Where did it go so wrong?

Where did it go so wrong?

flat is justice

tits too small

When they decided we need another remake.

It wasn't a remake of emerald

They're gonna fuck up the sinnoh remakes too, just you wait

they made her legs and hips way too thin

I'm still mad they removed her tits

Shes not flat.....


There's plenty of tits and ass. Don't fall for the 'thick' meme.

Would very much enjoy plunging my erect penis as deep as possible inside of that.

Seek help. You have an unhealthy sexual attraction to your mother.

>tfw DP remakes wont even have the postgame island (fight, survival, resort area) and Heatran will just be given to you by Cynthia

Legs are twigs.
I'm not demanding THICC but those legs are anorexia tier.

Hands off my waifu you son of a bitch.

you cant fuck up what was never good

What's sad is that the image here looks far better/appealing than the shit nuPoke style they pump out today.
Please kill yourself. Just because landwhalefags killed the real meaning of "thick" doesn't even make may's original proportions "thick" anyways, she small and tight, but curvy and shapely.

Of course you can. Look at yourself.

saved as reference for scientific purposes

they gave her two pants instead of one and added frills to her shirt for no reason. they also gave her a hair ribbon instead of her bandana, which added more personality.
og may had a track girl theme, but nu may has no theme. she's a mess.

It was the anime that inflated her boobs, you ninny.

>two pants
Get rid of that shit, she's fine.

Wanting to appeal to the Yokai Watch kiddies so they made her younger and added cutesy shit to fit the kids age range

Hoennbabbies are the Dragon Age 2 fans of Pokemon and I'm glad their remake was shit.

>You have an unhealthy sexual attraction to your mother.

nah, just yours

>not liking oras may

the fuck is wrong with you? she's cute.

she still wouldnt fit the idea of her original design, but she at least wouldnt look retarded
og may's active track girl look also contrasted nicer with wally, who is a weak scrawny nerd.
fit girls riding weak nerds should be everyone's fetish.

>Here, user...thanks for your help in Eterna City
user got a Giratina!
>also this
user got a Giratinite!

I like girly girls more than tomboys, so I will never understand the hate for May's redesign.

I like skirts more than shorts.

she's a fucking 11yo, should she have cow-sized breasts? inb4 'Yes'

We need more oppai lolis no matter the media.

should at least be as big as pokeballs t b h f a m

Both Mays are qts

Gen VI, aka the powercreep skyrocket, more inoffensive friends, and genwun pandering.