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Mine didn't say shit this mourning.

Went to costumer support and they put it for one day shipping for Friday. Try your luck with that shit.

>lives in 1st world
>has the audacity to complain about anything

I fucking hate you and america

>playing the Wii U version
>not pirating it
why though
it's free

I like physical copies

Plus I don't have room on the hd

>yet Sup Forums complains about FUCKING GAMESTOP
have fun not playing on friday

t. Rockstop employee


I'm not even going to be able to play it until the week after

>Pirates been playing it since Monday
>Could have been over a week ago if it weren't for moralfags
Feels good.

Ordered at Gamestop and it's coming tomorrow.

>on the way
>won't get it for more than a week

Where do you live?


what I mean is i'm not getting the Switch until the week after.

Well my Amazon order says it's shipping my Switch and BOTW Monday and arriving next Friday.
Hold me, bros.

hey there fellow inca brother

If you're gonna complain about this shit just go to the store christ

>buying physical

Oh yeah I forgot you cant buy digital because the switch doesnt have storage lmaooooo

Dude, what? You can install BOTW digital on Switch internal storage.

>Switch arriving Friday, shipped
>BotW arriving Friday, not yet shipped

Who the fuck is sending you a preorder a week later? Or is your family or friend holding it for you or something?

The closest game store is 3 miles one way, and I don't have my car

Yeah and then nothing else

I've literally never had a game fail to show up on launch day when I've ordered through GS. But go ahead and let your autism keep clouding your judgment.

scalper on ebay pls no bully

>mfw when BOTW is installing to my Wii U right now

Buyfags are pathetic.

lmao I jog 5 miles everyday stop being a fat nerd

>implying 3 miles is a far walk
It'll be like a hour-hour and a half there and back at a slow/regular pace and it's just darn good exercise. Don't be a faggot

Not true at all but keep false flagging, retard.

That's fine because Zeldo is the only game for the Switch anyway :^)

I'm a skelly, actually

>not having GCU with Best Buy and preordering for in-store pickup

deserve it

Try having to store the console and games, knowing it's there but not being able to have one yet. I got them off the truck Monday. I did open one up (needed a dummy box) and got a feel for it.


As much as I dislike GameStop. This is why I use them for new console's.

So walk then you stupid skeleton. It'll make the walk that much more rewarding
>jog to GameStop
>pick up game you've been looking forward to for years
>shower off at home
>get in comfy clothes smelling all nice and fresh
>enjoy game
Sounds pretty fucking comfy to me

>tfw GCU from years ago finally expired
shoulda bought more $1 SIM cards fug

you do know skinnyfat is worse than just fat right


What's "shipped" in physical imagery terms?

>no car
>want hot new game
>walk 4.5 miles to gamestop and 4.5 back
>feel like dying
at least I got my copy of No Man's Sky


>tfw got the game 2 days ago FREE OF CHARGE
Step the fuck up OP

You're fucked.

Feeling lucky, Mfw I only ordered a few days ago

It's a beautiful day to live.

Hope the moon doesn't fall before I get my switch.


>TFW Worked at amazon FC for 1.5 years
>TFW would never buy video games from them under any circumstance no matter how good of a discount they offer.
The shit I've seen cannot be unseen.

>buying the Wii U version

>check my best buy pre-order
>its been shipped and it's 8 hours away from me

This is going to be a good weekend

>arriving next Friday.
it'll be okay qt, I'll let you watch me play

my nigga, just got the email this morning that its shipping and the closest best buy is like an hour from my house

Tell us more user.

Skelly isn't skinnyfat

get money and leave you fucking cuck

are you literally retarded

Has anyone had their Switch shipped yet?

That's why I canceled my Amazon peorder and used Best Buy. It just shipped an hour ago. Free release day delivery. I usually like Amazon, but they really fucking blew it here. Though I'm sure it's Nintendo's fault too.

perhaps, why do you ask

>order is still processing
>estimated delivery date 31/12/17

I am in the same boat.

I originally pre ordered from Best Buy then cancelled it after pre ordering from Amazon. I made a huge mistake.

>shipping takes time

>shipping takes time
>hasn't even shipped yet

I'm sorry. I even told a lot of people here "oh yeah, Amazon is reliable for release day shipping" since i used to get physical games day one from them years ago but have since gone PC so I haven't really used them until now when they decided to fuck me. But not too bad, glad I saw the Best Buy thing. Too bad there's no Prime discount though.

>pre-ordered BotW Special Edition from local Best Buy
>gonna be working that day, so set it to deliver to me
>Getting it on release day, with a Switch, shortly after I get home.

March 3rd is gonna be fucking beautiful

What the fuck

some people are not thieving niggers.

I'm still good


>Hemos recibido tu orden

mea nuoalu so reh neglen rhonda su?

>ree why does it take time for them to post it should be instant because im so entitled

That's not Spanish


Mine says shipping today and arriving Friday, but it still hasn't shipped. Getting a bit worried because today is running out.

I know you're just meming, but everyone who is getting the game on time has shipped by now

>He's not playing BoTW as we speak

Me neither but I still steal shit when it's before release

ooga booga

>Check amazon
>Card I used to pre-order back in January expired
>Update information
>new arrival date Tuesday


you are either
>a fat lazy faggot
>loser neet with no car

Either way, kill yourself.

>Not using Amazon Prime to get 20% off

Enjoy wasting money user.

Fuck you buddy even if they say they're not shipped yet if they're not going to be able to get them to people by Friday they would have told us by now.


fuck off nigger

>paying to get discounts
so worth it

>spend $99 to save 20% off a $60 game

no u

Is that jungle monkey speak?

The Amazon one is all fucked up though. No one really has an idea yet if they're really gonna arrive on time. That's why I bailed on it and now it's shipped from another store and on the way two days before release.

>get money and leave

>you have to go back

>Try to save 20%
>Arriving March 3
>A month later
>We don't have an estimate

I don't know if I can trust Amazon with preorders ever again. Almost blew my chance to get it from somewhere else on time. Nearest store with games is hours away and don't have the time to go anywhere Friday.

How's it feel?

I went to the fulfillment center up in Baltimore, and passed out printed copies to the employees of an article about how an employee tried to kill himself because of the conditions there.

I'm on the same boat.

you tell me

>pre-order masters edition on FUCKING GAMESTOP'S Website
>one day shipping
>still hasn't shipped

Sorry I don't speak Chinese.

you ordered a wii u user?

>dude, just use gamestop, lmao

It's saying the stuff will come between ten and fifteen hours from now.

That's just how us Iranian say "more".

>buy Wii U version
>still get delivery cucked.
Meanwhile I have BOTW and switch coming friday
oh dear god they haven't even left yet, and I live in the middle of nowhere, how screwed am I