He STILL doesn't own a PS4
who does?
I mean I don't, but who's the "He" you're referring to?
It's still just a BB machine.
Everything else is either multiplatforms, SJW filled garbage or BB clones.
Call me when 13 Sentinels is out, I might consider getting a used PS4 OG.
Yes but I don't own any faggot-ass white people games.
Daily reminder that if you own a PS4 you're supporting SJWs and BLM.
I'm a she but whatever
>own ps4
>playing odin sphere and having fun
>ignoring this garbage
I don't get it what's the problem
I want to buy it but not for more than 240$ for new console. And not for that shitty game but I consider buying it for FFXV, Persona V, Disgaea 5 and Nier Automata.
Does remote play with PSV works great like supported for all games or no visible latency?
Do I really need a pro or will a slim do me okay???
I have a 1080p TV but I have no problem taking the plunge on a High-end 4k HDR TV if it means the definitive version of gaming
I always see the slim on sale with Uncharted 4, for $250 which sounds great.
As of now I want to try Yakuza, Gravity Rush 2, Rachet and Clank, Horizon, nioh and nier
Im almost an idort, I have a bone, pc and wii U
DESU the Xbox one has been the most depressing console I have ever owned ever.
I own a ps4 horizon looks like shit though
Black Muslim women saves the world from evil fat white male
I honestly would have if Sony didn't go full jew and charge for online access.
Nintendo joining the paid online club shows me how shameful this console generation is.
Want to get one to play this but I don't really feel like buying a new system is worth it.
But I do. I just ain't wasting money on this piece of shit game.
she ALMOST looks like a younger abigail breslin
jesus christ the criiinge.
Slim does you fine. I have pretty much noticed no diffidence between the pro and original unit.
Only game I have that kind of benifits from the pro is Nioh. But 60fps mode still exists on the normal consoles.
That bitch is butt ugly looks like ass
Might get one for Yakuza 0
dont really give a shit about horizen
Yes, I don't. Why would I?
>Current Female PM doesn't want to take in any more refugees
i own a ps4 and a wii U and I still wouldn't buy this trash ass game faggot.
>Prime Minister Sally Bowyer
>talks like a 15 year old girl
>the second guy is probably the bad guy even though what he's saying is completely true
This is so out of fucking touch with reality. Or maybe a little too real, I'm not sure which
It's nintendrones user, now that Switch has shown itself as a failure as a game system and botw is unstable in frame rate and controls the only option is to make shit posting Sony threads.
It's actually pretty good
what hell is this?
Yeah, climate change is not going to kill as few as one billion people.
Or you're just a shitposting idort spreading misinformation because you can't find anything fun anymore.
>people are still ass blasted at farage
they even named him nigel
Can't wait to play another bland Far Cry clone.
You could've at least posted P5 or Nioh or something.
>SJW garbage
No thanks
Jesus, how bad is this game selling for this level of shilling here? That's desperation overload.
It's actually selling incredibly well.
Which is the problem. The shilling is working.
Probably not here, but everywhere else.
NIOH. Fucking Nioh is way better than BB. Also Persona 5.
No one is shilling is just so retarded see completely false accusation for no reason at all. No white male is "the bad guy" and no "black muslim woman" is the savior. Still people tell this meme and a lot of people actually believe it.
I'm not paying a fucking fee to play online just for PSN to lag ass or go down for hours at a time
Neither of these things happen to me. I'm also not that user.
BB clone with waifus.
Persona 5 is on PS3.
Why's she so ugly tho?
I want a PS4 but not for that game.
2 Waifus on Nioh and 2 on BB. And underage, pls, play Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha, maybe you understand what that game is inspired by.
Some shitty 3D artist made his waifu to put in the game, with absolutely no oversight.
Have you seen the abominations people make in Honey Select threads? Basically that.
... and?
yukaza 6
I guess Yakuza 0 and Yukaza Kiwami but I think they're on the ps3 too
Still a BB clone.
I do but I'm not playing some SJW crap like Horizons on it.
Why do all the characters in this game always look confused or really excited even when they're supposed to be injured or depressed? Why is everyone so monotone, do they not have emotions in the post-world future time?
i wonder if the same guys who say this is cringy think trump is an excellent speaker
really makes me think you know
Really makes you reconsider your your previous opinion
Jesus Christ, what is happening to this place? Horizon discussion? OP, the title of this board is VIDEO GAMES. Guerilla Games are entertainers of commoners, lay folk. They're perpetrator of crimes against complexity and art. This stuff is meant to be played/seen by adolescents and children, and even then the offspring of human cattle who do not deserve an education or the chance to speak freely in our society. This is for people below the culture barrier, impossible to save, the kind of idiots who think Louis C.K. is funny. These open world games and Sony movies train you to be a mindless moron.
There are so many plebeians, so many proles, so many redditors and tumblr kids on Sup Forums nowadays. I hoped and prayed that they would not infiltrate the precious sanctuary I know to be Sup Forums, but it has happened. There is only one solution: we need a special moderator for this board, someone who is actually intelligent.
OP, this is Sup Forums, not just /toys/ or /movies/, or /aspergiantrash/, but Sup Forums. I have been trying to inform some of you about this, but you are unable to grasp it. I demand help from the owners of this website. Every thread that is not about classical, intelligent, and/or aesthetically superior games have to go. I demand bans. I demand that all movie game threads, Waifu threads, Twitter screencap threads, pseudo intellectual high school philosophy movie threads, and political discussion of ANY kind be deleted on the spot. This is the only way to save this board from the slavering buffoonish virus that is slowly killing it.
This includes your thread, OP. You are an idiot for liking this game. I would suggest you a list of classics that might enrich you, perhaps save your future, but you are probably beyond repair. I have forwarded your disgusting post to Hiroshima. I hope you kill yourself.
really makes me reevaluate my previous perspectives
Really causes me to perceive differently my actions within the past
I'll buy a PS4 when it has more than a handfull of actual games
'tis really the culprit of a sudden shift of mindset
why would i when pc master race
It does though. Just horizon isn't one of them.
Fuck off marketing shill
Horizon Zero Fun isn't reason enough for me to buy a PS4
I own an Xbox, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, and PC.
I don't need it.
no, user is right. People shit talking PS4 and calling muh-sjw on Horzion rose when BOTW confirmed tanked, I love Nintendo but switch launch sucks
I think.
Therefore I rethink.
Yeah, No. you idorts really need to actually play some games.