Thanks a lot, weebs. We could've killed this brand, but nooooo. You had to go out and save it

Thanks a lot, weebs. We could've killed this brand, but nooooo. You had to go out and save it.

>“In the end, Final Fantasy XV was completed, and it’s finally in everybody’s hands. Within a month of release, we sold six million copies. As I said at the beginning, if we failed this time, there wouldn’t be a next time, which means that probably this isn’t our final Final Fantasy. The series will probably live on.”

Other urls found in this thread:

>Great game (XII) puts brand in the red
>Shit games save it

I'll never understand


What the fuck. At least 13 didn't save it.

>Wanting to kill a brand on purpose out of personal tastes
Tell me how many friends you have irl, user.

>In the end, Final Fantasy XV was completed
>3 months later and they're still adding stuff in, changing things and still working on filling in the story
tabata is at least consistent in his lying

Glad to have contributed and I'm glad to see the tears.

This was never not going to happen, they only said that to get fanboys to spend money.

Give me a blowjob or ill kill your mom.


Nigger, the franchise was saved with XIV (revamped), ironically it almost really killed it

Everytime I see a final fantasy released I have no idea if it's an old or new game.

>mismanage the fuck out of the series for 15 years
>Nomura and Toriyama fuck everything up with huge budgets, years of delay, and too much ambition in all the wrong places
>wow FF could have died like this was surprising

He says what squeenix tells him to, played the hand he was dealt and did a good job I'd say.

I don't care if the game wasn't everything I hoped it would be, it was still decent enough, and I'll always support japanese games over western shit.

You have to go back.

>MFW XII nearly killed the franchise despite the fact it's immeasurably superior to everything after
>MFW MMOs are FF's nurture nowadays
We live exactly as bad as we deserve it

>anime image

Will we get something actually good this time?
What do you want to see in FF16?

How about an anime image from Tumblr? Yeah, you don't like that? Do ya?

>complaining about anime

FUCK anime


Open world meme saves anything

>shoehorns in 2 shitty characters to appease lowest common denominator
>they're the new main characters
>waste excellent previously existing universe in the process
Fuck you.


12 wasn't great, it was a rushed and heavily flawed game that had a slew of mechanics missing, story elements missing, and characters as always noted shoehorned in.

>if you hadn't saved us, this would truly have been our Final Fantasy
fucking dropped

>defending the piece of shit that is FFXV
>complaining about anime
Why doesn't this surprise me at all?

12 had a trouble development just like XV, and its original director left midway through as well. Not to mention the story itself was a fragmented mess, that basically squandered the potential of the Ivalice setting as part of a mainline game.

Can't wait for anti kun to go into full denial and suicide watch now.

XV is better.

FF7, 10, 12, KH1, KH2 and BBS all added and changed things post release too. He isn't lying you desperate fuck.

Well, it could be worse, you know. FF X - 3 will hopefully never happen.

Good on SE. I hope they don't take another 7 years to make a FF

I know those games did it too. It's stupid that they did it too
That doesn't change the fact that xv is doing it and it's still stupid xv-kun

You're describing XV desu

>Squeenix will finally embrace superior western game design instead of boring, grindy, outdated turn-based shit

Good. This was the best outcome.

Do people even care about XV now?

>Tfw bought FFXV

Sorry guys, I didn't think it'd suck this bad. I'd undo it if I could. Should have known better after how awful Type-0 was.

I wish they would just let it die. It's been shit for roughly 15-16 years.

Make it 10. I'm not even joking.

Well I didn't buy it. I thought it was trash and I'm a mega weeb.

pls no

I saw this train wreck coming a mile away and I imagine most people did as well. Didn't buy it and will probably never play it.

XV on PC.

It isn't stupid, it's good that we're getting more stuff.

Anti kun detected

>good that we're getting the rest of the game
i guess, maybe then you can actually plat the game


Anymore temporary shit like the carnival? I missed out on that and now I just can't boot it up and play anymore without feeling irritated about a temporary event in a single player game.

Why do you care about trophies?

This looks really beautiful

>I saved Final Fantasy guys! ME!
Fuck tabata. Final Fantasy would have continued even if it failed. If XV saved Final Fantasy, the series should just end itself.

For fuck sake, i really regret buying in on PS4 now

I assumed it was gonna be a mediocre port so i was happy with playing it on my Pro, but NOW they fucking put effort into it

>defend the game everyday for 4 years
>so pleb that you can't even plat it

The cerberus monster is here now.

I liked it

>Anti-weebs getting triggered that people like something that they hate
Go weeb or go home faggots.

This looks like that location from the start of Kingsglaive.

No it wouldn't as he was told by his higher ups it wouldn't.

No seriously why do you care about trophies?

>defend the game everyday for 4 years
>so pleb that you can't even plat it

12 was boring as fuck, your taste is shit.

One flop in one of Japan's biggest series is not going to sink the entire franchise you fucking idiot.

I don't remember this in the final game

I want my Sidney statute now.

It's sjws, they are invasive as hell in all aspects.

The people in charge at SE are utterly incompetent.

You must be 12 since you care about trophies.

You must be retarded.

Yeah looks like a new area. Same with the cerberus enemy being added. That cat you feed got complete revamp too.

I don't really mind that people like you exist.
I don't really mind that you enter into every online community I've ever been a small part of.
I don't really mind that you like any of the things you do.
I will never understand how anyone can unironically like things like the gif you posted. It's not funny. It's not cute. It's annoying to look at. It's cringy.
Can someone please explain?

>Final Fantasy would have continued even if it failed.
This. XIV is making so much money at this point that they can afford to waste it making a real life TV drama about a father and son that play it together. The franchise would be fine.

>What do you want to see in FF16?

A back-to-basics approach.

I want to create my own party again, I want turn-based combat back with a vengeance, and I want a return to the aesthetic- if aesthetic is the word I want- of the first few games, particularly I.

type 0 is great though what are you talking about

My only complaint is they need better writing and game direction. I liked XV but it ended pretty shitty and the pacing was pretty fucking weird.

Kind of, there are these temporary hunts. The first one did not give any unique rewards though iirc.

>Thanks a lot, weebs
>implying ff15 isn't a roadtrip simulator through america

>in the end this wans't our Final Fantasy(tm)
Totally ruined the punchline. Fags.

Where can I find wyverns in America?

I can see it. But I don't want a turn based game.
They just don't captivate me anymore.
Playing as a redmage would be awesome though.

Florida, half of the time is just a homeless guy though.

>mfw I bought the the steelbook edition
noice, fuck you Sup Forums

Does anybody actually believe they'll ever stop using the Final Fantasy title? At this point they can make pretty much any kind of game and slap a FF# on it.

I think your only hope of this is to have the FF14 team make it. But yes, I would love this as well. It looks like ATLUS is going to step up to the plate and give us what SE has failed to do.

>absolutely normie assholes save this dead IP

fuck, kill me now

just end FF already they couldn't make a good one anymore if their lives depended on it

Also, Cidney needs to be put into another game. It's criminal that she's stuck in this pile of shit.

XII was the best even with Vaan and Penelo.

I'll probably get it at a cheap price and bang it out over the summer to have a verdict on it...I'm not looking forward to it though I have to say.

Final Fantasy shouldve died with the SNES.

>At this point they can make pretty much any kind of game and slap a FF# on it
Sadly this

should have stop on IX

>I want to live in the past when everything was 8bit assthiccs

I think he was referring to the gameplay, but okay.


So what's the eta on this on this thing actually being finished, with all the free and paid dlc expansions they've been planning? I have a policy of generally avoiding early access games so i haven't bought it yet.

I think he was referring to concept art and such.
But who cares about what he was referring to.
The concept art back then was great.
Please do something resembling like it sqeenix!

A year at the earliest

Early 2018

>I think your only hope of this is to have the FF14 team make it

How is FF14, incidentally?

>Brand used to be in danger
Welcome to 1987, fuckwad

>game that didn't sell well because longtime fans of the series hated it
Yeah, okay buddy. You gonna cry about the HD Remake or whatever it is they're doing selling for shit too?

So Tabata DID save Final Fantasy after all?

>it was a rushed and heavily flawed game that had a slew of mechanics missing, story elements missing, and characters as always noted shoehorned in.

So it was XV?

Cry some more. It pleases me.