wanna simply bullet sponge enemies but something more realistic (enemies die easily if hit critically and so do I).

Knock knock was just way toooo much fun with my melee guy


>10mm makes the convicts explode into meat bags and gibs
That's accurate.

I let him live today.
come back more than an hour later.
just running around like a madman in between legion patrol and radscorpions.

fucker is invincible if you leave him be.


Also good to level unarmed for the perks.

Getting jumped by a cazador out of nowehere

Yeah that too

Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes.

I'm not using one.
RWL and Dynavision 3 (just the subtle DoF and the RWL lighting setting).

I honestly am unsure of all of my mods that affect stuff like that but JSawyer Ultimate and Project Nevade Rebalance Module go along way to alleviate bullet sponging (also anything you dislike you can reset to vanilla values, and new features can be turned off). They both have great customisability. I recommend looking at the entire JSawyer changelog before you get it though because there could be something you dislike. PN: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40040/
JSU: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61592/?
Also Extra Options for PN: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/47285/
With these mods in my own game I customised the values so armour really matters, ie if I or an enemy have a really low DT, we will go down quickly, but someone with power amour is much more difficult to take down. Just to give you an example.

>i dont collect caps any more
>5 star caps

He fucking liedbto us

You generally shouldn't trust a guy who'll go through hell and back just to tell you to be careful of guys who look for certain caps.

What are some good mods for a legion run?

>>i dont collect caps any more

Well that kind of implies that he used to collect caps, dummy.

It's almost a shame that NV doesn't have 4's dynamic conversations - I wonder how often people would reflexively shoot the guy after he sneaks up in the pitch darkness.

Biased Courier Legion Edition: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57531/?
Caesars New Regime: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/45557/?
Faction Reloaded Legion: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51983/?
Legion Quests Expanded:
Vulpes Inculta Companion:
My Kind of Town Legion Option:


You're welcome user, prepare to (maybe?) get rekt and love it.

For some reason the lights are off in my new Vegas. It doesn't illuminat the horizon anymore after I installed Electro City, and still when I uninstalled. Any advice

I want a suppressor for the basic 9mm pistol.

WMX: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39651/?
This mod include a 9mm silencer for the normal pistol and also Maria.

Varmint rifle was supposed to be chambered in .22lr

Ok this is my first time playing through this game and one thing I absolutely love about it is how they've made no real "good" or "bad" guys. I sided with the NCR after seeing the barbarity of the Legion in Nipton, but as I kept playing, I noticed the NCR weren't completely spotless either.

iirc I ran him over in my xre winnebago

>be a robot
>wear reinforced metal armor
>look like the devil
I wish the eyes turned red in combat or something

The legion is a very dark grey. I don't know a sane person who would pick the legion unless they were role playing.

Games aren't pieces of fruit.
They don't spoil over time. New Vegas is just as good as it was 6 years ago.

What is the most operator handgun in the base + dlc game?

.45 auto pistol, silenced.

That makes a lot more sense.
Who goes after rats with a 5.56er?

1st. you're looking at the legion through the prism of your reference of modern day society and not the fallout universe
2nd. the legion was not fleshed out because of time constraints
3rd. don't look at them as "wow such misoginy" but rather as the only people strong and disciplined enough to unite the human race across the country, and maybe even establish a republic in the future. i say this as someone who has never gone the legion route. the NCR are essentially braindead, way out of their depth, arrogant, corrupt bureaucrats

.223 is a varmint round though

Even while the legion have the capacity to keep areas safe and have a strong military, citizens under legion areas lack any representation, women are just treated horribly and even in the fallout universe this isn't something that just can be said is done for the good of humanity.

Check it out, between the dumpsters there.

w-what's there? A friend of yours?

>being stealthy and shit
>sneaking up behind an enemy sitting in a chair still [HIDDEN]
>lining up my shot
>"I won't do that if I were you."
What the fuck?

any mods for a house run?

You never expected to actually be sneaking up on (a badly written character) Mama Murphy! But in all seriousness AI in the gamebyro engine has always been incredibly buggy, perhaps the dialogue triggered because the engine knew you were close to the npc.

>citizens under legion areas lack any representation
yes, because it's not a fucking democracy. you know that the roman empire really existed right? you know that italy is a democracy now, right? like i said, the legion might very well transform into a republic instead of the "lmao legion will never change and eat itself" that is hinted at in the story and actually not that historically plausible
>women are just treated horribly
what's wrong with that?

The last person stupid enough to follow me down this alley. GET THIS FOOL BOYS!

in my last playthrough i was wandering around that dusty radscorpion place that he usually dies at around novac waaaay after i finished everything in the game (~70 hours after meeting him) and he was still running around it trying to get killed

i followed him for a while and he eventually left and i lost track of him, i wonder where he's set to go after that

Well okay then. :/

>fucking LOOKING at objects that are marked as 'owned' in oblivion or F3 or whatever the fuck it was
>NPC's start throwing comments around like "don't even think about it!"
>using Z to move objects around
>they become hostile
what's your fucking problem?

are you a girl or just really new?

>make a truce between NCR and Brotherhood so they aid each other
>Moore scolds me and smears my reputation

>pick up weapon from store
>store owner makes a witty remark
>take it behind a dumpster
>steal it and equip it
>nobody cares

*pulls out Euclid's c-finder*

If you want the weathers to fiddle with your gameplay, stick to RWLE. Also RWLE has TTW support.

>Detailed weather information
Thunderstorm: Dark clouds, heavy rainfall, increased distant fog and echoing thunder and lightning (-1 Perception, +10 Sneak)
Light Rain: Darker clouds than overcast, light rainfall and slightly increased distant fog.
Snow: Whitish clouds with sunlight peering through at some times of day, light snowfall.
Blizzard: White clouds, dense fog and very heavy snowfall heavily affecting visiblity (-2 Perception +13 sneak)
Ashfall: Gray skies, ash from factories falling from the sky. Don't breathe it. (-1 Perception, +5 Sneak)
Smog: Inspired by real life conditions in China. Orange skies with heavy smog covering the distant terrain. (-1 Perception, +5 Sneak)
Foggy: Inspired by Silent Hill, extremely dense fog covers the terrain not far from the player. Heavily affecting visibility. (-2 Perception, +13 Sneak)
Divide Thunder: Like the original RWL divide weather but with lighting and thunder. No rain.
Clear Lighting: According to lore, OWB has some messed up weather patterns. Science has caused lighting and thunder in clear weather!
Zion Mist: A medium bluish mist covers the distant terrain in Zion.

Personally I don't care about harsh weather in the desert so I use RWL. If I did I would just get Nevada Skies.


>tfw didn't activate Archimedes II and was just hoping to scare them off

OwO what's this

Christ I hate Yuri Lowenthal