Never EVER. And don't forget about 2.8, you won't be getting that either...

Never EVER. And don't forget about 2.8, you won't be getting that either. I bet Kh3 will even be cancelled for the Xbone.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you buy an Xbone in the first place?

The petition included 2.8.

>I bet Kh3 will even be cancelled for the Xbone.

>When you're so much of a sonygger you don't want already announced multiplat games going to other consoles


>Petition with 500 signatures

Even 100,000 wouldn't be enough, please don't delude yourself. Just get a PS4 faggot


Xbone cant even sell 1000 units in Japan, why would SE listen?

>When you're so desperate for games for your dying console you make petitions to get games already released on a superior console that will never see the light of day


But they already bothered to make KH3 on it, as well as FF15 and other games in general.

they should've made a new cover for 1.5+2.5 . Something artistic and beautiful desoo

>250 supporters
>8 months ago


Honestly, not worth the effort.
-movie is completely boring, unlikable characters, no action and only some small informations for the main story. The only good thing is the music while they credits are shown.
-DDD is a shit game, HD doesn't change that -Aquas story is very good, beautiful (graphical) levels(the design is poor, but that's the case in every KH game but at least they look good now), fun combat but only 3 hours long which is in no way worth the money SE demands.

How far must someone have fallen to beg for such shit...

>Not buying a PS4 for Jap games
>Getting an Xbone when most of it's exclusives are getting ported to PC
Why should they care?

>when your fanboyism convinces you to think a ps4 is better than an Xbox when they're both equally disappointing


Your shit tier opinion not withstanding, it isn't worth 60, it's worth 40

Do we know if we'll be able to transfer our saves from PS3 versions of 1.5 and 2.5 ? I might buy it if we can, I'm too lazy to use my PS3 and i haven't quite finished them

Doubt it, otherwise a cross-save feature would have been patched in.

>when Xdrones know their console is dead but they still need to try and bring down the generation winner while resorting to Trump memes

Exit life, enter night son

That was before XB1 tripped on its own legs and no one in Japan wanted to buy one

Hell KH3 is PS4 only in Japan

Would have been advertised already

I have both consoles but I'm buying 1.5+2.5 and 3 on the ps4 because I want the experience of playing KH on playstation like when I was younger

Is KH3 really PS4 only in Japan? But don't you think there are people in the rest of the world who be interested in the other KH games as well?

>Is KH3 really PS4 only in Japan?

>implying I'm an xdrone

The winner is, and always will be PC. Then the switch. Sony's piss4 and that sad excuse of an "upgraded" version failed from day one.

At least they're better games than XV.
Something XV kun will never admit.

Why aren't these games coming out for the switch? I'd love to play them on the go.

>he bought an xbone
kys my man

>using trump meme

You dumb ass, you used the meme too.

>waaaaah Sonyggers have games I waaaant!

>Why aren't these games coming out for the switch?
Lack of power and space. Also only the Enix part of SE likes Nintendo.

Power for ps2 and DS games? I'm not sure I quite understand. But if it did come out I'd definitely buy myself a copy. Kingdom hearts on the go sounds great.

So there are all these Kingdom Hearts games coming out. 2 point this, and 2 point that.

1.5+2.5 is the way to go right? It has KH 1 and 2, the DS game, the PSP game, ect. I don't need 2.8 or any or that right?

I played 1/2/DS/PSP games when I was younger so this should be nostalgic.

1.5 + 2.5 and 2.8 are all you need before KH3 is out, as they basically have all the games. 2.8 has the 3DS game, a Ground Zeroes like game for KH3 starring Aqua, and a movie on the mobile game for plot and all.