95% camo index

>95% camo index
>He's asleep
>Approaching prone using the arrows to move as silently as possible
>Already caught his faggot parrot so no spotter to locate me
>He 360 nosnore shoots me when i get within five feet of him
>Drops a flashbang while i'm flipping on the ground and runs like a kenyan towards god-knows-where
I'm never gonna get that camo am i
Metal Gear Thread

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Mgs3 is the shittiest game of the series gameplay wise. The story only becomes amazing at the torture scene. Before that, the story is basic. It's overrated but it's not bad

Doesn't he automatically detect you if you get so close and stay that close for a certain amount of time? Maybe try being a bit faster, but not so fast as to blow your cover. I don't remember having much difficulty getting the camo after the first time.

the only problem it has gameplay wise is having to pause to change camo and fix yourself up. the bosses were goat tier

>walked through like 200 soldiers to reach The Sorrow
>Got told later you can just wake up if you do a thing

Only real bad part if you ask me.

then again I never played beyond hard

You get the spirit camo if you reach the end of the sorrow fight. It lowers stam consumption and mutes your footsteps

Considering it's my first time it's to be expected, but i didn't think it would be such a pain
Still a great bossfight, there are so many ways you can find out where he is. My favourite so far is looking around until i see a reflection, then line up the hexagons and out-snipe him with the tranq gun to force him to relocate

Yeah I got it and kept it on basically forever but still.

My favorite is using the thermal goggles lel

But he doesn't show up unless you're already close to him, plus the resolution goes from shit to extremely shit and i can't see anything in the distance
Useful for getting the parrot tho

I got pretty annoyed with the fight and just laid down prone in that shed where you find the sniper rifle until his stamina ran down. Hit him with one shot of the tranq pistol and moved on.

>Mgs3 is the shittiest game of the series gameplay wise.

I completely disagree. MGS1 could be reduced entirely to the radar minimap, you could pretty much play the entire game using only that. It didn't offer much variety as to what you could do other than use the box or shoot the shit out of the guards.

MGS2 tried to reduce this issue by having the maps be locked behind those stations, which sort of worked, since the moments where you didn't know the layout of the area were tense as fuck. But once you made it to those stations, the game again regressed greatly into the radar minimap.

I feel MGS3 has better gameplay than 1 and 2 just for the fact that it does away with being so dependent on staring at a minimap and actually allowing the player to figure things out through observation. Sure, the first version with the camera angle was a bit fucked, but after they changed that, you have no excuses. If anything, because of the freedom MGS3 gives the players, I'd say it's the most enjoyable to play from the first 3.

That's true. Mainly I meant using the goggles to track him once I've already gotten close to him. Last time I played though was on the HD rerelease on a hueg TV, so maybe that also had something to do with it.

tfw Kojima wanted to make this sniper battle last days or even weeks. Kojima wanted The End battle to be fucking exhausting for the player so they could feel what Snake feels as he climbed the ladder to Grosnyj Grad. He wanted a second disc dedicated to it so he could create a massive contiguous landscape with no loading screens at all. You'd have to look for footprints or broken branches or listen to animals in the area to figure out of any were spooked or calm, which would give away where he is or isn't. All the while you're trying to avoid being spotted by the End who would actually kill you if he did, so you have to be really fucking careful. This is while making sure you catch food to eat so your stamina stays high enough to not give away your position and to prevent you from missing a vital shot.

But Konami said no because it was too hardcore for most gamers and they wouldn't sacrifice the profits since the price per unit would be a few yen higher due to the extra disc.

wrong and gay

>It didn't offer much variety as to what you could do other than use the box or shoot the shit out of the guards.

To further on this, the one time you're forced into combat outside of a boss fight in MGS1, the staircase to the comm tower, is probably one of the lowest points of the entire series gameplay wise. The shooting is broken since aiming at anything that's at a different height than you (literally every enemy during this scene) cause Snake to sperg out, so you're pretty much left with the option of tanking all the shots or spamming stun grenades.

Even the underwater scort mission in MGS2 was better than that.

That sounds really boring.

Hold on, what.

It occasionally rains while you're fighting the end.

Fuck off, mophead.

"Hey man I've stolen your life from you. You're mine now. My body double and my bodyguard at the same time. Genius, right? And no one knows about it, not even you up until right now. By the way my clone/son/miracle worker is on his way to murder you so I can live on a little longer.
Thanks for everything and God bless."


>The End
>Runs like a Kenyan

I haven’t played MGS3, but this is the wheelchair-bound, hundred-year-old sniper dude who dies in a week, right? Why does he move? I thought he’d be stationary…

Big Boss is an asshole that runs a merc army to start wars and use infant soldiers. If you wanted to see men becoming demons, well, there he is. Not Venom, not Kaz, not Ocelot. Big Boss is the asshole of MGSV and he hardly gets any screen time.

>Just tried again
>Got him down to a quarter stamina
>Lose sight of him while running
>Can hear him wheezing
>Hide in tree trunk, whip out mic
>Look around trying to locate him
>Turn towards the tree
>Lose control of snake
>Zoom out
>That old fuck is pointing his mosin at my head
fucking hell where did he come from

Use the microphone and wait until he falls asleep. You can sneak up on him easy then. Use the night vision goggles to spot his footprints.

something something he stores up his energy for when his talents are needed something something. also I imagine he moves because fighting a stationary sniper/sniper bound to one single area would be too reminiscent of previous sniper fights in the series

How do you get his camo? I beat him today, assumed it'd just be tranqs but all I got was his gun. What was I supposed to do?

Story wise? He's been saving the last energy of his life for that fight, or something like that. Also PHOTOSYNTHETIC PARASITES.

Gameplay-wise, because he'd be easy to beat in close range once you found him, so he can move around and make it more interesting. He's a sniper, he keeps his distance.

>want to play MGS3
>PS2 died so I gave it away
>emulation it is then
>runs like shit even on my not-so-crappy machine


I walked 3 times to the end of that river before I figured out what the fuck to do. Fuck those screamer attacks

Did you also kill pretty much everyone though?

same, it was only in a fit of autistic rage I realized you could still open access your items. One of those moments that made me feel like a total tard in vidya

I played on normal, so Bullets did nothing to me. Being a berserker was all I knew

If you're trying to sneak up on him, his footprints show up in the thermals

You have to sneak up behind him and hold him at gunpoint.

HD Collection on PS3?

You have to hold him up, and he'll shake the camo loose. It's pretty tough.

Specifically, you need to point your gun at him 3 times.

everyone circle jerks over the end but I thought he was e z w/ cheesy. He was always sitting in the same spots

He was easy, just very tedious. Removing the darts and eating more food was very obnoxious.

I don't disagree about the tower but I doubt anybody uses the famas outside of the tower, elevator, and boss fights so it's easy store up ammo and just run firing nonstop

>a man with ambitions is an asshole
Then the world needs more assholes. Maybe this way we wouldn't have to deal with leftcucks in this day and age.


Good thing his clone was far more talented than him and blew his shit up multiple times.

Can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending. You can be ambitious without literally starting wars and killing children.

What is this?

Is that in-game fox engine or is it pre-rendered? I've always wondered about that.

What does Sup Forums think of the Fury?


I don't want to reach his fight any time soon. It's after all the Raikov crap, right?

It's pachinko

you also had to manually breathe in and out, holding X to fill your lungs and O to deplete them, all while trying to hold in a fart that would give your position away.
The mud would make your shoes slippery and would stain your optics, as you shiver from the cold. You had to navigate using stars and the horizon, try to track animals by testing the freshness of their stool, while keeping yours in a bag to avoid being tracked by dogs.

This right here is the best video game trailer ever made.


Kojima is a sloppy storyteller at best but he is a fucking genius when it comes to these things.

In fact I'll miss MGS's trailers more than anything.

it's prerendered in fox engine

how do you throw people around? there seems to be no consistency as to what snake will do, sometimes he grabs them sometimes he just does the melee combo
am i missing something

Considering you'd have no way of interacting with it, I'd think it's much better to prerender it to avoid needing good hardware on the machine.


Hold the button to grab someone

Tap the button to punch (melee combo)

Tap the button while using the stick to throw someone in a direction

>MGS1 could be reduced entirely to the radar minimap, you could pretty much play the entire game using only that. It didn't offer much variety as to what you could do other than use the box or shoot the shit out of the guards.

If you ever play Extreme, that mode disables the radar. And no, you don't need to shoot any guards except for the mandatory fights like with Meryl.

Fucking Konami.

t. beta leftcucks

Boss, is that you?

>mutes your footsteps

Pretty much turns you into MGS1/MGS2 Snake

Should I play MGS4? Is it any good?

Really hated Big Boss after Phantom Pain. Venom became a Snake without the soldier genes ( maybe he had, not sure ). I would have liked a Metal Gear Venom spin off detailing the rest of his story.

>yfw you realise Venom is probably the rookie that calls Snake "Vic Boss" on the beach at the start of Peace Walker.

I think it's a lot of fun but it seems to be divisive

Play it and make your own opinion, it's gotta be cheap these days.

Over the years the Mgs community always changed opinions on what was the best/worst game of the series.

I enjoyed it quite a bit

Relatively off-topic but please spoil me the big tweest in 5. I still don't understand Venom

>managed to hold him up
>didn't hold him up long enough
>pop a few tranqs in him and he runs away
>get his rifle but not his camo

>completely wrong in every way

I bet you think 5 was the best.

It's the fucking medic from the start of the game with reconstructive facial surgery

Not as good as other main mgs games but still enjoyable. Lots of cutscenes though

Success is criminal.
Words are violence.
Ignorance is strength.

I used the water coloured camo and hid in the stream until he came to me, I shanked him repeatedly until he died, Did anyone else do this?

>Big Boss and this medic ( along with Paz, Chico and Kaz ) are on a chopper.
>Paz is rigged and jumps off to save BB
>the medic ( which happens to be the best soldier of MSF, Snake's mercenary pmc ) puts himself between the explosion and BB
>Helicopter crashes, BB and Medic fall into a coma.
>Ocelot devises a plan, implant BB memories into the Medic
> BB wakes up first. Ocelot know they don't have long before people start coming to kill BB.


Use the microphone, follow his footprints, carefully sneak up on him, Skrub

>Going lethal
>He doesn't want the bosses' camos

>While Venom is convinced to be the real BB, the actual BB goes into hiding and prepares his revenge.
>Ocelot goes through self hypnosis to make himself believe that V IS BB.
>Phantom Pain happens.

Then it's pretty confusing on how Venom finds out he is not BB sooner because he always had a picture of himself and BB with his real name ( the one you input at the start of the game ) in the chopper.

>Accepts his fate and creates Outer Heaven and is later killed by Solid Snake.

>scort mission
I never understand this complaint because it's literally just going backwards with less breath. You aren't 'escorting' EE you're literally just carrying her with you.

Pull the pin off of a granade and run, he won't hear your footsteps while running like that.
When you get near him use the D-pad to sneak up on him and hold him up.

I still don't know what to think about it. I played through the series maybe a year before TPP came out and it was the least enjoyable for me. Don't get me wrong, I love mgs cutscenes and I checked the codec every 5 seconds to see if anyone has anything new to say, but codec in MGS4 is not very interesting and the cutscenes... well the cutscenes, they basically take a dump on every previous game, especially 2, they're too over the top even for a mgs game with a deus ex nanomachina mentioned in every second sentence. Also 2 out of 5 acts are totally garbage
but that's just my opinion, some people like it, if you played the other games play 4 and form your own opinion. If you haven't, play the others as they are all way better, then play 4
overall it's ok I guess

>Ocelot goes through self hypnosis to make himself believe that V IS BB.

All to "trick" the Patriots into thinking he really was, I'm sure.
>I was just pretending to be Liquid

why couldn't you write that in a single post?

>Shoot him in the head right after he's introduced
>Skip the worst boss fight

>Giving up the best sniper rifle and camo in the game
Plus the pain is worse, you just swim around until you manage to get up on a rock without bees immediately swarming you

>360 noscope when you get within 5 ft
You are stalking right? (Walking using Dpad) That was my issue, assumed the d pad and tilting analog slightly were the same thing

or alternatively, konami code on the map screen to show his position, the end battle is only worth doing legit once

>The konami code highlights him
Wait what? WHAT?

What happened to the actual Big Boss, though? What did he do while in or after hiding?

if you input the konami code raplacing A and B with X and circle, the end's location is marked. Youll hear the "use" sound if you did it right. if you dont see a mark, he's in the other area

No i mean, i'm surprised there's still stuff i don't know about the game with how much i've replayed it

die phoneposter

dont worry i didnt know the volgan fight has some tricks like the poison frog or wearing ivan mask for a free cheap shot

I unironically would play the shit out of this.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time crawling in prone in MGSV at times where it would be perfectly acceptable to sprint or even use a vehicle without getting caught.

ok but did you know you can throw a hive at the pain and his bees will go in it, turning it into non-perishable food
or that firing the m63 for extended periods of time gives you superarmor