Hands on the table:

Hands on the table:

What gaming systems do you actually use, Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


PS4, PS3 and Vita. I'll be adding Switch to that on Friday.



Every other console I emulate on PC or on in-built emulators inside the consoles themselves.

Pc, ps1-4, psp, xbox 360


PC and maybe a switch if they fix it's issues. ps4 has no good games and xbone is a lost cause unless you want a netflix machine

>ps4 has no good games

Nintendo fanboys still butthurt about it huh?

Actively, only pc.

Anyone who says they might be getting a Switch over the PS4 are basically yeah confirmed Nintendo fanboys.

I wish consolewars didn't exist but retards need to shit on other consoles to justify their purchases.

Currently just a PS3 and Vita. I'll be ordering a PS4 slim soon.

Pc, ps4

Nothing. If I want to get my degree I'll have to wait until I graduate to play. I'm a lonely, outcast virgin and any form of escapism just spirals out of control.

Sony's Japanese heavy exclusives don't appeal to everyone. I have a PS4 and don't have an interest in most of those including Bloodborne. Uncharted 4 is actually the exclusive I've had the most fun with.

I might get a ps3 at some point if they sell one of those compilation game thingies for 50$.

A bunch of those games aren't even out/ are coming to PC also. If god of war and spiderman end up being good, I'll consider a ps4 but as of now, It's useless to me

PC and 3DS

PC, PS3, PS4 and Wii U. Will probably buy a Switch in several months.

They even made a casual version of the controller match test so this slut could pass it.

No jaguar, atari, coleco, SMS, or even a famicom.


I keep meaning to get a PS4 but fuck PS+ t b h

I'll probably buy my brother a Switch as a meme gift.

PS4 games have good graphis and good gam-

PC and 360 are my two dogs.

Xbox One, PS4, 3DS, Switch.


dumb bitch it's dumb

What a surprise. Most of us game on PC. So why are there always threads complaining about PC gamers. Do you people hate yourselves or are the console-only gamers really that whiny?

You cannot be this retarded.

>Hands on the table:

what the fuck does that even mean?

Shitposting on Sup Forums

There's like 20x threads on the front page every day shitting on Horizon and Zelda and Switch.

PC gamers have always been the biggest shitposting fanbase in gaming history, why the deflection? Yes I own a PC but I'm not a fanboy.

We have different tastes is all, I've enjoyed it's offering, a lot of the western games and Japanese vidiya and have over 1000 hours across all the games I've played on my PS4

I've had fun with Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 1, Gravity Rush 2, Tearaway Unfolded, Watch Dogs 2, Bound, Batman Arkham Knight, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Digimon Next Order, Gundam Breaker 3, Driveclub, King Of Fighters 14, Infamous Second Son, Final Fantasy 15, Yakuza 0, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, Dragonquest Builders, Tales Of Berseria, Hatsume Miku Project Diva, Super Robot OG Moon Dwellers, Odin Sphere, World Of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 2.8

Jap games are the only games really worth playing when it comes down to it.

For the record I own consoles and I think the horizon and zelda threads have more to do with them being poster games for their respective systems.


Might try actually play my 3DS or Vita sometime.

Fair enough. I think it depends on the games you like. I've already found 5 games I'm interested in for the switch but haven't even found one I like on ps4.

I guess my 3DS only, since I haven't played on my PS4 or Vita ever since I picked up Pokemon Sun, and I only use my PC for shitposting and porn these days.


Despite hacking my 3DS and downloading a metric fuckton of games I dont play it much anymore...

Or the Wii U

PC - main
Wii U
Game Boy Advance SP
Game Boy
Atari 2600

PC and PS4. Might get Scorpio. Switch is a big maybe, depends on how it develops over the next year.

Been PC-only after Playstation 2.

I'm a little curious, would you be willing to name them? Chances are I'll probably be looking forward to those games as well, especially if SP2,MO and Xenoblade 2 are three of them


>not out or exclusive
>le kojima baito
>same game twice
>same game thrice
>old and worst in its series
>old and second worst in its series
>dead genre
>tits sim shit
>absolutely worst in its series
>god of shit
>spiderman games
>>racing games
>the last team ico game
>worst purse owner game
>legitimate shit
>literatelly weebshit
>muh launch killer app
>movie tie-in
>open world meme
>>>racing games
>until shit
>unironically including a zombie game

ps4, psp, pc and wii u

>le weeb xD
Please go back to whatever shitty website you came from

Spoilers, user, the board culture you so want to preserve is actually reddit culture.

PC only

pc , 3ds , and phone



Fast RMX, Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, ARMS, Super Bomberman R

Oh yeah I've enjoyed a lot of those. I've been a console only guy for years now so the PS4 is my multiplat machine.

>Sup Forums is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. Sup Forums's collaborative-community format was inspired by one of the most popular forums in Japan, Futaba Channel. Different boards are dedicated to different topics, from Japanese anime, manga, and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community.

Hating weebshit here is a red flag

Mostly the PSP, since it's a psx too. I just finished FF7 for the second time ever (first played it 13 years ago) and now I'm reaching the last parts of Persona 3. Next up: something that's not a 70-hours-long RPG...

I think Silent Hill, never played it except for the first 2 hours...

Xbox One

Saving money for a PC

Here's a you for putting in way too much effort.

And on friday the switch

Xbox 360
Xbox One

I'm buying a switch primarily for Odyssey. I liked 3D World well enough but it was a letdown for me after the Galaxies. Odyssey looks amazing.

A wise man, you are. Ascend to godhood, my child

>different interests

You should read before you post

Also pic rel

I've actually never played a 3D mario so I don't really know what to expect but I'm cautiously optimistic about it

I have Xbox 360, PSP and PC.
I use PC.

PC and PS3/PS4

Never really got interested in modern Nintendo consoles or games. Never owned an XBox console either.

PS3 and PS4.

Will get a Switch soon, but not on day 1.

PC, and I emulate GameCube sometimes.

>reporting a years-old bait image as your actual argument


Want ps4 cuz yakuza but I've only played and beat yakuza 3 like idort. I like vidya where you go around in tokyo staring at people angrily and roundhouse kicking thugs in the face then eating ramen. I'll get a used ps4 one of these days

Fug nintendo, I'll buy a switch if they get a cool metroid and a multiregion pokemonz, but even then. IDK b0ss.

I use my Vita for similar purposes. PSX games look fantastic on it.

Handheld games in general just suck desu.

Why do you redditors always bring reddit shit over here? You stink up the place.
One rule of how not to be cancer.
Leave your shit at the door.
It works both ways, the shit here on Sup Forums stays here and reddit shit stays there.
Don't you little faggots ever get tired of being obnoxious?

user, I know the mistake I made. I bought a fucking PS4.


I'll take this over all the blatant Sup Forums racebaiting threads desu.

It's okay since you acknowledge your mistake

Wii U and PC.
I was about to upgrade it and i fucked the cpu.

Which they are also reddit crossposters, the rule would fix that shit too.

>replying to years old bait
u mad?


Everything else is emulated


The PS4 is barely used but technically it is used. Still gotta beat BB.

I used to play everything on PC and occasionally 3DS when I was out of town.

Now that the switch is coming out however I intend to play 90 percent of games on that. I have been waiting a very long time for a non gimicky Nintendo console. My PC is already slowly transitioning into my dedicated Overwatch machine

Do people on Sup Forums even like vidya games? This board discusses the same 4-5 games that are new or that same old game (New vegas for example). In the case of new vidya they rant the game is usually a broken piece of shit or "x" sold out or "jew money grab". Then in the case of old vidya (New vegas for example) they cry and whine "series ruined" I mean new vegas is an exception cause todd. Then when new vidya hardware comes out people get excited, new games for new hardware comes out then all you see is "ITS SHIT DONT BUY"

Shit, forgot to add PS3.

only pc

It was the whole TORtanic thing. This board hasn't been the same since. Sup Forums has since adopted the same format.


PC pretty much completely but I have a ps1 sitting next to my desk but I don't have a tv or any games for it. My brother has a wii that he watches netflix on and I modded a psp he found but there are no games I like on it besides MGS but it was uncomfortable to play on.

>different interests
That text does not appear in the Sup Forums FAQ or in my post.

Perhaps YOU should read before you post.

Xbone as main gaming device
PSP as portable emulation machine

Also got a CFW PS3, but only end up playing ~1 game a year on it.

Crysis is a pretty mediocre game.

It's have good graphics and nothing else going for it.

Wii U
Wonderswan Color

>actually play

for a shooter it's pretty awesome

3DS, Wii (for GCN and virtual console), SNES, PS3, toaster for indie shit

Pretty much PC only for the past 7 years.

Bought a PS3 last year to play some of its exclusives, but consoles unfortunately don't 'just werk' as is told, and in employing some workarounds that cost me more time and money, the experience was largely a muddy slideshow drudge. It's going to stay in my closet until I can be bothered with it.

The switch has a good chance of having a Metroid game released on it.
The PS4 has absolutely nothing I'm interested in.

This would appear to be false.

>Crysis is a pretty mediocre game.

Sup Forums is just shit right now and has been shit for years, just take a break and avoid this place whenever reveals happen.

Wii U

PC, 3DS, XBone, Vita, PS3. I was going to buy a PS4 for Berseria, but since it came out for PC I went with that. I'm picking up a Switch tomorrow and I'll probably grab a PS4 when Persona drops.

Are you seriously trying to say metacritc means anything.

It has and always will be used as a benchmark.
Nothing else.
