Kill all the elves. Kill all the mermaids. Kill all the demons and undead

Kill all the elves. Kill all the mermaids. Kill all the demons and undead.

>Kill all the elves
No, no it's RAPE all the elves, not kill, rape.

No, kill them Deus vult!

bit of both

Why cant we kil AND rape then?


Who cares about mermaids and undead and shit. Let's just focus on the first part.

>killing mermaids
Are you fucking kidding me? They're the ultimate beings for sexual intercourse. Pussy tight like a Dolphin's combined with the beauty of a young woman.

But user-Brother. Mermaids are the Elves of the sea.

Purge this heretic as well. We do not fuck sub-humans.

The entire city must be purged.

Rape THEN kill.


Unfortunately not video games.

>heretics think it's okay to have sex with elves
You guys aren't invited to the Crusade

>not vidoegames

What do the historical crusade have to with fantasy creatures?

>kill the elves, level their structures. this location is perfect for your base.

This is just an excuse for your genocidal power-fantasies. You would be posting pelinal pics on any other board if someone just mentioned elves.


>alt right

Go back to hugging trees, knife-ear.

What alternative right could there be to that of God? And his will for us to purge the knife-ears, scale-legs and skellingtons?

The fact that you don't mention greedy little midgets and green niggers just shows how insecure you are about your masculinity.

>reeeee someone told me that I'm a retard on the internet!
>better roleplay and call him the bad dragon age insult!
What a sorry excuse for a human being. And still not video games. Go to Sup Forums where you can fantasize about killing what you deem lesser races among your kind.