So, uh... you ever "play" this?

So, uh... you ever "play" this?

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Me when I was like 14

Only to argue with people and intentionally piss them off.

Didn't take it seriously or try to make girlfriends like most faggots.

i remember "trolling" some Emo kids. Other than that not really.

Yes. I even bought one of those keypads for typing quicker.

Surprised there isn't something like it today. I could imagine a similar 'game' working really well in VT, but I haven't looked much into it.

No way. It was a horribly engineered piece of trash. Extremely disappointed every time I loaded it (once every overhaul or so).

it ran like ass.

but it was interesting. it had a somewhat comfy feel to it.

nothing else like it. kinda wish the PS4 had it.
spent a lot of hours gambling in the casino with a few friends. only had freebie money, I was a poor child during those days.

For all of 5 minutes. The load times were so fucked I never tried again.

only once, the last day it was alive

I used to, then i got in an argument with some guy over anime i think, he told me to never come back so i didn't.

Barely. For some reason before I got a PS3, I thought it was the hot shit that literally everyone would be playing. Like, you boot up your PS3, go to PS Home daily, chat with people, join games through there. Literally the greatest thing ever. And I do't know why I ever figured that. Booted it up as soon as I got my PS3, realized it was trash in ten minutes, and then played MGS4.

>there isn't something like it today

What is Second Life?

I'm surprised I forgot about that

It was pretty fun for what it was, just stupidly silent most of the time. Being there for the end was pretty cool.

I remember there was a strong overlap of lagswitchers/glitchers using MGO2 and PS Home

>Show up launch day
>Twilight trailer on loop
>pay 1 for digital plants
>plz b my gf

>Come back years later
>All kinds of crazy shut
>All kinds of people
>Fucking pirate game where 1 person steers everyone else shoots
>Hell yeah dude

I feel like I missed alot.

Spent over $100 dollars on it.

Yeah, it was really fuckin weird. It was actually painful to have friends around because all of the player models looked lifeless.

I pissed a lot of people off

Home's only redeeming feature: trolling

All you had to do was say "What?" to people over and over again. Also I used Home to win one of those super rare Uncharted 2 daggers years back during a contest they held. Last time I checked these things were worth a few thousand dollars.

It was so miserable that I could only stand to play it once.

>go to the poker room
>wait for a seat to open up
>finally get in the game
>first hand
>someone goes all in before the cards are even drawn

It was comfy af, fuck yall

It was pretty cool if you had friends

which i didn't

I would go to the mall and stand on the chess tables

I played it all the time when I had no friends irl. it was fun and comfy

I remember playing chess somewhere in the park

It was a memorable experience

Ahh PS Homw I remember many bans PSN thanks to this, followed by a 3 month ban and "final warning" so I stopped playing like a good lad

holy fucking shit.

The problem was that it wasn't established from launch and felt low budget.

Was a really cool idea but depended on publishers jumping on board instead of mandating x amount of content with a game's release. Even 1st party games didn't have content in Home.

Basically Sony mishandled it in the same way they botched ps3 launch.

I played it when I first got my ps3.

I used to have the zombie outfit and would dance around the "Burn zombie Burn" area. Eventually I cruised around in the Big Daddy outfit before getting tired of the long ass load times.
That place got weird when I saw people fighting over some girl wearing a cavegirl outfit

>That place got weird when I saw people fighting over some girl wearing a cavegirl outfit

Say what you will about 7th gen but it had a lot of cool online experiments that 8th gen is severely lacking.

I want 1 vs 100 back already M$, I'd buy an xbone for that and Crackdown 3.

i used to love filling my apartment with free stuff for completing games like the resi 5 figures and the sombrero hat from red dead
>mfw all gone

>Mfw I was walking around as a big fat guy in his underwear and going to the beach and group of guidos all circled around me and proceeded to cyber bully me.

>Get rewarded for watching movies through the crackle area with posters
>All that behind the scenes footage & fan community videoes that were shown on TVs
lost in time

I'm still laughing
>all those fucks who thought they were cool for buying virtual clothing
>it shuts down, and no refunds

>Make the most retarded looking character possible
>Stand in a doorway and dance

I was growing a beard waiting for every area to download and install so that's all I did before quitting forever.

Speaking of , has anyone ever tried Tower Unite, which is supposed to be kind of similar to this but on PC?

Ran a "club" and had this decked out communal room that I thought was cool as shit.

Wasted a good $200 on that fucking thing.

I remember there being a guy in a studio who would perform as the host, so you had to wait until the predetermined times that he was scheduled to be there there in order for it to be a "real" game.

i played a few mini games on it. Got some neat looking items. spread them all over my room until i couldnt drop anymore. then i stopped playing it.

Me. Great fun but not many features yet

Comfiest destination coming through.

Yes, I loved it and I even got all the trophies. At first it was shit, but slowly became a really fun "world" were hang out and play some really fun minigames. Nothing will ever top the Kikai event.

Also some spaces had really good music

I miss it a lot to be honest.

Yeah it was pretty fun. I remember it being in Beta for a long ass time. I also remember doing some glitch where you can go out of bounds with furniture in your apartment and see a message written on stone.

I wonder why this didn't take off?

This is what PS Home should have been

used to catfish guys on it all the time. Got some loser to send me 100 bucks by pretending to be a little girl.

t. obese basement dwelling neckbeard

Home was basically a free advertising game for devs to market their games

And it was basically a discount Second Life even then it was a good thing at the time
>Tfw ill never watch E3 in the built in theaters with hundreds of other people and go to the virtual booth
>Tfw I got into EVE online thanks to home VIA Dust514
I wanna go back in time

I started circa late 2009 all the way till shutdown period, played it on and off, spent some cash on it, met all kinds of people, some serious lunatics and others not so bad, all in all I still managed to make some decent friends, it was a fun getaway to just come home from high school and login to PS Home to see what kind of shit I'd get myself into next, every day felt like a new adventure.
it started to go downhill from 2011 onwards, started playing it less and less, then someone raved about the japanese playstation home having anime content and shit, decided to give it a go, it was great fun but language barrier was a bit of an issue so i couldnt really connect with people, but the games were nice, and so were the spaces.

For all its flaws Playstation Home was well alright and I wish I could go back and play it again.

Played all the minigames and unlocked all the free shit available.
>the golden ak47
>the bomberman trophies
>the pacman, dig dug, galaga arcades
>the aquarium with all the fish, including the fish that could only be caugh during full moon
>the unique underwater apartment
>the Audi apartment
>a bunch of food
>the yet suit from Audi
>the LBP stuff
>unique clothing from Namco
And I'm probably forgetting some stuff.

There some game called salt shooter within playstation home, it was fun as fuck and all I used it for.

It was pretty comfy tho. Suck that they've shut it down.

Yeah when I bought a PS3 to play through MGS4 the motion picture. I made a girl and watched myself get swamped then me and my bro trolled beta boys for hours. Then I sold my PS3 after completing MGS4.

>finally got ps3
>poor and dad helped save up for it
>was about 11
>thanks dad
>first thing I do
>start up this free thing called
>get into plaza
>go to original dance floor
>pshome plaza dance floor music
>with song requests
>new fucking ps3 is amazing
>years later
>buy 20$ gold suit
>new 7 something club
>bought gold suit while ago
>free access
>fucking hang out with all the
>"cool kids"
>new music is pretty gud
>make tons of female friends
>mic all the time
>literally made strip clubs in my houses
>had that amazing studio apartment
>could customize like crazy
>strip club in out of map location
>shuts down
>like all good things
>it came to an end
>barely played it the last few months
>I miss it dearly


I once made a female avatar for shits and gigs. I made her as hot as I possibly could. No fucking joke, within 30 minutes of sitting around the main lobby area, I had like 10 or more dudes following me around sending me friend requests.


I regret logging into Home on the final day.

I now am stuck with those missing trophies.

There are people who spent hundreds of dollars on this thing only to lose it all through an update.

Missing trophies are painful to have. I know that feel.

I regret not logging into Home on the final day.

Should've taken some photos of my apartments.Spent so many hours organizing shit.

Played this a shitload spent a decent amount of money on stupid clothing items too but it really was comfy as fuck, I also felt that the event things for special things like E3 was a really cool idea, they even had demos you could play.

they should've had an offline mode

Hope you online order nigs are having your stuff shipped through USPS, both Fedex and UPS are having shipping delays due to severe weather.

fuck wrong thread

When I saw that Home was gonna end and that Trophies were added, I made sure I got them.

i remember screwing around when it first came out

yes and i used to love it, all the cool free shit i used to get and decorating tament was awesome.

yep, i pretended to be a girl on there and got money from suckers online using nude pics from Sup Forums, good times.

Anyone do a lot of region hopping? As awesome as it was, I wasn't prepared for the culture shock of the Japanese version.

I liked going to Japan. The "neon downtown" was probably the place I spent the most time over there.