ITT: Villains who were right

>ITT: Villains who were right

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is that a fucking ifunny watermark jesus christ, can you not make people want to die

>tfw in indy ending you literally become him
>no option to have him not be a cunt and work with him

he's just so damn charismatic

How was he right if everything went to hell?

i just picked some random pic's link on google image who cares

more like Frank Fontaine was right in a twisted sort of way. Ryan was naive in thinking people wouldn't abuse the fuck out of the system and of course ignoring the dangers of plasmids

holy fuck does that image look bad, bethesda can't do anything right

>stiff poses
>everything looks like play-doh
>pitch black sky
>64x64 jpg of a moon


>there are people who didn't immediately kill Benny

They had the resources, tech, brilliance, and power to rebuild the world and simply needed some.... your.... guidance.


The Parasite has his eye on Rapture...

>not killing benny in a gladiator duel

>not walking straight up to him in the tops and blowing his face off with a sawed off shotgun


>This post

please be bait


>Kiling Benny

I always set him free. fucker owes me now

Ayn Ryan pls go

Slaves son. Take a bunch of empty broken in slaves and haven be testbed for plasmids. No need to scrub a toilet when the slaves do it.


you tried

>Build a city based around rich white people doing rich people things
>Take a bunch of slaves as your working class because rich people sure as fuck ain't gonna scrub their own toilets
>Wonder why the whole thing falls apart

The game was made by obsidian

If only I could show you the places I have seen, you might understand the things I say. I have been to the Desolate Lands, wandered by those souls who still see the lands of the living but wear the cloak of the dead. Blind to their own ends, they cry, passing through one another like shadows in the dying light of day. I have travelled to where souls rot in torment, pierced with the jagged shards of life and vision, clinging to memory - regrets of the flesh. I saw that this prison was of their own making, and that the key was in unknowing, in release... and still, I travelled on. And finally, I came to the place where souls go to die. Where the mirrored and worn spirits fall into an endless sea of grey, mirrored glass... and I lowered myself within... and lay among them... and I almost did not return. And do you know what I found there? There, among the silent and battered shells of the innumerable? Peace. Enlightenment. Truth. Only then I realized that this place, this "Life", is an abomination, a horrible distortion of the natural order. This "Life", who mothered Pain, and Fear, and Envy - these twisted children who exist only because we are here to feed them, to nourish them. This "Life", this... afterthought - a disturbance, a mere ripple in that great, dead sea, not even the cause, but merely an effect, sending these souls upwards, screaming for release from the day they are torn from their waters! The effect of what! I do not know. Nor do I care.

Have you ever spoken with the dead? Called to them from this side, pulled them from their silent rest? Do you know what it is that they feel? Pain. Pain, when torn into this wakefulness, this reminder of the chaos from which they had escaped. Pain, at having to live. There will be no more pain. There will be no more chaos.

>be working class
>eat your shit at the slums
>people take you into their town and greatly improve the standards of your life
>you just gotta work and show some gratitude
>or fuck that, you can just kill them
that's why you don't negotiate with the terrorists called "working class"

>>people take you into their town and greatly improve the standards of your life

this is bait

Benny is Player Character: The NPC. Everything he does is something you would do as a high int/speech character.



The Templars

While his intentions were fair, he went about it kinda poorly
>I'll do anything to stop the scourge!
>here's a runeblade that will suck your soul out





>High ranking military officer
>Discovers their is corruption in the world military
>Gets sidelined for trying to make the system better
>Terrorist attack occurs because corruption made the military horribly ineffective at responding to threats
>Daughter along with several other people die in attack
>Vow to end corruption be removing those in power who value their own self interest over the people they are sworn to protect
>Thousands of soldiers believe in the mission and throw their lives away willingly to help
>The "heroes" are just lackeys for the world government trying to protect the corrupt statuesque
I wish I was playing as the rebels

>not having him crucified


He wasn't the Villain, Fontaine was, that faggot cheaed you into killing the good guy.

>nothing wrong
He got worked out by group of teenagers.

>quark did nothing wrong
He sold out for fame




You know, before they cut it he was supposed to reappear and try to kill you AGAIN, right?




>inb4 Hitler
it's true tho

Are you fucking kidding me? He was retarded and not a single one of his plans made a lick of sense.

>Have advanced robotics that could easily perform menial labor
>Can literally pull whatever you need for your magical floating white people city out of another universe whenever you want
>Still needs niggers around for some reason

Handymen? Motorized Patriots? They were dumb as fuck,

He was just a class A moron

>Mr. Jefferson did nothing wrong

are you fucking kidding me

do you think he fucked Max?

Would he eat at this fine Swedish restaurant, Sup Forums?

he killed Chloe so he can't be that bad


Nope, his obsession is with ''capturing'' people in a desperate moment not raping.

never said it was his obsession, but if you have a 7/10 girl druged the fuck out in your weird barn basement you should fuck her

He might have with some other girls
But he did kill one
He defo did wrong


Yeah m8 totally
Seems like a nice guy

Actually, legitimately, unironically did nothing wrong.

Though I guess he isn't really the villain

A lot of you are posting characters because you might agree with one or more of their messages or points.

But almost everyone mentioned in these threads still murders/betrays/backstabs/kidnaps/etcetc.

Saying something true or logical and then murdering someone does disqualify you from "did nothing wrong".

Most villains from games/movie/etc are still bad guys even if they have a truthful message.

>Rosh Penin
>did nothing wrong
Pick 1

Rosh deserved to die from the beginning


true heroes made villains

>not fucking Benny then killing him

>Legitimately lost a major conflict
>Throw a temper tantrum and run to an alternate dimension to get daddy to fight your enemies for you
>Piss off the guy who sold out your race to demons in the process
>Surprise surprise, your enemies slap your daddy's forces in so fiercely, they wonder why the hell they're even here
>Get wrecked by the guy who tried to get you to stop being such a fuckwit
>Guy who sold race's souls to demons does it anyways to what's left of daddy's forces, history correcting itself in a way
>Now he's gone an sent his Masters to go and fuck with their world

Why does he wear the mask?

Beating your wife and infant son to death, prior to turning off the universe and getting rid of everything both dead and alive isn't something wrong?

Where does "siding with earth-invading aliens" fit on all that?

For shame, user.

Did you know that In 1946, Frank conned a bar owner named Harv Merton into signing a contract with "Hudson Loans" to pay off gambling debts. When Merton failed to pay the interest on the loan, Frank gained ownership of Merton's collateral, a bar in the dock district named "The Clanger." Frank wanted the bar because it was a lucrative business, and it was the perfect place to overhear rumors about boxing bets in the city. The information he overheard while bartending gave Frank an added edge in his grifts?

Yeah, she was so spot on about that paradise that she was burned alive by the "God" she tried to summon. Obviously made the right choice there.

Only a god born from suffering can bring salvation, happy people are cruel

It was a mercy, considering the state of the zones when he arrived there.

Because no one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

Was the Batter a specter?
If not, what was with his final form in the judge ending?

An angel of death.

>Mr Jefferson

>"We're going to save the world!"
>Sits underground, jerking off and immediately fucking up what little interaction with the surface they attempt


Kaathe, for sure. What the fuck was Frampt trying to do?

I mean he was more "wasn't his fault" than "did nothing wrong"

he though that he'd be sacrificing himself and a few other people to save his whole kingdom
there was literally no way of knowing that it was lk who made the sword and that he would enslave him and turn him against his own people

DmC Mundus

Genocide for a retarded reason absolutely counts as something wring

they are still robotics that could easily perform menial labor

>Huey did nothing wrong

He's a fucking little bitch. I say Kaz went to easy on him!

Yeah, no. It wasnt mercy.

The batter is an asshole. He shouldnt be able to decide who lives and dies except himself (and maybe his son assuming his son doesnt age)

Everything else is just being a dick.

What a heel

Shit on Bioshock all you want but the 'sweat of his brow' speech was stellar

But the game was, among other things, a condemnation of Objectivism shit
Ryan isn't the villain but he was still retarded
He deserved.

On that note.
You spend the entire game trying to kill this guy for something that he didn't do.

>father elijah
But why?

>the bad guy because he wants to make the planet a better place

Thanks Burch.


The chase scene was fucking annoying. Fall behind for a second and you lose. The flaming ship part sucked ass.