>95% camo index
>He's asleep
>Approaching prone using the arrows to move as silently as possible
>Already caught his faggot parrot so no spotter to locate me
>He 360 nosnore shoots me when i get within five feet of him
>Drops a flashbang while i'm flipping on the ground and runs like a kenyan towards god-knows-where
I'm never gonna get that camo am i
Metal Gear Thread
95% camo index
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Mgs3 is the shittiest game of the series gameplay wise. The story only becomes amazing at the torture scene. Before that, the story is basic. It's overrated but it's not bad
Doesn't he automatically detect you if you get so close and stay that close for a certain amount of time? Maybe try being a bit faster, but not so fast as to blow your cover. I don't remember having much difficulty getting the camo after the first time.
the only problem it has gameplay wise is having to pause to change camo and fix yourself up. the bosses were goat tier
>walked through like 200 soldiers to reach The Sorrow
>Got told later you can just wake up if you do a thing
Only real bad part if you ask me.
then again I never played beyond hard
You get the spirit camo if you reach the end of the sorrow fight. It lowers stam consumption and mutes your footsteps
Considering it's my first time it's to be expected, but i didn't think it would be such a pain
Still a great bossfight, there are so many ways you can find out where he is. My favourite so far is looking around until i see a reflection, then line up the hexagons and out-snipe him with the tranq gun to force him to relocate
Yeah I got it and kept it on basically forever but still.
My favorite is using the thermal goggles lel