Be 28 years old

>Be 28 years old
>See some teens that are hyped about Nintendo Switch
>Say "You guys think it'll be better than the gamecube?"
>They both look at me
>One of them says "The game-what?"
>"You know the gamecube back in like ...2001"
>The other says "Bruh, we weren't even born in 2001, we're 14"
>I start to feel sick

My god, I'm old, I'm fucking old now

Other urls found in this thread:


It gets worse, it just gets worse OP.

Oh sweet Jesus and Mary. Ok you know that HD version you played, I played it and it wasn't FRICKIN HD.

You were old four years ago.

I had that feeling when my little brother didn't know what a Nintendo 64 was.

dylan? we were fucking with you we know what it is through did you know gaming. but yeah you're a fucking loser don't post here again

Welcome to the club.

27 in a few days

you're retarded to assume young kids would know systems you used while young though.

what kind of fucking excuse is that?
I'm your age and it's not like we didn't know about the atari VCS/2600 or NES

do ppl really talk like that irl?

Why the fuck are you talking to random 14 year olds in the street?

>tfw 29'd yesterday
what should I do

Yes, but I wouldn't call them people.

to score some boipussy

>MGS 3 came out 12 years ago

I turned 29 a week ago and had 7-11 hot dogs and played splatoon
probably one of the better birthdays I've had




Your fault for talking to sub human nigger.

I started to do it ironically
Now I can't stop

damn that sounds like a good birthday
I have my pc unusable so I heard lazerhawk all day


>The GameCube released closer to the Game Boy than the Switch

it all comes tumbling down.
tumbling down
tumbling down

Listen, we all know you were cruisin'. No shame on your game.

nostalgic for the Gamecube, fucking millennial faggot, you make me sick.

there I hope I made you feel young again

We are the last of the old guard, my friend.

>There are kids playing World of Warcraft right now that were still sperm inside their dads balls when it came out in 2004

Do they frickin talk like that in real life? Oh boy, this has gotta be, oh boy.

What you haven't realized yet, JUNIOR, is that there are gonna be a lot a different people in life, ALRIGHT?

Like how the woman at the checkout has these huge frickin guns right? But you look out the window and the girl next door aint got nuttin under there you know? It's like a 14 year old boy under that shirt.

Just like that people talk different too ya know. You might run across it one day, then you'll know what kinda neighborhood you're in. You'll be street smart kid.

Now get outta my way, you're blocking my view, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? Huhuh YEAH!

Carl, why don't you take a seat.

thats even worse

The last game you played as had his protagonist replaced by Carl. How does it change?

I actually rage at people who say this to me. My sister and her husband stopped talking to me and don't allow me to interact with their son because I told them to stop acting like degenerate niggers in front of him.

I only wish that they die before they can raise him into another reprobate.

People shouldn't communicate informally with people who are less than 66% their age.

There's a lesson to be learned every day. Let this be today's lesson.

>lil bro was born in 2000
>always played older games and consoles with him
>constantly let's me know how much suffering he goes through not being able to talk about older games with his friends

If i did anything right in this world, it was that.

No, I am. grew up with nes, fuck 1st n 2nd gen!

The trick to dealing with getting older is remembering the fact that in 10 years you'll be thinking about how young you are today.

You're living in the nostalgia of tomorrow.

>Tfw 32
>Friends with 14-16 year olds
>They think I'm 17 since I look young and still stay with my mother
>Have a blast talking about video games

I sorta hate doing this but I don't want to be old

>>Be 28 years old
>My god, I'm old, I'm fucking old now


I'm about to get 24yo and already feel like that sometimes. What else would you expect from dipshits anyway?

OP at some point someone thought this about you. You were some dumb little shit-kicking teenager and everyone hated you.

>talking to children about videogames
Did you offer them candy to get in your van too?

Okay how do you do this because I want to do this too, I don't want this old feeling nor be some retarded dull adult

>Friends with 14-16 year olds

Are they girls? You should get some prime cunny pussy my man.

>tfw 20
>tfw my group of friends online are all 27-36

It's an odd feeling, but I like ya gramps

It goes away about 30. I stopped caring about my age and hate that I can't relate to younger shitkids when talking about new games that are obviously shit.

I'm more glad I grew up when I did, because man gaming took a nosedive in 7th gen

>prime cunny pussy
what is this?

I can't believe people are continuing to be born reeeeee

Its hilarious cause youll probably die a virgin

It's not like they don't know what internet is

But I'm not a virgin, nor am I single.
This is largely irrelevant to what I said, though.

Cute pussy before they become disgusting roastie.

-Shave your facial
-Have an iPhone
-Know the latest lingo "bruh" etc etc
-Dress slightly like them (You don't have to go full skinny jean fucc boi crap but have some fashion)

Your mom isn't immortal son.

Say that to the 55 year old guy who marries your wifes son.

Where did those hot dogs go, I know enough about the Splatoon playerbase to not ask but it's ash wednesday. When in rome.

Everybody knows Atari and NES they are called classics for a reason and they are on the cabinet of these games at the arcades. Don't be an obvious faggot be a smart one.

I don't know that feel. I gave my sister my old N64 and about 12 games to her before I left home, she got some of the remakes on the DS/3DS when she passed it on. It's nice that they do that so they can enjoy em too you know?

I turned 29 a few months ago. I played Overwatch, Grabbed dinner with some friends, had a buddy over to grab drinks and play Mother Russia Bleeds from start to finish.

It's okay to enjoy things like video games, user. Make time for things you enjoy and don't get complacent.

You sound like a slut. Do they use you as a onahole?

Not about gaming though
Remember, 1st to 3rd gen gamers are a new thing to be old. We grew up with REAL good games, now everything sucks because we played and were exposed to the best devs, franchises and ideas at the time and they never got better.

You think there is gonna be another Mario tier series that lasts 30+ years starting in 2017?

>first gen
That aint no pong and tetris

Are we all just manchildren? When we were growing up, do you seriously think your parent's friends talked about your ten year old self with their other friends?

but this is ilegal user

Its ok as long as you don't get caught.

I mean, i am the resident degenrate of the group, and a few have called me cute, but no I am not a onahole, since we all live about a state away from each other

>Being a pedophile


>be 12
>loved videogames but broke af
>Got a NES as a bday present one day
>Loved the thing, played it day and night after homework, but only had two games: SMB3 and TMNT (can't remember which)
>Years go by and went through a lot of other consoles, Ps, Dreamcast, GameCube, Ps2, you name it.
>Still always broke and poor and only had one or two games for each console
>Decided that when I finally had a job I would save money to buy my own console and a fuckton of games
>Graduate Highschool and college with a good degree
>Got a job easily afterwards. Always keeping in mind my love for videogames
>Saved money after a while, ready to see what the future holds out for me
>29 now. Getting married in April
>I recently picked a PS4 for games and a PC for work
>I don't feel the same rush of emotions as when I was a kid
>I'm hopeful for the Switch to change that, but even then I don't even feel like playing videogames anymore
>mfw the passion I once fell for something I enjoyed during my youth is quickly vanishing

I feels so fucking bad. Please don't let it be downhill from here

i willfully choose not to believe it although it is the horrible truth

The NES era was a different time. All the adults I knew played games, if just casually. My neighbor's dad gave me Zelda when he was done with it. And my mom's bff came over to play Gauntlet all the time. There was a mix of kids and adults in the arcades as well. I guess it was still a novelty. When adults visited, they always asked about the games I was playing. It's kind of a cute memory, explaining the plot of Mega Man to a grown woman.

>Carl in Dark Souls
>it don't matter
>none of this matters

>tfw I'm turning 21 in a few months and I'm already starting to feel old myself
I miss being 16 and lying about my age on Sup Forums.


Youngfag here, born in 97 so, not underage.
I really don't understand how it's so hard for some people around my age to go back to older generation videogames. The argument that they're "archaic" can be made but. The games were still created to be played, regardless of if it "aged" or not. Also saying that something aged too much is a stupid argument.
I get more enjoyment out of stuff like Rollercoaster Tycoon and Chrono Trigger than a lot of recent releases.

>EYE Divine Cybermancy
It don't matter.
None a this matters.

>About to turn 24
>still live with parents
>Went back to being a NEET again for half a year now after a single shitty food job I had
>No higher education or desire to get it, no aspirations, no goals, plans, desires or motivation whatsoever

I wish I was brave enough to just kill myself.
Best part is seeing my successful friends and feeling ashamed to even be around them.

End of blogpost.

>still remember the furry wars
>when youtube wasnt fucking shit
>that google never filtered CP

Ya know alodda folk would say what a waste of life
But were not even half way yet, we'll still live to experience VR porn rooms YEAH


This is literally me not even joking or anything except I worked in a shitty grocery store before going back into NEET.

Now what the Hell are you hanging around junior high students for? Care to explain this man?

>mfw the passion I once fell for something I enjoyed during my youth is quickly vanishing

Maybe that's why most of Sup Forums dwellers hate videogames

Honestly i think it's not so much the games these days that cause this, but rather outside factors such as
>games "journalism"
>all this political shit bein shoveddown your throat

As a kid, i didn't pay attention to shit other than the game itself. I didn't go to forums, listen to youtubers talk, or pay attention to some critic calling the game sexist. I just played the game, and had fun, not thinking about how I'm gonna visit a thread on Sup Forums about it just to have it derailed by false flaggers and shit

We are all like that, don't you worry, user. You are not alone.

Maybe one day someone will help you to get out of this shitty phase of your life. Try to keep in touch with the right people

>forced to hang out with my brother's teenage son
>he loves glee and highschool musical
>he's a fucking nu incarnate
>he wants to talk about video games
>he asks me which console I have
>I tell him I haven't owned a console since the SNES
>"the what?"
>"super nintendo entertainment system. It came after the NES"
>"What? The what?"
>realize the kid was born in 2004
>his first console was the PS4
>I lay down on the floor and turn to dust

holy shit this is the best post ever

This is me now. Except still working in a grocery store. Not sure how much longer i'll be here, but I pray everyday that a car runs right into me whenever I'm crossing the street.

>your legs don't matter

>visit my cousin in his store
>playing 3DS while he deals with customers
>12 year old kid notices me
>came closer and starts conversation with "what is this?"
>show it to him and he started playing with the 3DS
>Makes his own Mii
>he can't stop smiling
>"that's so cool! What is it called? I hope my dad will buy me one!"
>He took the printed papers from my cousin and left the store smiling and waving at me
Man. I wish I had a younger brother. That really warmed my heart.

>games used to be simple fantasy
>toy lines grew up around them and maybe a tv show

>now they are disposable tools to sell political views
>dropped by mass market after a month for the next big thing

Niche games are better than ever since they only cater to people who play them
Big name games are worse than ever since they pander to people that dont play games

>talking to teenagers

>tfw brother just turned 33 and chose the whole family and house life
>spends all his time and money on kids n shit
>almost no free time
>he hasn't actually finished a game in years
>tells me he genuinely can't comprehend me not wanting to do the same thing
>tell him I'd be depressed if I had to do all the shit he did
>tells me he'd be depressed if he wasn't doing the shit he is now
>total normie

It's just how some people are, user. Different people have different priorities.

this fucking thread is pulling me downwards a crippling depression holy shit

>tfw I'm turning 30 soon

make it stop

How do you talk with little boys without making them cry?

Uh well first you gotta keep your pants on, buddy.

it really does......... SNES was the pinnacle of Nintendo

I just outright smack 28 year old kids in the street because I know theyd just give me that dumb face when I ask em about their asteroids highscore.

This is a pure post. Good on ys, user.
>tfw left all my old consoles and games with my little bro
>left my JP PS2 with the Berserk game and a bunch of other weeb shit that never came to the west
>left my PS1, PS2, original XBOX, Gamecube

It's a good feeling knowing he has the torch now

>tfw 19
>tfw everyone I meet at my age that shares my interests acts borderline autistic
>if I want to associate with people my own age I have to exaggerate how much I love drinking and having sex

I just want to yell at people about how good New Vegas is, is that too much to ask? All these fucking normies do is say that agree to disagree shit and we never get anywhere.

Same here desu senpai
please kill me

Jesus man.
I'm 26, and I am still aware of consoles before my time. (My gen is the SNES and Genesis)
Not just NES and Master System, but stuff like Commodore 64 and the Atari 2600.
I read up on the origins of Atari, Spacewar, and Ralph Baer, father of videogames, and the brains behind the Magnavox Odyssey.

I honestly wonder what happened in the 2000s. Its like a generation of ignorance was born overnight.

Im 19 and i played the gamecube.. It wasnt mine though i grew up poor thus missed out on the N64 Ps1 and other good stuff. Good thing the shithole where i live is always 6 years behind on America so we dont miss super much.

Sauce on your image? Google, IQDB, Saucenao, etc. are coming up with nothing.

>tfw he will sell that stuff and use the money to buy skins in CS:GO or Dota2

>be at the mall walking with a younger co-worker (he's 22 I'm 27)
>suddenly PoP (n-sync) start playing
>me: man those gayass n-sync again fucking nostalgia
>he:"n" what?

I wanted to kill myself that day.

I started talking like this ironically...

And now I can't stop...