The extreme potential of a Nintendo and PC (Steam) alliance

After going through the Switch reviews today, I came to the conclusion that the system is an amazing/powerful handheld.. but a rather lackluster home console.

In my opinion, Nintendo needs to leave the home console market if they aren't gonna focus on power and just continue to make handhelds because those actually sell. The Switch Pro Controller being compatible with PC made me think of how dominant an alliance between the two would be.

It would absolutely crush PlayStation and XB. Being able to play Nintendo games on hardware superior to current consoles? It would be game over. I think Nintendo should use PC as platform for home gaming.

Yes, because i dont like buying gimmicky consoles but i still want nintendo exclusive without waiting for cemu or citra to not be complete crap. Never gonna happen though, which is sad.


Nintendo always focuses on the japanese market first and foremost. Japan doesn't give a fuck about PC. Stop being delusional.

That's exactly their problem, they're only appealing to nips with their hardware. Simply keep making handhelds for Japs and release the open world, intensive content on Steam.

Everyone wins except Sonyggers and Xbots.

But that would be a logical decision. A thing that neither Valve nor Nintendo is capable of anymore

>Never gonna happen though, which is sad.
They must realize they're losing a huge amount of money on PC because of emulation though.

And people aren't necessarily emulating because they want free games. They're emulating because it's the only choice they have. If they actually had a CHOICE to buy the games in a polished package with 100% emulation that had no bugs, or no emulation at all and properly ported games, they'd be making much more money

I think PC might be the first (or rather, the second) platform that we see Nintendo go 3rd party on, as they continue their mobile endeavors their eyes are obviously open to other opportunities

We could be VERY close to a Nintendo deployment platform on PC.

As much as I'd like to see this, it won't happen because Nintendo absolutely refuses to partner with any type of potential competitor.

>on Steam.
There'd be no reason to use Steam, they'd make their own platform

Ah. Now you see why Japanese video games are dying. The Japs would rather play with their plastic chinese toy consoles instead of playing video games on a proper PC.

I think they are starting to play PC more and more

Just basing that on feeling though, I don't know any actual numbers.

This would be their best route once the Nintendo Console gravy train comes to an end but Nintendo doesn't do anything that's in the best interest of the consumer so it won't happen. Whoever they eventually partner with doesn't really matter to me as long as they aren't producing a box that only plays a few exclusives and has no other variety.

Jews of the west and Jews of the east working together?

>Japan doesn't give a fuck about PC. Stop being delusional.
You're retarded. Japan is a growing population on Steam.

The switch just needs all of the Nvidia sponsored games like Portal, Warband, Metal Gear Rising, etc that run on Android

but you underestimate hoe stubborn nintendo can be. the games they make target people with child-like mentality, who are either too stupid or too purist to pirate and emulate. Theyre always gonna have a fanbase that gives them money because its nintendo. i mean, look how well amiibos sold even tho theyre filthy microtransactions in the form of collectivle autistic dolls.

It's a good idea and all, but Japan doesn't give a shit about PC.

Nvidia already has the extremely similar shield tablet.

>is a growing population on Steam.

Growing doesn't mean that it's big enough, let's talk about it again in 2037.

Yet they keep saying that they aren't competing. They started making content for smartphone, I see no reason why they shouldn't go to PC in order to reach a bigger audience.

But Nintendo's leadership right now is pretty bad and stupid. As much as I love Iwata, I think he took Nintendo in the wrong direction.

Over 1 million Japanese Steam account though

If they would move to PC they sure as hell won´t use steam. They would do it like Blizzard or Ubisoft and have their own DRM.

And westerners, especially Europe, doesn't really give a shit for Nintendo hardware these days. That could change if they used PC as their platform for home gaming.

That'd be retarded though. I'd pirate all their games if they did that.

>Tegra K1
>2GB Ram
>extremely similar

Sure thing, user.

I would love this just so I can pirate all Nintendo games on PC

fuck off.

Nintendo only makes trash games. Keep that shit out of PC.

As if everybody isn´t already doing that.

(You) lol

lol (You)