You do take screenshots, right?

You do take screenshots, right?

Other urls found in this thread:



it's a problem

I wish this part lasted longer

Exploring foreign planets was great

Same! Just beat the story last night, and this part was without a doubt a highlight of the whole game

All the time




>not taking your screenshots in 8K




>almost 4mb
How bout no


looks like its on medium settings :/

Slap some AA on that bitch son.

ye rate my ui


Yeah the textures and stuff aren't the highest quality

I would if the xbone wasn't gay


Ouch, that is what the Xbone version looks like?

I really like the Shadow Company aesthetic

it doesnt matter i guess, i play with no ambient occlusion to keep the frames up and you stop noticing after a while.

getting a ps4 next week should i pick it up? it looks kinda shallow

yeah :/

and lastly this view

Sup Forums has filesize limits m8

I used to take so many..



I got the game on PS4 to play with other friends, how well is it on PC? Is the multiplayer going strong?

A little bit



This was taken on an xbone desu ;)




I can't suggest it for you because the game is just so unique different from anything out there and it depends entirely on your taste. I really liked it but hated some parts because some enmies are too quick for me to keep up with gravity attacks. It also is a bit shallow but you'll easily get 30 hours doing the main story and nothing else. check out impressions and reviews of GR1 to get an idea, the first one is an 8 hour game and is what made me fall in love with the series hurts






Screenshotting has been my hobby for years.


these screenshots suck


I used to do it but then realized I never looked at em anyways.



The downgrade and plagiarism though

Should have listened.




Thumbnail looks like Journey lol


Really not much better though.




Everyone copies everyone. your point?



>8k pleb

Step aside, kid. Let the big boys play.
16k Master race, had to resize because it's too big for Sup Forums.

It's a meme

Don't fall for the Gravity Rush meme, it's shallow as fuck and if you don't like exploring floating islands and it's artsy farty artstyle or want to masturbate to Kat it'll probably fail to impress you. The story is also a convoluted mess.

Get Yakuza 0, this game shits on that game






How do you go from PS4 to pc?
What's the workflow to getting pics on my photo harddrive?
I too have a problem




My screenshots folder is over 100GB big, tell me about it.



just finished this gem


If you take screenshots with HUD and subtitles on, you should off yourself

what game is this

just go into the photos app and select the ones you want and say "copy to usb device"


>swim around with different colors of fish for 2 hours the game
>a gem

Crysis 1 had better foliage.

Hello handsome~

fallout 3 with swords


oh right. it has those. Now I feel dumb
Thanks user

>weapon viewmodel

You're like a child.
>not increasing the MSAA to x8 to drop your framerate so you can switch weapons and take a screenshot in the downtime when your hands and weapon don't show


Yeah, but never any good ones



>ugh why isn't it 8 hours long
>ugh why can't i blow up demons?
>ugh!! why cant all games be the exact same!
Shut up nerd.