Barely manage to carry a team to victory

>barely manage to carry a team to victory
>the bottomscoring player in your team goes: "gg ez"

Other urls found in this thread:

get gud scrub


Whose the semen demon?

>4 hour long game
>"gg ez"

>when you are easily the worst player on the team but evereyone is having a go at this one guy thats not really doing anything wrong

Lori Loud

when u spanking it nd you hit push-to-talk by mistake

What a slut.

>by mistake


It's called sarcasm.

>it's a /trash/ talk about their sad stories on Sup Forums episode

>when you get ganged up on and one asshole starts trashtalking/emoting

>when some asshole is ganking lowbies but runs when you get on your main
I legit mad

>4 snipers

Fuck off Loudfag

>/trash/ starts leaking
>doesn't even leak to the right board

>fap to some of a more well-drawn porn
>never seen even a minute of this show

>push to talk
>retard laughs on the mic

Thats because they know you're worthless, while the other guy can actually step it up.

>it's a noob complains that other team uses OP weapons game
posting best sister before inevitable 404

>Final Score: 499-500

>that beta ak47
wonder what it must have been like pre skins even though in the final release the model was changed

>do shit and blame your team
>try to make yourself feel better by posting on a siamese tourism pamphlet forum

It's generic as fuck with an 8/10 selection of waifus

it's pretty nice, the artstyle is cool



the backrounds have this newpaper comic feel to them, i like it

Is every generic western cartoon "CalArts" now?

>carry the absolute fuck out of your team
>23 kills 0 deaths you're untouchable
>still get fucking crushed by the enemy team because literally everyone on your team sucks

I hate playing alliance sometimes

>tfw you're always the bottom fragger because you suck at vidya


>pretty nice
>Chris Savino


>toddlers and tiaras: the character
>best sister

>watching cartoons

What did she mean before 'sweet comic relief'?

>is actually funny and entertaining
>best comedy duo with Lincoln
>all episodes she mained in were solid and rewatchable unlike nearly everyone else
also luan is possibly the most unfunny character there

So basically this is a subtle Loud House thread?
I mean I'm game.

Why did they allow that WHAT WERE THEY THINKING

>Grey's pitched NOOOOOOOOOO
see this is why Lola is the best character

best daughterfu claims last page victory!


>Kill someone
>They turn on their mic

>tfw no Loud House fighting game

It's funny that this show handles the concept of same sex relationships better than Steven Jewniverse ever could

Boi you better start posting

>log into panda
>search "Loud House"
>Kill yourself

I've been into this show since it premiered last May, but I don't like incest at all, and I've never fapped to any Lincoln x Any of his sisters

It's a genuinely good show. Something cartoons should strive to be.

He's moved on past since his Dexter season 3 days

TLH is a pretty typical cartoon but I feel like we haven't gotten a proper one of those in ages with the current trend of every cartoon having to be a lot less authentic with its artstyle and having to be deeper, so it's kind of refreshing in an ironic way.

Lynn is the Chie of western cartoons.

reviving Jojo was a fucking mistake

Wait, were you playing Clinkz and was the bottomscoring player an Abaddon per chance?

>I have NO idea how tropes work: the post

>Cary your team to victory
>The rest of your team agrees
>The worthless Genji that did nothing most of the game gets POTG with his one ult
>Says "gg im to good for my team"

bumpiroo ^^

alright buddy reel it in, the show is decent at best

t. nu-weeb

Name a better modern cartoon. You WILL be graded on this.

currently Adventure Time. After all the bitching online about how all the plotlines and foreshadowing was fucking destroyed, the writers started picking them up again. Although I don't like the show that much.


>Adventure Time
I'm so fucken embarrassed for you that I'm not even gonna reply directly

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

He actually took it, what a madmen.

Is this post considered /mlp/?

I don't think I've ever seen a show with writing as trite as the loud house

pls keep it on /trash/ where it rightfully belongs, thx.
