I'm still trying to understand why the Sheiks militarized Ganon?
When this happened? Why? Who needed such a weapon?

wtf I love ganon now

Wait, they actually did militarize Ganon some 10,000 years ago?

Assuming you aren't lying this would imply that a sect of Sheikah were the true baddies of the franchise all along.

It's implied that this Ganon is an experiement of sorts. There's Hyrule runes that say "Laboratory" around him (or his stage, I forget) and there's the whole Yigah thing.

What is this Resident Evil reject doing in my Zelga?

>Ganon was the good guy all along, he was only being used
>Zelda is actually the bad guy

Please be true!

You expect a dude who gets constantly reincarnated to look "normal"?

Well this is some DooM novel volume 4 malarky

Wait... this isn't even the real Ganon?

Holy hell, BoTW's bland plot just got interesting. Shame the good parts are saved for the very end so that Nintendo has an excuse to "continue" it through some DLC expansion sequel.

>and there's the whole Yigah thing.

Do you mean Yugah? Haven't played the game yet so I don't know if there's a character named Yigah.

>Zelda and the Royal Family were lying to Link, the champions and the rest of the citizens of Hyrule the entire time

>They weren't preparing to seal or destroy Ganon, but to enslave him instead for nefarious reasons

>They wanted to use his dark energy to empower their newly found divine beasts and guardians

>Ganon is now some Shin-Godzilla tier abomination who destroyed Hyrule as a means of payback for the Royal Family and the Sheikah experimenting on him

>He never played Skyward Sword

>progress is a bad thing!
stay in your caves, hippie. Gotta fuel that New superior Hyrule with Ganon Gas.

Shame the actual boss is really easy.

I heard he just stands there. Is that true?

When does BoTW take place?

There's an evil Sheikah lab on the bottom of Hyrule Castle (where Ganon is located), and it's clear that Ganon is some kind of cyborg (the final battle has him use the other "Blight" weapons plus lasers and swords from the Guardians).

I predicted that Sheikah tech was going to be involved somehow, but I didn't think that it would've brought about Ganon in this game.

Is that Resident Evil?

Well this is extremely interesting now.

Once again, too bad the plot had to cram all of the potentially interesting story bits until the very end.

I'm redfield

Doomed timeline some 10k years after the fact.

No it's the child timeline, some 10,000 years into the future after TP.

Maybe if you played the game instead fo reading spoilers you would know

Was this from ~notJosh~'s stream? What's the link?

So was the king unaware of this or is there some dialogue that points to him lying?

Also can you actually fight him right from the start and spoil yourself on the plot twist?

Sheiks confirmed as Unit 731?

>its another Nintendrones make up plot since Nintendo was too lazy to
Just as bad as fromdrones.
Kill yourselves.

Guess you'll find out in the DLC, goyim! Be a good goy and buy the season pass!

That would imply ganon is an innocent.

Also would this count as ganon anymore? Wouldn't it be militarized demise?

Yes but I keep hearing you can't beat him due to weapons breaking too soon and I'm inclined to agree seeing as I can't even kill some of the bigger enemies/mini bosses before all my weapons break.

It seems more likely that Ganon has just fused with the Sheikah tech. It clear that he can take control of guardians, so I don't see it as unlikely he can also fuse with the technology.

I really hope they keep this more demonic looking Ganon in future games. Ganondorf isn't very intimidating, while the pig form is a little too cartoonish. This representation and all his forms are
straight up unnerving.

It's implied that the Sheikah have been experimenting on him since his last sealing, which explains how he took over the guardians and beasts when he broke out.

or maybe he's like Shin Godzilla and ends up changing into something much worse with each resurrection

Downfall timeline, last game in that timeline set 10,000 years after the last ganon reincarnation.

Yeah, Zelda even says that he's given up his last shred of humanity and his ability to reincarnate and is just using his full strength and he just sits there and does easy to dodge beams.

I think Ganon just wants you to kill him at this point in this timeline, he defeated Link only to get constantly sealed, killed and then resurrected (as well as apparently experimented on) for thousands of years until he's just a mindless husk of malice.

It's a shame that Ganon's forms and the Lynels look great and genuine intimidating but meanwhile most of the other enemies in the game look absolutely goofy in comparison.

SS suffered from the same art inconsistencies when it came to NPC and enemy designs. Seems like the Zelda team can't into proper art direction anymore. I'd be much more thrilled about battling trash mob bokoblins if they actually looked and sounded intimidating for a change.

Any video of a speedrunner beating the final boss 15 minutes into the game yet?

Neat. I've yet to play the game so I didn't know that.

Is there a rogue group of Sheikah that did this? The Sheikah I've seen so far in spoilers, outside of the assassins, don't seem like they would have done this unless there was some good reasoning behind it.

I can actually buy into this idea though. Bongo Bongo and the dark interlopers are all implied to be Sheikah, so it isn't the first time a group of them have gone off the deep end.

sounds alot like Oracles Ganon who had his resurrection ritual messed up and only came back as a husk only bent on destruction

Ganondorf basically can't appear again unless we get another branched timeline though right?

Ganondorf the man was killed in WW and in TP so in those timelines he's gone, with only the spirit of Demise/Ganon remaining.

And in the downfall timeline he kills link only to be resealed by the sages (a bit cloudy on this though because I don't actually remember what happens to Ganondorf in the downfall timeline and I can't be arsed looking for my historia).

So the only possible way for Ganondorf to return is either a story set between downfall OoT and LttP or a side story/new timeline branching off from OoT, WW, or TP.

I mean fuck me how weird would it be if they ended up doing a fucking "WW downfall" timeline for example where Ganondorf got his wish and Hyrule was never actually flooded for good.

Fucking timelines, man.

Maybe that's part of the reason they designed him like that. I don't think he would look nearly as unnerving if the rest of the game had a darker approach. The contrast with the rest of the artistic style makes him stand out. It seems pretty clear they went with that look for that exact reason.

What the fuck are you talking about? the centaurus/guardians/assassins/dragons look badass as fuck. Keep crying sonyshill

Pretty much, that's why his boss subtitle is "Malice Incarnate", he's literally just the embodiment of Demise's Malice and any form of intelligence Ganon/dorf once had is just gone.

Im working on it right now

the problem the enemy variety has is too many Hinox, Bokoblins, and Lizards while all the cool enemies aren't common until you get closer to hyrule.
All the enemies should have looked mechanical like the guardians to clash with nature, even if this meant shoving machine parts on Bokoblins.

Just looked at the historia, Ganondorf transformed in to Ganon in the decline timeline and was sealed in the sacred realm in the prologue in ALttP, so yeah there's no more Ganondorf in this timeline either because he immediately got the triforce and turned himself into a demon.

Just incase anyone cared to hear more dumb timeline shit.

He can turn from Ganon to Ganondorf again, as evidenced by the adult timeline and Twilight Princess. In both cases he turned into Ganon for a brief point only to turn back into Ganondorf later. He also disguised himself as that wizard in aLttP for most of the game. The Oracle games were also supposed to have Ganondorf appear.

It's possible he can't turn back if he's Ganon for too long. He was only Ganon for a brief period in TP and the adult timeline before turning back. If that's true, there's no chance for them to bring back Ganondorf unless they set a game between MM and TP where he tried to go to war with Hyrule after being exposed by Zelda and Link.

So it's not 100 years after OOT?

So if Ganon really is an experiment, then we need why need to focus on are the primary questions at hand.

>Who did this?
>Why did they experiment on him?
>What were they hoping to achieve in doing so?

This also leaves me wondering what would happen to Link or Zelda if you managed to undergo a similar experimentation process as well, considering the fact that both of them are more powerful than Ganon as a whole.

Punished "Calamity" Ganon
A Fallen Legend

I completely forgot that he can transform back from Ganon into dorf like in TP, I guess my head canon has always been that Ganon and Ganondorf were separate entities with the demon form being the man but corrupted by Demise, seemed to make more sense in my mind, but yeah it's definitely not canon.

I think there is some sort of time factor though, especially in some incarnations where he seems to eventually go insane and become a mindless beast.

guessing this was some kind of containment gone wrong, Ganon was attacking and it was a last ditch effort to seal him and he just kept getting more and more powerful

probably won't learn the full scope until the DLC

'7 minutes.... 7 minutes is all I can spare to play with you' - Ouroboros Ganon

can anyone give a link to pictures of all the bosses? I can't seem to find it.

Honestly, this does piss me off more than it should, especially if it does pertain to important backstory of how the Sheikah fucked around with Ganon.

White cis sheikah thought it would be badass to create a mass destruction weapon.