Alright mates, it's almost over and I need your advice. Did you like this game? Are the dlc important...

Alright mates, it's almost over and I need your advice. Did you like this game? Are the dlc important? Should buy this or X-COM 2 on g2a?

>xcom2 $17 on g2a
How disgusting.

Maybe I should sell my own copy.

People say that without DLCs is a shit. Dunno myself never played it.



DLC just makes the extra races playable, they exist and you can kill them all without owning it. So you only need to buy a race if you really want to play it.

The game's amazing. I've had it for less than three months and clocked nearly 150 hours already despite working full time. It's sucked up almost all of my free time since I got it.

The DLC is supreme jew tier in terms of cost (holy shit £14 per race!?), but in terms of content it's really good. The way it works is all the DLC races/units/lords get added to the game for everyone for free, but you have to fork over cash to actually play as them. So if you don't want to play as Wood Elves you just don't buy the DLC, they still exist in your game same as everybody else's. There's still an absurd amount of content without spending an extra penny. Five fully featured factions with their own gameplay mechanics, units etc. It's not like the other TW games where you play a campaign as a Roman state and maybe a campaign as a non-Roman state and you're done with the game. Every single faction is worth playing a full campaign with because CA finally figured out faction diversity.

I understand there's a way to pirate the DLC now. If you wanna do that you probably want to stick the key on a spare Steam account instead of your main one.

>People say that without DLCs is a shit
those people didn't play the game user

buy it, DLCs are at your discretion

warhammer is worth 12 $ alone

got it from the bundle myself, loving it, watch out with the chaos dlc though it's very hard to get used to, try to start with dwarves

I just bought this the other day, never played Total War so I started with Dwarfs since it says "easy" when compared to the other races. Any pro tips you can give me? I'm not far into the campaign, just finished my first quest related battle (pic related, looks like shit but apparently my settings are ultra). What I learned so far is protecting your flanks is gold and focusing the enemy commander seems like a solid strat

I'm hot trash at it but having fun. I think I'm on my fifth try at a Karl Franz start and only this time have I managed to not fuck myself completely over by turn 30. Wish the game had a bit more of a tutorial when it comes to campaign strategy. I also end up auto-resolving most of my battles because I just don't find the manual fights that fun. I'm not sure why there isn't an attack move. I either have to use a crazy amount of positioning micromanagement to keep my guys in a decent line, or I just click 1 enemy unit with 4 of my units selected and they all cluster up and are mostly ineffective.

I TOTALLY admit this is me not knowing how to play the game effectively though, and I'm still enjoying it a lot and spend a lot of time thinking about it.

This is all coming from a person with hundreds of hours of CK2, so it's no surprise that I'm actual garbage with tactical battles.

Thanks mates, I'm sold. Use this thread to talk about the game.

>255 hours played
it's pretty good

>tfw auto resolving every battle
Feels bad man. Maybe I need to watch some in-depth battle guide on youtube, there's something like this I reckon

>without DLCs is a shit
That's horseshit. The game is the best TW title and is amazing even without DLC. The DLC just adds another 100 hours on top of approximately 150 hours of playtime you will get out of the base game.

This is my first ever humble monthly, what are the chances that the other games in this bundle are decent? I'm kinda scared, their MSRP is "only" 100 bucks, checking out the older bundles they were much higher back then. Warhammer MSRP is 60 bucks, so that leaves 40 for the indie shit...

Don't buy it, they're already making Warhammer 2.

They caught me with the XCOM bundle and this Warhammer bundle.

Actually played a couple of the other games in the xcom bundle too, not expecting anything extra from Warhammer bundle but if there's even 1 playable game in the extras, it feels super worth-while.

> I either have to use a crazy amount of positioning micromanagement to keep my guys in a decent line, or I just click 1 enemy unit with 4 of my units selected and they all cluster up and are mostly ineffective.

Select the units in your line, hit control+G, and when you order them to attack they will target enemies in front of them in order to stay in line rather than charge the same enemy

I want Subnautica to be in this bundle but that's not gonna happen

Whenever I try and group, my dudes won't run fast, so I lose the charge bonus.

A couple things that might not be obvious at first;

-The Grom Peaks, northeast of your starting position, have a unique building that massively boosts your money, I think it's 1500 gold per turn. Head up there as soon as you can.
-Don't neglect defensive buildings. When you build top tier defences in a minor settlement it gets walls, this is INCREDIBLY important. Every single settlement should have as high defence as you can. If you don't, and you only make the defences strong on your frontier cities, the AI can and will forced march right through your territories to raze that weak little town down to the fucking ground. Or it'll spawn a unit of beastmen on top of it.
-The fullblown Chaos assrape invasion triggers when you have seven full provinces. Plan for it.
-Don't confederate often. It absolutely destroys your public order and the lords you inherit often have complete garbage for skills/units.

Empire has a tough start because you have to deal with beastmen, Norscans, other Empire nations, and now Bretonnia (replacing Elves who are thankfully less Third Reich now) all trying to fuck you at the same time. The game says it's a 'normal' start but that was before the DLC. Now they should be updated to 'hard'.

To move all your troops and keep their formation, hold alt and left-click-drag. And attack-move is on by default. Just move your guys into the enemy and they'll engage by themselves.

Are they in regular groups or locked groups? Locked groups should still charge correctly.

>actual protips
Nice, exactly what I needed, thanks man. Off to capture the Grom Peaks

listen to this guy, he gets it
however if you play as Bretonnia, do the complete opposite, Confederate as much as possible since you actually get a public order BONUS while playing as them.

>Confederating as Bretonnia on Very Hard or legendary with the difficulty based diplomacy success rate penalties

I put about 60-70 hours into it without the DLC? I want to play more but fuck paying 10-15 dollars for 1 race or whatever.

>confederated once as Bretonnia
>suddenly all the lords want to confederate
>massively confederate all in one turn
>-7k per turn economy
everything turned out alright

Get the game and pirate the DLC using cream_api

If you buy this for $12 and the immediately cancel, do you still get the rest of the games in the bundle that they reveal on the 3rd?

I don't think I get it lads, when are you supposed to cancel the thing if you just want one bundle?

Cancel immediately, you're fine.

yeah, you cancel immediately, i sorta accidentally bought this for not cancelling febs "subscription"

Thank you my friends

It's the best Total War, DLCs are pretty much irrelevant, you get more than enough stuff with the vanilla and the you also get the DLC factions as ennemies even if you haven't bought them.

this, it's fucking great, all the free DLC is more than enough