Blocks your path

>blocks your path

>Tosses shitty game out of the window and puts Horizon Zero Dawn

>tosses shitty console out of the window and turns on pc

why would you toss it out if you are gonna put in the same thing again?

>Throw the game away, walk outside, ask your dog to shit in your hands, come back inside, put it on your plate and stare at it for a good 15 seconds while chuckling to yourself saying "Boy that would have been embarrassing, huh?"

>realises nothing to play
>tosses shitty pc out of the window and opens book

>tosses shitty book out the window and opens a business

plz nerf

>turn it into PC repair shop and go out of business immediately

>stock market crashes
>tosses shitty life out the window

>there are still people playing overwatch

>Bastion and Symmetra in Catch the Flag mode

>be completely useless
>suddenly be completely overpowered

ah yes

butthurt hat trader detected

>there are still people drinking out of plastic.

>tfw I haven't been able to cope with the nerf yet
>lost 200 sr after the new seasons placement matches

>there are still people playing overwatch OR tf2

>blizzdrones always have to make it about tf2

*puts you to sleep*

*covers you in biotic grenade stuff*

That's the Blizzard way

>still playing videogames

Ana: The solution to and cause of all meta problems

Why would you go get the game you threw out the window

Shutp and post that delicious brown muslim girl

How come Blizzard can't balance for shit?
>character is shit, make them op
>character is op, make them shit
Is there no inbetween?

>open door
>see this
>what do

>playing blizzard titles

I think the infantized playerbase that whines something is op when they die from it has something to do with the game's balancing issues.

>counter Bastion with Hanzo
not in a million years will hanzo be a threat to something that can out heal most ults
Junkrat is almost viable for this but he's to trash at everything else

I just recently watchet the Meet the Badtion video and holy shit why is it so boring and cliche?

Same with the others, the only one I enjoyed was the Genji one, because the "muh feelings" approach kinda make sense but a robot with PTSD? Iron Giant ripoff.

One scatter arrow and he's done for, and since Bastion is static it's incredibly easy to do.

>hero switching is a key element in Overwatch
>switching is disadvantegeous becausse you lose your ult. progress


>b-but TF2

>but a robot with PTSD?
See you can be a dummy and treat it like it's a robot with PTSD.
Or you can be a bit less of a dummy and treat it like a robot equipped with self-defense protocols that it really cannot override. If it perceives danger, it'll revert to its basic combat programming and lash out. Violently.
Because it's a robot. With combat damage.

>playing as bastion
>gold elims
>"wtf why do we have bastion on attack reported"

Blizzard has been trash since post frozen throne

Overwatch is one giant cliche. Not sure why it took you this long to notice.

kiss roadhogs big belly!!

Their idea of a game is one where skill doesn't really matter as opposed to hero switching. A game that anyone can play.

It'd be like making TF2 only instead of having any generalist classes like Scout and Soldier it's just specialist classes.

Unfortunately, Blizzard hasn't learned the lesson that years and years and years and YEARS of game design has taught us that specialists and balancing a game around them is almost never a good idea.

>Turn business into a company, named Naughty Dog

How are people still having problems beating this literal one trick pony character?

Say "It's the little things." then politely close the door and walk away because I am not a fag.

>watching unfunny Jew on youtube

>His one trick is turning whole swathes of the map into areas of instant death

"Wow, you guys just need to git gud."