Zelda Botw

Can we have a Zelda thread about the actual game, for those of us already playing?

Yes thank you fucking christ

On that note, how do I go about climbing the tower covered in the black/purple shit in the north-eastern region of the map.

I turned away when I reached it but I found some other goop with yellow eyes that you can kill to remove the goop. Maybe there's something similar there.

Moral ramifications aside, how is the game?

any streams available???

>moral ramifications
What do you mean by this.


Nintendo is in full damage-control mode, so probably not.

How to get Koroks out of stumps?

Does anybody know what these rock formations are for?

it must be hard being a woman. :/

You mean the yellow ring that appears?

How is the frame rate?

The game is shit :(

>he doesn't notice the missing rock
More korok trickery

>Internet: nintendo pls stop censoring games
>Nintendo: we gotchu

There was a one lone stump on Lanayru mountain that I couldn't interact with at all.


Solid 22-25fps. Really good.

Some of 'em you stand on and it makes balloons appear.

fuckin' saved

holy fuck you nintendrones are fucking delusional.

This shit wouldn't even be acceptable for a fucking tv show.

Try bombing it, maybe there's a hidden hole

>Can access the Master Sword whenever you want
>Can't actually pull it unless you have enough hearts to withstand it

Yeah lets just keep flooding Sup Forums with multiple zelda threads that'll make those sonyggers and xbots see how much more enlightened we are.

this is a cool secret club for literally only people who are playing the best game ever RIGHT NOW. The game is so cool guys wow right? It's such an interesting and immersive game and im sucked into the world thats why i am here on Sup Forums talking about it with the other cool people who are immersed into it.

haha anyway guys can someone tell me how fast swords break in the game? I havent gotten to that part of the game yet. We basically 10/10 goty confirmed, right bros? Haha

how many hearts do you need?

Here's your reply ;)

how long do you think it will take to 100% the map?

What timeline is this in?

any links to live streaming up right now?

This is the only gameplay thread on Sup Forums. The rest are lore, trap Link, and Zelda's ass.

Also it depends on the sword. You get some weapons through the game that can be repaired or recreated whenever though and the Master Sword doesn't break, but it doesn't maintain full power all the time.

Not too sure. I managed to get it one notch out with six hearts.

Are the gems you get from mining used for anything, or can I safely sell them?

Oh I thought you were asking seriously. I thought you might have actually been contributing. My bad.

>stop talking about videogames on a videogame board
just die already monkey

The only use I found for the diamond is to craft a shitty spear you get access to after beating Zora's Domain. There's probably something similar for the other stones, but I just sell them.

solid 30 fps on the gamepad, 30-20 fps on the tv, fucking bullshit

> mfw story rushing niggers don't know about Eventide Island and Korolint, and the Trials.
The people streaming are shitters.

I haven't figured out what to do with them, so I've just been selling them.

anyone knows how to farm money in this game easily?
unrelated pic

Got my shit pushed in in Eventide so I went somewhere else. Do you get anything good? More fucking spirit orbs?

>Eventide Island
where is it?

Bottom right of Hateno Village

a spirit orb and a chest at the top with a silver rupee. I watched it last night, I was hoping for some unique weapons, but no. Streamer could have missed something, though.

they are for crafting weapons, but not sure which ones.

Ores are your best bet, but also happen to be up to RNG, so that's kinda shitty. In my experience anyway. There might be a better way.

has anyone found links iconic green tunic? i cant find any image or info anywhere that says it is?
and id be dissapointed if it isnt

Did you get the Barbarian set?
All pieces give you a passive damage boost.

Save diamonds to craft diamond circlet and earrings, as well as the Ancient set. Gives resistance to Guardian laser/damage.

Where do you even craft weapons at. The only form of crafting station I've come by is cooking pots.

Pretty sure I've seen people saying you get it from clearing all the shrines.

no confirmation, but most think the dark timeline

>Gives resistance to Guardian laser/damage.
Thank god.


>REALLY good

are you shitting me

how are you guys already playing it? I launched the game but it says the system needs to update. Weird because the latest release was 5.5.1 which is what I was running before installing cfw.

not sure where you craft, but you can craft some weapons/items. maybe you have to buy the house, but it is probably just a part of the storry.

Is that a katana on his back?

anyone have a link to a stream going on?

thanks. have you seen any screen shots or can anyone else confirm?

>both the Wii U and Switch versions run like shit unless you play it on handheld mode which is even more useless on the Wii U

How did Nintendo fuck up this badly?

Does anyone know the exact location of the hylian shield?

Also, the ancient arrow does ridiculous damage against guardians, 1000 with the double bow.

It'd be fine if you could just change the resolution for the Switch version to 720 while docked, but no.

>just die already monkey

Tell me more about it.

Is ol' Ben the new Bane?

What are these scales you have to offer to the spring? I found two springs so far but no scale. Also what's that flying fiery chinese dragon thing? Can I kill it?

The entire island is a trial where you lose all your equipment (sans runes) and have to place some balls into holes, with enemies in the way of course. A surprising number of trials are like this, not all are just the puzzle/combat arenas.


She has the best tits. Really nice.

I want to fuck her! Seriously Nintendo? why isn't she in your marketing campaign?

>Solid 22-25fps. Really good.

Aint zawarudo a bit broken? Why would you even try to fight when you can u stop time now and then.
Other question. Does anyone has the Switch version? How is the actual difference between handhield and dock mode (besides having 900p).

>being able to count the frames when the explosion happens

Well shit, Beedle jsut randomly gave me an ancient arrow.

Is there some other referene to LA or just the name?

She's a married woman who loves her husbando very much, user.


>She's a married woman who loves her husbando very much, user.

I still want to see her tits in Nintendo Switch ads. what does a marriage has to do with that? Woman are sluts so who cares?

Sam would be good as well, she's got that amazing smile and super friendly vibe going for her too. Audrey is great too.

Does anyone know the trick to the lost woods? It feels random, but I know there's a trick to it just as there always is.


7/10 or 6.5
I can list a shit ton of minor complaints that add up but I will wait until I'm done to see how my issues affected my play through

5 to 10 years from today she is going to be a MILF goddess

Lmao try saying that to my girlfriend. She fucking hates it when I'm on Sup Forums. She's gonna kill someone one day I just know it...

I just took it slow and as soon as I saw the fog come in I ran back.

Hylian shield is in the beginning of the Hyrule castle. You get inside and go down some corridors with dungeons and get into a room where you fight a big skeleton of that cyclop mini boss (forget the name, Skeltol?) and your reward is the Hylian Shield. I watched Josh do it. It seems pretty attainable in the beginning, just run past everyone, except to get one or two good weapons for the fight.

i hope she makes porn then

You poor, poor man. I hope you didn't buy the Switch.

But you can

>Does anyone know the trick to the lost woods?
Light a torch, stand still and follow the direction of the wind.

I hope she still have a solid marriage with her current husband and be happy

That hurt a little.

does the master sword break or have a cooldown?

Some say that if you are offended by what people say then it's probably true.

I wouldn't doubt it. She's all over the place.

How do I damage Waterblight Ganon in the second phase? I can't get near him

you jump in that goo it takes some hearts but you will get around to it

Think with your head user.
Think with your powers.

How does the game run on Wii U?

The only answer is tennis.

But hitting the water blocks back just makes them fall in the water

does anyone have a link to a livestream?

Use statis