What happened to xboxfans?

What happened to xboxfans?
It's like they don't exist anymore.

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I exist, but I spend more time playing games than talking about it.
And I just got BotW too so theres that

Microsoft fucked over anyone who liked their consoles so hard that even the most staunch supporters of the Xbox series of consoles couldn't bear to try and defend the stupid decisions of their chosen company anymore.

I fucking loved my OGbox and my 360 got tons of use, but after watching the 360 dashboard get slowly butchered and raped, and then the initial reveal of the xbox one... holy fuck, no thank you.

and now xbox games get windows releases anyways, or quietly cancelled.

They probably play their games in peace instead off shitting up this board with their obsessive, creepy insecurity complex over a fucking game console

They're all chads who'd rather be playing than shitposting on Sup Forums

All of this, plus Halo and Gears just lost their appeal, and Rare was gutted of their Playtonic talent and Nintendo charm.

If Sup Forums's fear-mongering is correct, M$ is about to fuck Windows 10 (then likely 7/8.1) users next. They've become such a disease to technology ever since entering vidya.

this desu
every chad I know has an xbox not a ps4

Who are those three on the bottom-right?

Xbox was just a American version of Playstation.

>(then likely 7/8.1)
>he didn't turn off updates long before the botnet started pushing W10

>2 of the characters were more popular as nintendo games

Microsoft went out of their way to burn every possible bridge of support with their fanbase. The E3 2013 conference was so bad that even idiot teenagers who had been playing Halo on Xbox all their lives ended up going to Sony instead, and nothing they have attempted since then has done anything to prove they aren't the most contemptuous and monopolistic console manufacturer in the industry.

3 of them*

I tried once or twice, just made the mistake of choosing wrong methods and thought it wasn't doable.

Vanilla Win7 itself is still thankully easy to pirate, I'll probably have it down with help by then.

We spend time playing games and discussing them without shitposting.
And we can't mention xbone because PCfats will just spam "Also on PC lmao xbone no exclusives btfo"

We do exist user, but there is currently nothing to talk about, I'm also an idort so I'm currently talking about the Switch instead, but the Xbox is my main console

>Gears of War
>Voodoo Vince
What are the others?

chick on the right side is joanna from perfect dark

>I'm an Xboxfan
>Half the roster is nintendo and sega ports

Thats why.

I haven't touched my xbox since deadrising 4 when it came out but i only played it for like 5 hours. Pressing x and y constantly is a chore. I have optimism for project scorpio but im gonna wait until e3 to see what ms are up to. Their upcoming "big" "exclusives" are not anything im super hyped for other than crackdown 3. But even then we've seen so few of it. I dont play co op games at all so sea of theieves doesnt rapt for me.

It's true though, there is no reason to get Xbox over any other system, it's the only objectively bad choice
It's also why there's no Xbox shitposting, everyone knows it's terrible, so calling it shit won't make anyone mad

2013 hit them pretty hard.


>halo man

I legit don't know the other exclusives.

>tfw the one Xbox One game you want is the one that will never be on PC
It hurts.

gears of war and I can't think of anything else

Xbox always been a joke. Only reason the Xbox 360 was even relevant was because Sony dropped the ball hard with the PS3 with multiplats performing worse, the console being more expensive, and Microsoft securing all the deals/exclusives.

I'm playing daily.
Just check'ed here before starting my gamins session for the night.

Check my doubles.jpg

This netflix like program they're doing is a shit idea

>Picture of dead franchises

>Master Chief

So... 3 notable IPs?

>see Blinx
>think of that Lackadaisy shit by that SJW whore in a poly relationship
I fucking hate you for fucktards for making me ever know of that shit.
fuck all of you.

Im not an Xbox fan, though I prefer the Xbox over the Playstation.

Im not a product loyalist like the rest of you.

Kameo, Perfect Dark and Ninety-Nine Nights.

At least you also have Fable, Sunset Overdrive, State of Decay, Crackdown and the newest Dead Risings.

Sorry about Scalebound, man.

>Im not a product loyalist like the rest of you.

I really hope you don't believe this.

Quit replying to me or else I'll force you to type out a long indepth paragraph by saying a PS exclusive sucks.

I never really cared about Xbox but god damn I want another Crackdown game like the first one. It was basically GTA Online on steroids and you're a supercharged cop cracking down on ghetto spics.

yama itte kurae

Not him but preference =/= sucking its dick at all costs and goldfacing over finally getting a game.

For example: I enjoyed playing Gears and Halo back then and still hope Banjo gets used properly, but I'm absolutely disgusted by M$'s worsening practices and don't mind playing on other consoles/computers when available.

>I'm a Xbox fan
>I'M A

Its AN. X is "EX" An X, not A X. Fucking english butchering pig millenial shits.


in the trash where it belongs, next to Otogi

I meant that everyone is is a product loyalist. I assure you that most people are just shitposting and don't actually believe the shit they type.


no he's a literal fan

Xbox fans actually play games. The Xbox sells more software than other consoles. It's not that they don't exist it's just that they don't have to justify liking the console.

This desu
>paying for an adbox

>Lackadaisy shit by that SJW whore in a poly relationship
Did I miss something about that particular comic by any chance?

Dropped it after they decided they didn't need any exclusive games or JRPGs, I feel like they gave up, compare the 360 effort to the Xbox One effort and you will see how shit they are now. I too was a big MS supporter but I am PC and PS4 now.

Not him but thanks for the info.
I thought it applied only for vowels.

Xwhat? I thought that died years ago?

Xbox was the only reasonable choice for someone that visits Sup Forums regularly.

You will play anything else and then come to this place and see how the game you liked gets taken apart and filled up with shitposting to the brim.

The heart of those people gets broken and they shitpost the other side. That's why everyone on this place is a bitter little pathetic faggot. I wish you well xbox fags.

Playing video games or behaving like an adult.


So basically a bizarro-version of the current gen?

Blinx was a really fun game and the first game I ever attempted to 100%
I got fucked by the levels with the canals though.

Scarier thing? That game is gonna be 4 years old this year...

I love the OG Xbox. It's my favorite console of all time. I grew up with a PS1 and later PS2 as well. I used to shit on the Xbox back in the day before I got my own.

Oh, in that case yeah.

I prefer PC but never had a problem playing on anything else so long as the game(s) themselves were good.

I do kinda wish Sonyfags would control themselves better though.

>remember 3
>2 have the best games on n64

>see blinx
>sudden urge to buy a 360 and Blinx, Perfect Dark 0 and bullet witch
>Blinx 2 has an absurd price in my country

maybe some other day i will consider getting a 360...

>perfect dark 0

I'll fucking sell you mine i cant get rid of this shit.

There are a ton of Xbox OG exclusives.


>XBOX had good exclusives, graphics ahead of it's time, superior hardware, and the best ports
>360 also had strong hardware but got ruined by motion controls, shovelware and RROD
>ONE was nogaems TV crap then and it has even less games now that it got it's exclusives handed to Windows 10
>some kid turned a possible ticket to OG XBOX emulation into a shitty hipster rig
>microshit will never make a handheld xbox console
It's seriously sad.

Seriously, Microsoft doesn't know what they're doing with the xbox one. Nintendo got burned badly for relying on something like casuals. Microsoft at least supported a core audience at some point so the xbox one moves some units at the very least. But all they're doing, it just doesn't have any impact.

Microsoft doesn't have any weight behinds their punches. It doesn't feel like they are competing at all.

Because this is the only decent Xbone exclusive I can think of

Original xbox has a new xbro/hipster fanbase. It got a lot of odd exclusives and sega games after dreamcast was discontinued, making is something like a second dreamcast.

Modern xbox has no noticeable fans because there's nothing to differentiate them from PC gamers that are playing all the same shit.

>also on PC

I love my Xbox and prefer to sit back and watch the sonyfags and nintentards fight

I can't recognize the skeleton in the top left

Take that back

I feel like if you're only playing Xbox for IPs primarily associated with other platforms from the past, it doesn't really make you an "Xbox fan"

Conker and Banjo both have entries on Microsoft platforms, but their fame stems from when they were on Nintendo

>disable updates
>retard friends who play online with you insist you use skype to voicechat
>skype reactivates updates

If the Xbox had anything worth playing I'd get it. I have a PS4 and PC for weebshit and multiplats (and the occasional XBone port) and eventually a Switch to scratch my Nintendo itch. The damn thing is useless this gen.

I'm a Halo, Gears of War and Forza Horizon fan who has to be inconvenienced and buy an xbox now that Microsoft has given up on PC again.

Also fuck them for giving up on Scalebound and Phantom Dust, and where is my Crimson Skies, jesus christ no one cares about Crackdown and you already have like 3 other games trying to be big burly guy shoots things. Spoiler alert Gears and Halo are more then enough in that category fucking Phil you were supposed to save the Xbox not leave it in Darkness.

Shouldn't that be "an"

>Nobody cares about Crackdown

I do because I enjoyed the first game and enjoy Red Faction: Guerilla. 3 seems to be a combination of both.

>bullet witch
Why the hell? The game is shit

It's actually pretty good from what I hear.