There are people in this very board committing actual suicide over this

>there are people in this very board committing actual suicide over this
why are Gamers so insecure?

Other urls found in this thread:

also here's a 4K graphics pack for BOTW.

Sorry Wii U and Switch fans, 4K Zelda is only available on PC.

>fps 20

yeah senpai, I doubt it

is it playable on cemu already?

If its good enough for Ocarina of time then its good enough for BOTW.

No, this is just a shitpost

No its not, i tried it but it only gets as far as the main menu.

Ocarina was designed to run at 20, this is designed for 30

I don't really care if people are emulating it, but wait until it runs well before baiting people with it

>committing actual suicide over this
Tell me more

>pre-order a Switch and BOTW for $300+
>people that don't give a shit about BOTW can play it for free a few days earlier even if it's a slideshow
>they'll eventually be able to play it better than the switch can, probably within 2 months
It's called being cucked, suicide is an appropriate reaction.

the devs are looking into it, expect an update to fix the start crashes within a week or two of release tops.
it will probably still be a while before it's fully playable with decent fps tho.

RIP to those we've lost

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

-Jeremiah 29:11

>I bought a switch but I want to play new zelda on cemu when it starts working

I would kill myself as well if all I got from my thousands of $$$ "donations" was getting to the title screen of my pirated gaem.

No screens of the game in 4K? I'd really like to see what it looks like compared to the 4K bullshots

Is that cutscene realtime?

cemu is a pretty bare bones emulator I tried playing splattoon but I'm supposed to use the pad to look up and down and I figured I could use the gyro in my ds4 but there is no way to do that.

Doesn't bother me that much. 90% of the people who intend to play it on an emulator were never planning on paying for the console/game regardless of its emulatability.

I, however, will be getting my console and game tomorrow at midnight :^)

We are getting further.

>wasting your time
just wait till it works better

It is all about how the game is coded. It might be just a line of code in the render for it to run like MK9, it might be 5 months of trial and error.

Wait a second. I didn't follow this emu thing. You can actually start the game that is not out on a pc?

what the FUCK is up with that main menu?

just like playing on the switch
literally 1/1 emulation

>cucking yourself out of the optimal play experience on the switch
>calling others cucks

ya nah

it's like how I can fuck your mom even though she's married

Well I will pirate the game from walmart, why would I bother with that cemu shit?

My mom is dead you sick fuck.

fuck, user, made me tear up

Game launches, but gets stuck before the first real cutscene begins. Game probably won't be in a decent state to play for another couple months. Still, pretty neato that the game launches with absolutely nothing done on the emulator specifically for this game

>optimal play experience
>silky smooth 720p 20 FPS in portable mode
>constant controller desync in docked mode
Truly optimal

...Your eyes are open


and others can play the whole thing on the wiiu, yes

Torrents have computer virus?

You can only get to the main menu using a save.
but once you try and boot the save it crashes

If it's like most emulators, than that 20fps means it's running at 1/3rd speed.

Considering that PS3 isn't even fully working at all.

Yes, better install a few Yahoo toolbars and run your firewall to stay protected.


THATS the main menu?

This is a record first new level of low for Nintendo, what the fuck. The first game without a big awesome intro title screen.

Pirating because of this, fuck Nintendo. If they were lazy here, they're lazy with the actual game. Get fucked.

It is minimalism...


>it plays the fairy music when picking a savefile, colon three

Aren't you tired of this already?

>Pirating because of this
you would pirate even if your mom's ass was in the title screen you retard

where do I get the rom?

Where can I download the ISO? just doesn't load.
I don't care if only the menu's there, I want to be able to play it as soon as posible

try google retard
not "try google, retard," but educate yourself on what's legally classified as retarded

PS3 is a very weird architecture that took the game devs several years to get a proper hold of it. There was no documentation leaked, and yet some minor emulation already exists, which is great.

WiiU is essentially the same programming of a Wii, which is the same programming of an Game Cube, which had leaked documentation.

That is why emulating it is so easy


iso? I dont know much about this subject forgive me

>emulating a game that already had a PC version

>tfw you can play all the Wii U games you want without having to pay Nintendo

It's a proof of concept?

More like beta testing

nintoddlers about to off thermselves

>WiiU is essentially the same programming of a Wii
not quite, it's the same architecture but the hardware is different, which is why you don't see Wii U games in Dolphin - it took a different team with some insider info on Wii U hardware to do it, and they're still a long way to go until they manage accurate emulation (currently, they're having to patch issues on a game-by-game basis).

i'd actually buy some of their games if they released for PC, but i'm tired of buying underpowered nintendo cuckboxes just for the priviledge of playing nintendo games. it's not like the nes-gamecube era where you have shitloads of other game devs to choose from

Not like the console version has decent fps.

>own hacked Wii U
>can still emulate Zelda if I want when and only when it becomes 100% playable without framedrops at 1080p

And the buyers's remorse will set in a week later :^)

by then he could resell it for a potential profit

I would have no problem buying the game right now for $60 if it didn't require me to also buy a $200-$300 console that doesn't even run it that well and would just gather dust after I'm done with that one game

not everyone likes wasting money on shit they don't need

people will see the truth in less than a week. just watch as gamestop turns to only buying it for $80 or less

even bad zelda games like SS hold a high value

>optimal play experience on the switch
You are mentally ill.

That's what heatpacks are for, faggot. A lubed up hot one for a few minutes in the old clunge brings it back to life long enough to bust a nut.

>cemufags really thought they would be playing the game at all day 1
Enjoy the waiting game while I have fun on my wii u. : ^)

For what purpose? It doesn't run...yet

i mean a switch. the thing is getting fucking destroyed in reviews. apparently it's the worst console/hardware in decades.

This. I'm gonna get a switch and the game but if i can play it on my computer as well sign me the fuck up.

>muh 6.7
>muh polygon nintendo hateboner
the console has a lot of fuck-ups, and I personally won't be getting one, but you're a fool if you feel a few journalist's opinions are indicative of a system's success or failure. Especially considering IGN also rated the Wii U system an 8.0

what about ALL journalists' opinons?

almost entirely worthless these days honestly

Everyone hated/hates the WiiU and I find it to be one of the best consoles I've ever owned, I still crack a smile whenever I use it, fucking thing is reliable and convenient.

I'm not buying a Switch at launch but I'm sure I'll buy it some time later.

anybody have a BoTw .wud key?



you dun niggest mondigga

any link to dl the game? the mega link just "reaches limit" after dling half the game.

wtf? must've been used already...
got another one? pls

Well there's metacritic page for Switch. You can check it out yourself.

Wii U actually got decent reviews.

>I still crack a smile whenever I use it
Are you autistic?

Yes, but why would you ask that?

>With few other games worth your attention, tons of missing features and a potentially problematic hardware glitch, the Switch doesn’t make a great first impression.
holy shit, this is a bit too mean... he has to consider the mental health of nintoddlers...

>the console has a lot of fuck-ups, and I personally won't be getting one, but you're a fool if you feel a few journalist's opinions are indicative of a system's success or failure.

So, don't believe them if it's critical of Nintendo hardware like the Switch, but do believe them if they praise Nintendo software like BOTW