Why aren't you playing your Pokémon Sun/Moon?

Why aren't you playing your Pokémon Sun/Moon?

What's your excuse this time?

I already beat it. I don't care about postgame nor collecting because I don't play competitively.

I should really just sell/trade in all of the last Pokemon games that came out. X/Y, ORAS, S/M. They just sit on my shelf.

I played it a little when it came out, but I barely played my 3DS at all compared to my pc. So I donated it and all my games to a local home for foster/at-risk kids. Hopefully they get some enjoyment out of it.

Cute socks user, where can I get them?

I played Moon on release and it was the most underwhelming of the recent games in the series

I played it for a bit, but was too boring.

First pokemon game I drop in less than 20 hours.

I found it boring, I couldn't finish it.

I beat it
there's no postgame, again
I could battle online, but even after pkhexing everything I wanted in, it's still more convenient to play competitively on Showdown.
I shoulda just waited for the inevitable 3rd game/remake

because i dont own sun or moon.

I prefer the older versions. I beat Y version and didnt really enjoy it. I didnt bother getting the new one.


>it's a thinly veiled homo thread

If you love the old games more then maybe it's not for you anyway, Sun/Moon is pretty much "plotplotplotPLOT", so...

you're a man dressed as a woman, please leave.

it's fucking garbage
couldn't stand more than an hour of it
went through all of the trouble of hacking my 3DS just so I could pirate it a week earlier, and it was trash

the only one talking about homos here is you

It is boring.
Really fucking boring.

Because I don't own it

Dont get me wrong, I like plot. I liked Black and whites plot. I missed B&W2. Y's plot was kinda strange. The giant guy was kinda cool though. Too much plot spoils a good game though.

are these grill legs
if grill posts more
if fag pls leave

girl or feminine penis?

That looks like a dude, and I'm seeing myself out, thank you very much.

>you will never have a high power level user bf that will wear cute socks so he will look cuter while you rim him and suck his dick


I beat it a long-ass time ago.

>tfw Golisopod is tied with Scizor as my favorite Pokemon of all time now
>Usually I fucking hate bug types

Boi pussi?

XY plot was more or less crap, sun/moon is more in line with XY. Although with 10 times the plot so it may be too much. I loved it and it's what I always wanted but if you're not into cutscenes every 2 routes, well.

>literal no thighs
Skinny fag detected

Right behind you lad fuck his gay thread

>eating pizza in your bed

The pinacle of degeneration

Are you a fag, son?

I'm at my apartment and forgot my 3DS back at my parents'
Also I already have 100% in Alola's dex

I played Pokemon yellow when It came out, but I've never really felt interested enough to play any of the sequels. That is why I'm not playing Sun/Moon.

What's my prize?

I don't know OP, why aren't you playing Fifa 2017?