When your 1st party title line up looks like this, you already failed

When your 1st party title line up looks like this, you already failed.

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That would explain why the PS4 and Xbox One are the most disappointing consoles yet I suppose

fucking destroyed

Not everything has to be first party either, you're clearly pushing a used meme + wait for e3.

Nobody buys PS4 or Xbox for first party games.

Nintendo always relies on first party

>Nobody buys PS4 or Xbox for first party games.
Probably because they don't have any



Dont worry, mobile game developers are working on porting their mobile games to the switch.


don't be mad enjoy your 1 game on that awesome 6.7 console




>draw a ps4
>call it a nintendo switch
why are sonyggers this retarded?


At first I thought you were making a joke about how the PS4 had literally no games for 3 years, but then I realized you meant the actual drawing

>you already failed
I failed?


>no Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>no Arms
>no Xenoblade Chronicles 2

I mean, it's still hella sparse, but why do you gotta lie, OP?

Nintendo failed

Why give yourself (You)'s

Bloodborne is the only game that is both exclusive and worth paying for on that list. The rest are either 3 hours long, movies, weebshit, or better on PC.

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Same bullshit
I bet the 8 people who buy this game will love it
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Weeb shit that doesn't look like garbage

Post that one where he goes from a Nintendofag to a pcfat to sonymasterace

Where were you when Nintendo got BTFO

When your 1st party title line up looks like this, you already failed.

Most of those are not first party.

tl;dr on the review?

Come on, OP, at least include ARMS, Fire Emblem Warriors, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

>tl;dr on the review?
"We would really like some views so we're going to say something controversial"

>tl;dr on the review?
jack of all trades console, master of none.
too underwhelming to be a console when compared to the similar priced competition, still too underwhelming to a handheld seeing as it's missing features cheap chink tablets have.

>still too underwhelming to a handheld seeing as it's missing features cheap chink tablets have.
But phones are tablets are literal garbage for playing games on, why does it matter if it has a browser?

I guess playing better games isn't a good trade-off for all of the other things tablets normally do (i.e. browsing the web).

If you aren't looking to mostly play videogames, why would you even buy a switch?
Just get a fucking normal tablet if all you want to do is use facebook and twitter while watching netflix

Yo nigga this doesn't make a sense. Games are literally unplayable on phones and tablets, believe me I've tried. Only a gnat could be entertained by the simple shit games available there.

Maybe it's more accurate to say the gaming console is unsuitable for non-gamers?

I'm sure the Switch will be a decent system for people who never bothered to owned a Wii U if they keep up the ports.

Tropical Freeze and 3D World's multiplayer would work great with the two joycons

how far you gonna move that goal post user?

You forgot mario kart 8D, arms and xenoblade

>Best firstparty line up Year 1 in history

>moving the goal posts

>IGN 90% of the time
fuckn trash site should die
>IGN when it's something the circlejerk agrees with

>let's ignore Fire Emblem even though it's more relevant than Metroid
>let's ignore the new IP but list Splatoon

Love this meme.


>if they keep up the ports.
Smash, Mario Maker, Bayonetta 1&2 and Pikmin 3 are what I hope they port.
Alongside Pikmin 3, they need to have GC Virtual Console to have all 3 on the Switch.

xenoblade isn't anywhere close to being finished
pokemon was never confirmed for switch

>Pokemon Stars
The rest are right, though, and Pokemon on Switch would be a good idea.

Lets see...

On Wii U, can play it on Cemu,
On Wii U, can play it on Cemu,
Shit game,
On Wii U, can play it on Cemu,
Hahahaha, no
Another shitty DW clone
Who gives a shit?
Finally something decent.

Xenoblade is listed as a late 2017 release and Eurogamer talked about Pokemon Stars


>le only first party games count meme

Fine. Where are 1-2-Switch, Snipperclips, MK8, and ARMS you dishonest piece of shit?

>On Wii U, can play it on Cemu,
you can play 1 2 Swich on Cemu when its a Switch exclusive? Fag :D

>On Wii U, can play it on Cemu,
You can play Splatoon 2 on Cemu when its a Switch exclusive? :D What are you? a Sonigger?

>had the entire world play Pokemon Go
>not taking advantage of it with an even better game on your new flagship console

Jezz, Nintendo.

>a main line Pokemon game
>who gives a shit

I want to see how many 3DS's were bought whenever new Pokemon games came out.

Even if Splatoon 2 was just like Splatoon 1 you can't play online on Cemu so it's not even worth playing it.

Add Snipperclips in March. Game looks fun for a downloadable title for a twenty bucks. Plan to play with my white GF. She's a bit moody carrying our biracial baby but she should be good.

wtf i love the nintendo switch now

Is Snipperclips made by Nintendo? I thought its an indie game

Nintendo is publishing it.


So its not made by Nintendo

>you can play 1 2 Swich on Cemu when its a Switch exclusive? Fag :D
I wasn't talking about 1 2 Switch, who gives a shit about a 50 bucks shitty mini game collection

>Splatoon 2
He thinks Splatoon 2 is an actual sequel, that's cute.

Nintendo bought the Indie studio, it is them now.

You seemed to have skipped Bloodborne in March, the actual game of our generation.

>one of 5 souls games
>best of anything

>He thinks Splatoon 2 is an actual sequel, that's cute.

It... is? They obviously improved the graphics and added several new guns. I'd be damned if there isn't a new story too.

What is an "actual sequel"?

Any source on that? They really bought a new Studio?

Bloodborne released in 2015 you faggot

Nioh is better

Fpbp, always

And the PS4 released in November of '14, bloodborne was 4 months later


on that site, xenoblade is listed under "TBA" with no year or date.

and gamefreak never confirmed pokemon. it's all just rumors and speculation. for all we know they're still going to make the next pokemon for 3ds.

I'm almost certain we'll get some sort of announcement come E3. They just want to milk every sale out of the 3DS before they completely abandon it.


A game on PS4, obviously!

>no metroid

no metroid no buy

>Nintendo only releases first party games
"Nintendo is only good for first party titles!! Where are all our third parties you Nintoddlers!!!"
>Nintendo releases third party games
"What!??? No Mario until December!?!?!? Fucking THANKS, Nintendo, RUINED AGAIN."

Your average Soniponi, ladies and gents

>shit game
Nice argument faggot

Are you mentally ill? is it really that hard to google the PS4 release date? it tool them one and a half year to buy a good exclusive. The Ps4 released in 2013.

Go on suck more dicks.

>Sony needed 1.5 years to buy an exclusive worth playing

Well played

please be a shitpost


Nintendo Switch launch game is zelda, while ps4 had knack and killzone HAHAHAHHAHAH




Fuck off twitter.com/Polygon/status/834764840451334144


That is embarrassing.
Only anti-tendos would try to correct the record like this.