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i am fucking tired of these "choose button" threads


Forbidden Law

Forbidden Law

no more women or minorities allowed in game dev. :^)

Personally I don't like piracy and playable demos for all games would take away the whole "I'm trying the game if I like it I'll buy it" excuse.

Plus it's inherently benefits everyone except poorfags and Russia so what's the downside?

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Dream Trilogy
Burn the Industry is close second

All the other problems would melt away with it:
>Developers would have to scale back their budgets and would be forced to release demos again to pique interest in gamer
>Gaming would stop being a AAA billion dollar industry so developers would be forced to get creative with their craft again
>Casuals would lose interest and go back to moaning about other mediums
>Likely season passes would disappear and dlc would become expansion packs again
>With demo discs back, people would be less likely to pirate because they get to try before they buy
So maybe the industry would burn and it would all go niche again for a while but it would thin out all the casuals and AAA bullshit and return us to quality titles people are forced to indulge their passion in.

Dream Trilogy