So i've been using my Nvidia 8800GT since 2008

So i've been using my Nvidia 8800GT since 2008

Convince me not to buy this laptop

In b4 you can build a computer for cheaper

I want a mobile desktop, price is not an issue

If price is not an issue, wait until a 1080ti model drops.

>I want a mobile desktop
what did he mean by this?

Dat performance increase

>1865% +

Forgot Pic

If I were you and had a budget like that I'd get a custom sager notebook, you could get sli gpus, a higher resolution screen, desktop processor, more storage options etc.

> gaming laptop mem

you're an american, you can buy whatever you want.

MSI has better cooling than Sager

Just build a 1080ti system for half that

>gaming laptop
buy a thinkpad

let the pussy pour in

then build a PC

you can get a desktop thats 3 times better for the same price.

>2x 1080 ti sli
>6950x processor

Why are ThinkPad's made by Lenovo now?

Didn't they used to be made by IBM?

>price is not an issue
then buy both the laptop and build your own pc

Not bad. At least it's not Alienware. I had one with an i7 and GTX 970 which was alright. It was originally $1500 but I bought it off my friend for $800 barely even used.

I built a gaming desktop a wee bit ago so that replaced the laptop but oh well.

You will be stuck in a place to play cause battery won't last shit.
Would rather buy a normal laptop and a desktop PC for that price.

>Telling user to get SLI

Horrible idea. There is a phantom stutter with SLI cards that still has never been fixed even with the latest gen

Never go SLI

then just go 1080 ti with a 6950x for 2 grand instead of a 3 grand shitter laptop.

Buy a $500 notebook and build a $2500 rig, you fucking retard.

Switching to integrated improves battery life about 90%, but you aren't going to be getting good gaming performance. At that point might as well buy a 200 dollar chromebook

>buying a 3100$ hoven


>paying this much for something that'll die in 2 years

why can't they put the 6950x inside of a laptop??