You are forced to push one button

You are forced to push one button
Pushing several buttons will have no effects and you will still have to push one button
All of these buttons will change videogames
So, Sup Forums?

Orange or blue. Either one sounds great to me.

The only remotely beneficial button is purple, at that point dumbass devs will have to find something other than graphics to make their game stand out.


pressing blue would be death

The red button is the only one where I don't get fucked, so that one

i want the graphics circlejerking to end at last
i fucking hate how horrible games with abhorrent gameplay like Witcher 3 get praised because MUH GRAFIX XD

Blue is the obvious right answer


RED: As a collector i'd only welcome this after 9th gen. If this happens after Ps4 and Switch have their runs, i'd press this button so hard jsut so the rest of gaming could be uniform.

YELLOW: Everything stays the same? This is fine with me, and means my own personal library just expands. But after 9th gen i'd be stopping due to space, so.


PURPLE: Not sure what you mean, if Pc tech stagnates i'm all for it.

red cause then there would be no more console wars

I don't support monopolies, I'd like to play most games without spending $2000 on hardware, and I'd rather not minimize the range of games that exist.

Purple. That way everyone can focus on making actually good games.

Red might seem good at first but then you remember this Monopoly Company will begin to maximize jewery because no one can stop them, and normies will still eat it up regardless so they'll continue to see just how extreme they can jew.


Red is the only one without explicit consequences but it could actually be the worse option, right?

Graphics have already gotten to the point where we know that fighting on for complete photorealism brings only deminishing returns, and is a complete waste of resources.
Maybe consoles could catch up and be somewhat worth it again as well.

Orange is only a problem if you're a poorfag.


Purple, it's a no-brainer.

blue and purple multitrack lifting


Videogames will go back to being labors of love by smaller teams.

Indie budgets can still get a lot of shit done, especially when you don't have a publisher inflating the shit out of the budget with multimillion advertising campaigns

Red has obvious benefits and uncertain drawbacks. The other three are exclusively drawbacks. The choice is obvious.

Purple because I like controlling the capabilities of others.

this, if Graphics become a constant instead of a variable shitters and newfags can't use them as a mark of quality anymore. If you want to make a good game from that point on you must differentiate with good gameplay and story.


Indies are the only games that have been worth anyones time in the past 5 years.

orange for capitalism
purple for gaming today
red for gaming for the future

>If graphics become constant
>Every single game will be exactly the same style, made in unity with 4k, no more pixel art, no more hand drawn mediums, just good old stock models of with amateur lighting!

Holy blandness batman!

I'd say purple because instead of spending all the time/money/effort trying to improve graphic capabilities, everyone can figure out the most efficient way to do it with what is available, then focus on making good games

definitely the orange one


>red is nothing
>orange is only good if you have more than 1 system
>blue will constantly make shitty gamemaker RPGs and the plot will be about some SJW pandering with "immersive" deep story-telling depth.

why is this even up for discussion

orange button
>pc and microsoft basically the same thing, build a high end pc
>nintendo consoles are usually relatively cheap
>buy a sony console second hand, and a cheap decal if the wear and tear is too much to handle

or purple

we really dont need any more photorealism in games. i simply dont understand where the industry can possibly go after all thats been done so far. i go to video games to escape reality, so dont put reality into video games please

>blue fags

>Graphical improvements ceasing means graphical style is the same.

Holy autism batman!

>stopping the singularity
it's like you people don't want to live forever

Purple is obviously good, shifting priorities within the industry to not waste money on the eternal goal of photorealistic graphics.
Red and Orange are complete wildcards for the future of games.
Blue shuts down a LOT of bad studios, but simultaneously the bulk of talented developers in the industry will likely drop out completely, just reducing the amount of good games that will exist overall.

Blue. I pretty much only play indie games nowadays anyway

Purple is a nirvana. Tools and engines will improve so much when focusing on a fixed hardware level that incredible graphics will eventually become nearly effortless and cheap for AAA and indies alike.

As a result, companies will have to innovate with presentation / gameplay / storytelling resulting in the most diverse amount of games we've ever had, games that both look good and play better than ever. Sure 8k PC elitists will suffer but that's a small price to pay.


AAA games are no longer made
hardware keeps improving
all focus switches to VR porn

Stuck between blue and purple.
They're both pretty good options.
Purple is probably the better choice though.

Purple. That one is actually a good thing.

>A pixel based indie game like shovelknight is on par with a 4K 60FPS cinematic master piece like The Last of Us Remastered
>Oh no, there TOTALLY wont be a divide in wuality if games had the same graphical output!

Maybe people will finally optimize console games, and PC parts will drop in price.

The fuck are you on about. Nobody needs to do retro pixelart games today but they still do it. Why would no new tech getting released stop that?

If anything it would only increase since now that graphics doesn't matter as much artstyles will be way more important in order to sell games.