We live in a timeline where PC and Xbox users are the most bearable fan bases. Let's let that sink in for a second

We live in a timeline where PC and Xbox users are the most bearable fan bases. Let's let that sink in for a second.

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Though what's worse, ps4bros or nintoddlers?

Xbox users aren't bearable, they just don't exist

They are very few and far between but they do exist.

The PC makes sense because its so wide beyond mustard race fags and theres the gold old toaster/VMfags that play old games, but do Xbots even exist? I liked the OG xbox and 360 but I genuinely cant think of anyone who has an Xbox One.

Right here
We just get shitposted to death whenever we make an xbone thread so there's no point.

>ps4bros or nintoddlers
your bias is showing

I'm here, currently defending the Switch though

Both are equally annoying, but the PC gamers are very smug and entitled.

The moral is that the console wars are for faggots.

They are sending death threats to IGN for saying someone doesn't work bro


In fairness its not hard to see why. The OG xbox was great and the 360 was good before Kinect ruined everything, but I dont think the Xbone could ever live its horrible reveal down and some of the choices it made recently arent any better.

I've seen a few around. They're not as noisy tho.
Nintendo fanboys were also absent until switch happened, save for a few random XCX and splatoon thread from time to time.


PC only mustards are still cancerous. They can't admit that overinvesting into single platform is a bad choice - no matter how good that platform is.
And some of them think that piracy is good.

Xbot here. I play on Xbone & PC.
> Not american
> Not having Xbot-Chads as friends
> Running Linux on my PC
> First console besides from SNES and PSP.

My reasons were games more suited for me (Halo, Recore, Forza), Backward Compatibility and to less extent Scorpio.


Delusional and everywhere, infested this whole board Tier:

Already know they've got the best Tier:

Absolute retard Tier:

I watched that review, it was pretty pathetic by any standard.
Both fanbases are cancerous but I don't hear drones flinging shit every way throughout the whole year, sonyggers though... God damn, I've had my fill of them over the years, they don't shut up and they keep prowling. Most of the memes and phrases used in this board are all because of them. It's a shit flinging fanbase at the core, you can't even have a decent discussion about ps games.
I'll take stupid and obnoxious pandering in specific occasions over shit every single day.

Console wars are and always will be for retards

>specific occasions

Sonyggers by far.

Right here my man. We just get tired of the console war faggotry and choose not to participate. You'll find sweaties, autists, and squeakers anywhere.
Atrocious hardware and they're letting all their good IP die slow, horrible deaths.
Too much weeb shit.
This is actually the superior machine, and if it was comfy to lay back and play on a couch this is probably what I'd do.

>and they're letting all their good IP die slow, horrible deaths.
This part pisses me off so much.
Fuck Nintendo for what they did to Metroid.

XBOX has a based menu

360 was even more based when it had OG dashboard

they went from using the controller as the menu, to using the controller as a cursor for the menu when they implemented the metro UI.

OG dashboard and XMB on PSP and PS3 are perfect examples of good UI's designed for controllers.

He's right you know. Toddlers shitpost when it's something related to them, otherwise they keep the shit to themselves. Sonyggers press for argument and shitposting every time everywhere.

You literally cannot refute this.

>Some of them think that piracy is good
is this nigger serious?

I have all of them but I choose to be a Sonybro until Nintendos agenda of shilling child shit games into "timeless masterpieces" ends. Nintenyearolds are just brainwashed into accepting shit 6.7 consoles, outdated games, outdated gameplay. Oh look they finally got a sandbox game well fucking congrats

Yup. I was firmly in the Nintendo camp for years (N64 through Gamecube days, first few years of Wii) but they're just making one colossal fuckup after another. I'd actually love to go back if they ever gave me a halfway decent reason to.

pic related is (You)

we exist.
I'm just waiting for Destiny 2.

What? How can you over invest in a PC? How can you even invest in a PC at all unless you're using it for fucking work?

I haven't made a cent with my PC, so calling it an investment is retarded. I just play video games and do some photo and graphic editing.

>This is actually the superior machine, and if it was comfy to lay back and play on a couch this is probably what I'd do.
You can do this if you want to, but it's expensive if you want it to be high quality with near silent sound level.
The last thing you want is something that has high fan noise in your living room.

You must be young to think BOTW is Nintendo's first sandbox game.

Sonyponies. Nintoddlers will dissapear in a few days because they'll have the GOTY and a shiny new console

>hexic HD
Fuck that game was fun

what did they even change the 360 menu to, I cant remember

Only on this board are sony fanboys annoying. It's shit posters that are annoying people. Everyone else keeps to themselves or has multiple consoles and/or a pc. Of course there are good and bad fans. No fandom is perfect.

>implying they've saved up enough GBP to get the new console
>implying the ones who do get one won't be disappointed and spend their time here instead to shitpost about how amazing it actually is

so nothing has changed then

Why is rise dressed like a gypsy

Nice try PCnigger, you can't undo years of smugness and pretending like you have worthwile games.

They obviously did afford it because it's sold out, lol.

I for one am I excited for Sea of Thieves

sonyfags are shitposting false flaggers and nintendofags are apple tier retarded. Asking who is worse is pointless.

I thought it was funny, user

If you have a nice PC why the fuck would you want a ps4 or xbone? Ok if you are poor a ps4 might be OK...

Switch is a nice gadget.

This. I have no need for xbox or ps4. I only owned Nintendo consoles because they games I wanted to play was only on their consoles.

That's because those are the most silent ones. It's true that this place is kinda nintendogaf since most users on here prefer nintendo and since they're the biggest fanbase they're the most vocal one and the most falseflag abusing one by far.

Sony had literally no competition this generation so a lot of anons got themselves a PS4. So the sony talk was very vocal in recent years and the PS4 is starting to become a very solid platform. Though now it's yet again a hard time for the nintendo fans who didn't have anything for years but have some hope now.

Everytime Nintendo gets relevant again in the gaming world this place becomes nintendogaf. Lots of people who don't dislike Nintendo but get extremely tired of all this loud nintendo screaming all this time grow to hate all the nintendo talk. We can only wait till everything settles down but it probably will only get worse. God knows what will happen if the switch becomes successful or fails. No matter what, we have some of the worst shitposting years ahead of us.

Second post bp

The hell you talking about? Sup Forums hates nintendo. No one is able to have a thread talking about upcoming shit because of shitposters.

Wrong. Xbox users just don't browse Sup Forums. They are every bit as awful as sony, nintendo, or any other, they just aren't seen or heard here.

took me a second

Don't blame me if you can only see the surface and not how the things actually work on here. Behind every shitpost is a hidden message.

Ahahahaha no

There is no such thing as a bearable fanbase.

Xbox guys are fine I'll agree with you there

I am being reminded of xbox trash talking.

>The PC makes sense because its so wide beyond mustard race fags and theres the gold old toaster/VMfags that play old games
I just upgraded my GPU.

You are a retard.

>sink in

>trackpoint mouse
muh dic

Boring response.

Appreciate your honesty

Its just how die hard fans are nintendo and pc friends that makes it easy the trolling for sony fans just any major exclusive relase makes a mine of salt and they dont even have to shitpost

Sorry for misusing this term.
On the other hand I actually use PC for work-related research (IT boi here).

Reason why I don't setup Xbox threads anymore. Yes you 'won the generation' implying you chose the exact same thing all Chads did. Now would you kindly go back to Bloodborne & Senren Kagura? I gladly will go back to my toys.

Are you me?
We have the same systems with the same OS and i bought the Xboner for Forza Franchise and MCC after the fantastic earlier installments. Everything else you mentioned describes me perfectly. What the fuck?

>upgrading to a meme 750 ti in 2017

The price/performance on that card is horrible even though it's cheap. Buying any gpu for less than 200$ is pointless unless you don't play any newer games and don't care at all about 60 fps.

sony are the worst by far.
nintendo people seem pretty mature
xbone seem mature
pc love to troll and meme
sony just shitpost and screech

That's ok, don't do it again. But I do have a point about the spirit of what you were trying to say. There is no such thing as "over spending" on PC gaming.

I have stupidly expensive hardware, and if you compare it in terms of like the access to video games I get vs something like a PS4, the amount of money I spent on my computer doesn't make much sense - I could have bought like 10 PS4s for it. It doesn't have to make sense, though. I spent the money because I wanted a computer that had certain attributes, the price has never mattered.

Perhaps ironically, I would have a lot harder time justifying the purchase of a console despite it being way cheaper, because I couldn't customize it to my preferences.

>PCfats flinging more shit than anyone

Yeah okay retard.

Sonygger here, if Sea of Thieves gets great scores and a half-decent Sup Forums community , I'd buy my X-Box product.

Pirates are my soft spot.

>investing in my hobby
You invest in a hopefully fun time.

is Sea of Thieves really exclusive though, as in no UWP version in windows 10?

But that's a basin, not a sink...

>Already know they've got the best Tier:

So why do they feel such a desperate need to defend Horizon?

Investment means that you expect financial return from it. Fun doesn't really qualify. You can get a financial return from a hobby though. For example, doing doll makeup can be a hobby and you can sell heads with makeup applied. Or you could paint 40k figures and make a hefty return.

So you can invest in a hobby, but unless you're talking about pro-gaming here the term is not fit for purpose.

Not at all, looks like MGSV with gingers.

Im PS4, PS3 AND PS2 and i give zero fucks about horizon, bloodborne, god of war or uncharted. Don't own any of those games.

>what did they even change the 360 menu to
a powerpoint presentation


You joking right?

What exactly is shit about Horizon? Jump cuts in dialoges, meh NPCs, muh feminism? It looks and plays like a dream on the ps4 Pro, hands down some of the most impressive balance of graphics quality and performance I've ever seen on a console. Gameplay-wise it's nothing special or innovative, but it does what it does very well.


My ps4 us incredibly loud

I'm a PC player and i can tell that the worst community here is "le epic masterace xd".
You guys are a bunch of hypocrites who play on toaster for the most part, don't know shit about graphics and become mad AF when a sony game have some nice graphics.

So balls deep into weebshit?
I thought you fags didn't bother participating in console war shitposting?

I'm not saying it's an abomination of a game, it just seems to be a very dull game, as you reaffirmed.
The shitposting sorrounding it is fucking ridiculous however.

I don't see much shitposting from Xbox guys. I see plenty of shitposting from PC guys though.

Well yea I know, but if you're gonna build a living room PC would you WANT it to be loud? With the old PS4 or PS4 pro you have to tolerate it because you don't have a choice.

However, when you do have a choice, would you be willing to choose half-measures?

is it worth upgrading from a 770 to 1070?

I do not have a 4k monitor

1070 is a good 1440p card. In 1080p you'd get much higher fps than 60, so if you have a 144hz monitor and like high framerates, then yes.

If you just want a decent 1080p cards that does 60+fps 1060 or Rx480 makes more sense as they do that for way cheaper


>I don't see much shitposting from Xbox guys.
>implying "Xbox guys" exist
That's kinda why you don't see any famalamadingdong.

No. Too much of an investment considering the state of gaming. If you aim at 1080p, rx480/gtx1060 is already really good.

Mustard racers are just cringy teenagers with toasters but normal pc players dont give a shit about yet another 3rd person triple AAA open world game that are all the same anyway. We have autism simulators like europa universalis, civ, total war to play instead of the shitheap games that modern AAA games are.
sonyggers are just shitposting with le gold face.jpg and pcuck.jpg non stop, you cant even have a discussion with them because they always reply with shit like "you mad pcuck" "NEVER EVER le gold face.jpg"

>Xbox users

Implying such thing exist. PC cucks are as cancerous as the rest

>So balls deep into weebshit?

I never thought so until recently. I like Tekken, Street fighter, Soul calibur, Resident Evil, metal gear solid, silemt hill
Devil may cry, persona and other shit. But j also like stuff like GTA and... Uh...

I thought you fags didn't bother participating in console war shitposting

I just thought i was old to be honest. All muh "gamer XD" buddies like games like overwatch, borderlands, assasins creed and destiny, whilst i prefer the stuff i mentioned above.

Sony fans and I say that as someone who used to be one.

Nintendo is incompetent and way behind it's competition because it focuses on gimmicks but Sony purposefully lies and misleads while making horrible choices.

I've grown to hate Sony with a passion, the fans defending them need to wake up.

PC is honestly the best fanbase.

I have a basic bitch 60hz monitor so I'll probably hold off for now

I think I will go for a 4k build next year and just give my existing pc to my kid or something

>outdated games, outdated gameplay.
They can sell consoles simply because of their first party games.Your objectively wrong.

If you have trouble hitting 60fps with a 770 in the games you want to play I'd say pay no more than 250$ for a good 8gb rx480 or 1060 then. If not you don't have a reason to upgrade, basically.

Holding off is a good idea, I think that next generation of graphics cards will be quite a significant change over what we have now. With the high end incorporating HBM2.

4k is beautiful but it is awful if you want to play older games. Most menus and subtitles are unreadable because they don't scale for 4k in older games so they are tiny as hell. It's shitty. Homeworld is a good example, looks amazing in 4k but impossible to read anything and really hard to click on the tiny ass ships if you need to select a single ship.

They're both pretty bad, m8.

F.E.A.R in 1080 scares me I could only imagine 4k