Nintendo Switch Red Pill

According to most reviewers so far, it's a jack of all trades console but master of none.

>As a home console it's underpowered compared to the competition such as PS4/XboxOne despite being priced the same amount
>It's a great handheld, but $300 for the base console and $60 for 3DS-like cartridges is a bit too expensive. Especially after you factor in that the handheld is missing common features found in cheaper mobile devices such as bluetooth headset compatibility, no internet browser, no MP3 support in the system menu or during games, etc.

How much longer until Nintendo drops the "home console" tag and makes it 100% handheld?

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When Gamefreak finally agree to work on a game on it.

It's too big and cumbersome to be a real handheld, so it won't even catch on like Nintendo handhelds usually do in that regard.

Next year Nintendo is going to come out with a new model that comes with no dock, just the system only. It's still going to cost as much as a PS4 if not more since PS4 prices are dropping.

Handhelds are a fucking meme that needs to be ended

Phone game developers are already porting their phone games to Switch.
If you want to play them you CANNOT use the TV mode because these games require the touch screen.
It's already giving ground.


It's a fucking handheld that can connect to your TV, not a console you can take on the go. It was always designed as a portable system, the games are designed for it to be in portable mode, portable mode is the default and TV mode is the side thing that runs worse, not the other way around. It literally runs worse on your TV while it's plugged into the wall than when it's running off a battery as a handheld.

Nintendo says it's a home console first and foremost

Most reviewers? Or just the retards at IGN where you pulled this from?

>nott understanding that its a combination of the handheld/console features that make the thing worth the consumers money
you cant discredit it as a handheld OR a console, because its both.

just because you call a cat a dog, doesn't make it a dog

>just because you call a cat a dog, doesn't make it a dog

When everyone except your retarded ass calls it a cat, including mother cat, then it's probably a cat and not a dog.

You fucking retard.

>It's a fucking handheld

So a shite overpriced handheld with 2.5 hours of battery life. Got it, lad.

Oh wait, question Mr. Batman. Why would they sell additional pro controllers for their so called "portable console"? What the fuck is this thing? And why are the games so crazy expensive then?

>no internet browser
>no mp3 support

Why the fuck would you want to browse the internet or listen to music with the switch when you have a phone?

>Why the fuck would you want to browse the internet or listen to music with the switch when you have a phone?
Why the fuck would you want a Swotch, when you have a phone for everything already including gaming?

you need a internet browser to login to public wifi

being able to listen to custom music in games is something the original xbox and psp was doing more than a decade ago.


As soon the next Pokemon game is announced we will know for sure if 3ds is dead or not.

One of the best reviews I've seen. Kinda killed my hype to be honest.


Dude pudding lmao

I fucking cried at the nearly the end of that movie.