Why is Bioware intentionally making ugly women?

Why is Bioware intentionally making ugly women?

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because of ugly feminists.

even though asari are supposed to be painfully beautiful

Because it pisses the people who were never going to buy their game in the first place off.

Oh shit, I'm sorry

The people who work at Bioware are so insecure about themselves that they cannot stand the fact that pretty people might be in it.
So they model ugly characters.

Because feminazis say pretty women in games are forcing unrealistic standards to all trillions of women who play computer games.

it's called realism

To remind you its nothing more than a filthy xeno and deserves to be purged.

The same reason you haven't gotten laid.

Attractive women offend me. Duh!

Because they fired all the talent in the company and hired sjws.

>it's a literal alien species
>0 reason for them to have the same morphology as humans
>still have there by potato face uggos

because the only people who defend this are either very insecure ugly people who cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction and cannot stand normal women and human anatomy OR average looking people who want the good-guy points to feel better with themselves and look "progressive"

SOOOoooo.... real.

uncanny valley

m-make her thicker

But why did they avoid this problem in the first three games only to fall face first into it now? Did they not do any kind of pre-production where this problem could've been noticed and averted?

Serious question, since I don't play MA. Are they really incompetent or are they doing this on purpose to pander to SJWs.

Intentionally? You are overestimating them.


Welcome to modern gaming

A little from column A and a little from column B.

There should be an internal feedback mechanism in an organization like this that is able to both identify and address problems like this but it is either malfunctioning or missing altogether in Bioware.

Uncanny valley make just little best graphics goes wrong.

Polar express could fix it,but was too late.

why is bioware intentionally making a bad game?

answer: incompetence, and/or lack of talent

is she using telepathic powers there?

Post the pistol gif pls

People play bioware games for their squad members. The rest of the game tends to be quite mediocre.

Bioware knows this, so they try to make those squad members as appealing as possible, ruining them in the process as well.


What I find hilarious is the shills on various forums and youtube saying that its just pre release and Bioshit is 'polishing it up'.

Just like Mass Effect 3 and Dragon age 2 right.

they aren't,it's what happens when you hire people based on diversity rather than capability.

They think sexy women are sexist.

I know this tune

idk it looks like a pretty man to me

Sorry for what?


>Every time I see that face, I can't help but hum Smash Mouth.
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer.
I'm a believer if I try.

>meanwhile a bunch of slavs in jumpsuits and paid in bread made 7000 animations in one year for witcher 3

Really makes me ponder

I understand. What I don't understand how the development team didn't notice the problem and take steps to fix it. They could've tried changing up the art style or something. Supposedly there are experts in modelling and 3d graphics on the team. At least one of them should've noticed what a bunch of laymen like us are noticing.



Still mad.

they ARE SJWs.


>That retarded smile

Kills me a little more inside every time I see it

Because they can't make good looking women anyways, so they might as well hide behind an excuse instead of admitting they're garbage.

>make a terrible 3/10 RPG
>you already paid off the critics and can call anyone you didn't sexist anyway

If you ask me Bioware is the brilliant one here.

same reason the gun animation exists

same reason the punching air animation exists

same reason all the countless other bad animations exist and were in trailers/previews for the game

The team either CAN'T do better, or there's no one at the head of the team DEMANDING the team do better.

Think about it like school or a job you had, if you had a teacher/boss that doesn't care about the quality of the work you turn in everybody is gonna just do the bare minimum, there's no pressure to do good work

>white person punches a black person
Why is this allowed?

They put their agenda above quality of the product, lore integrity and everything else, like in Middle-earth 2.


When did Alan Carr start working for bioware?

kek. people thousands of years ago could carve out more realistic and natural looking humans from marble than bioware could create with computerized assistance, infinite references with internet, and entire teams of people today.

Did they use a scarecrow for an actor1?

it's a girl, so it's ok

It's GDC, the whole AAA industry is fucked

Shit like this makes me want to get into game design/programming so ugly characters like this won't happen again.
But then I remember Haydee and realize thats all I would ever make/

bioware is just embarrassed they diversity hired a bunch of feminazi's for the art design and its too far along to take it all back without a shit storm so they're doubling down and hoping that calling them transginger or 'realistic' will fool people into looking past it.

self inserts

muh sides


it depends, if you really enjoy the process of modelling it can be fun, you just have to realize unless you're art/game director you really don't get to make what you want, you get to make what your boss wants

sometimes your boss/client is an idiot and wants something that looks objectively wrong and/or aesthetically hideous, so you do what they want if you wanna get paid, those are the projects you leave your name off at the end

i am a graphic designer

Men are better at modeling women, writing women, acting like women, and looking like women.

Sup Forums is always right

That's a fucking girl?

Asari have no gender, they are just feminine compared to humans

>that bulge

jesus christ, boner

It's a Bioware game.

Bastilla was the only good looking woman they ever made but it was only the British accent that made it.

>tfw she'll never dom you

>a deterministic approach to history

what does that mean? just make shit up?

It has nothing to do with hidden agendas, they don't have the talent to do any better, look at DAI or Andromeda teams, there are very few devs from the old Bioware in that EA branch.

Because a woman might feel insecure.

And that's rape.

Why is there a thread about this every single fucking time I come on Sup Forums?


Gaming companies/publishers hire social engineering companies to create bias against other gaming companies.


Start rolling boys. Match the digits to gain your perfect SJW waifu.

New Bioware consists from feminists, dykes, poo-in-loos and college gradutes. Last of the talented people left after ME3.

ryo agawa

The only winning move is not to play, boys. Make my sacrifice worth it.

An alien species that uses biotics to appear attractive to whoever views them.

There's a bar on I think Illium in ME2 where a turian, a salarian, and a human are watching an asari dance on their table and the salarian talks about how he understands why salarians would see asari as attactive because they're just blue salarians. Everyone at the table gets confused and says "No they don't they look like [their race] but blue"

Asari by design aren't allowed to be ugly. But fucking whatever Bioware.

>getting Alan Carr
RIP user.


>Match the digits to gain your perfect SJW waifu.
None of them are Maven of the Eventide, so it doesn't matter to me.


bad news, son

It's realistic. You can't be competent at a man's job without being manly.

Cheers champ

Because noone's ever had that haircut before you fucking cunt.

Even as a joke, it's a stupid one.

There is actually a psychological and gave dev tech reason for the asari appearance. You're right, that bachelor party Iliium shows a trio that are displaying their attraction to an asari dancer. They each focus on the similarities to their own species. Humans focus on facial features, to us minimal differences are highly detectable. Asari have similar features, as far as I'm concerned. Turian sexual dimorphism comes to their horn thingies. Males have longer horns, extending far behind their heads, while females do not. With salarians, females are in a position of power, and the asari are the main culture in counsel space.

>They look just like salarians
>What? They look exactly like us! I'm not seeing the salarian thing at all.
>You're both wrong they look just like blue turians

Those are all statments regarding what they look like visually. The turian isn't saying they're attractive in some horn based way, he's saying "They look JUST like blue turians."


You're talking about artists, user. Bioware ain't got no artists.


This fucking face baffles me. It's almost incomprehensibly ugly. It's like some kind of fucking ugliness singularity. Nothing about it is really strange, and that's what's most amazing about it. It's not freakish, just profoundly ugly. It's too ugly to be attractive and yet not ugly enough to be humorous or interesting. This face could walk past me hand in hand with a guy who has buck teeth, a hook nose, bug-eyes, no chin, alopecia, and albinism and yet it's this face I'd be grimacing at in disgust. This is the kind of weapons-grade black-market-plutonium ugliness you can only get with a room full of fucking scientists set to the task of making the most disgusting female face ever to stain the Earth with its sheer repulsiveness. The fact that Bioware managed to create such a monstrosity, presumably without the aid of a mad genius aesthetician branded with the unholy mark of Satan and cursed to do his work in the mortal plane, is nothing short of astounding. It's hard to put my finger on any one feature as being the worst offender. Is it the raccoon eyes? The pug nose? The gormless dopey smile? The mound of fat at the base of her jaw? The weird skin texture that makes it look like she washes her face every morning with a hand-towel made of undercooked bacon? I've seen punchable faces before, and this is no punchable face. This is a face that I could not be persuaded to touch for any amount of time, for any amount of money. I am a worse person for having seen it. Jesus Christ.


I thought that
>Turian says she looks like a turian because tentacles look like crest
>Human says looks like human because human body with human face
>Salarian says looks like salarian because she is all scaley

Their fanbase largely consists of ugly women

Not trolling, but honestly doesn't it make the game more realistic to give characters some type of flaw?

The keyword here is "some." The whole fucking face is not "some."

So that's Cora's face model.

You're exactly right. Different species focus on asari attributes that are similar to their own species.

It's a retarded fan theory that they hypnotize people into finding them attractive.

They think it will give ugly girls better self-esteem.

its fine to have some flaws but when the average male is more feminine and attractive than your entire female cast, there are some problems.

>Sup Forums was wrong about Horizon Zero Dawn

>Its now on ultra shill mode to make ME:A seem as unplayable as possible

How does it feel that Sup Forums is constantly on the losing side?