Have you pre-ordered your new laptop charger, Sup Forums?

Have you pre-ordered your new laptop charger, Sup Forums?

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(((USB C))))
Enjoy your housefires lmao

the switch seriously looks like a $300 fisher price toy



Sounds like a Mac problem, kek

>not powering your house using the switch as an emergency generator


Sounds like the Switch doesn't ask, so it'd be the same if you plugged in an Android phone or whatever.

Not to mention that current USB battery banks won't charge the Switch faster than it discharges.

There is the problem. He bought a new MacBook pro

Nintendo really doesn't want you playing their games huh?

No that was the WiiU. Don't take my joke user make a new diss for the switch.

Well it does explain why he doesn't think the switch is overpriced

>NeoGA/v/ defends this

Proof that Apple is better than Nintendo and will buy them out one day.


You need one made for USB C

that's the most expensive powerbank I've always seen.

>owning an applel product

>he bottom edge of the Switch has a standard USB-C for charging, although we’ve yet to find a battery / cable that can charge the console faster than it drains.

The Switch? More like Switch to a PS Quad.

Have they tested any battery banks on the Switch yet?

I have a 20100mAh one I use for my notebook and I want to know if it works well with it

Dare I say...c****d?

I dunno man. The switch probably has more powerful internals than that Mac does.

Did they throw this thing together in a weekend or something?

>plug battery bank into switch
>switch charges the battery bank

Your phone will ask you what you want to do if you plug it in.

It will power it, but it won't charge it according to reviews.

Sony always wins

So will a Mac.

This is a really dumb question but I don't own any apple products and don't know shit about the Switch

Mac laptops charge through usb?





Perfect. That cracked me up.

What did Digital Foundry use then?

>On the positive side, plugging a powerbank into the Switch causes the console to recharge faster than it depletes its own battery even in a stress test scenario with brightness and volume maxed. It's a good start, and means the console power gauge holds at 100 per cent for as long as the powerbank lasts.

Nigerian please

Is it actually charging the laptop, or is the laptop just glitching and showing the charging icon?

>tfw you have more power than a fucking fagbook pro

feels good to be a nintendo fanboy

That's not what "mammy" means


You can choose whether you want to charge the device connected, or charge from that device.

I don't know if iPhones do that but any modern android phone will.

>Not to mention that current USB battery banks won't charge the Switch faster than it discharges.
That's a flat out lie. Watch the digital foundry video


There's a razer power bank that would work with the switch that's coming out soon but it's keking 130usd, hidden costs from shitendo

As long as it last more than the 2 hours on a normal charge

That's not hard evidence on anything . That also doesn't say they used power banks made for USB C and made to output that much amperage.

Apple makes incredibly solid laptops.

>Mac laptops charge through usb?

Welcome to Earth.

>Mac laptops charge through usb?

What did he mean by this?

you said "solid" instead of "horribly overpriced"

also donglebook pro

Wait what if you plug a Switch to another Switch


They charge eachother until they're at the same battery level.

Anti-gravity...or a melted charging cable.

Hacking switch when?

Switch is a cuck to other devices, what else is new?

You act like that's normal for any other laptop, or that using a macbook doesn't make you a retard


it allows you to do local multiplayer without draining battery using wifi/adhoc.

it's seems one way, There's no software handshake so only the battery got detected.

The same thing that happens when you give lesbians a double sided dildo.

Nintendo is Apple of consoles
To (((((you know)))))

I prefer to call it a leapfrog tablet, and I don't understand the appeal of having 2 different color controllers


>The bottom edge of the Switch has a standard USB-C for charging, although we’ve yet to find a battery / cable that can charge the console faster than it drains.

>I don't understand the appeal of having 2 different color controllers
They've been doing that since n64. Good appeal to kids that want to feel like special snowflakes

MacBooks have a proprietary magnetic charger, they don't charge through USB, in fact I'm pretty sure no laptops charge through USB

Not anymore.

This has been a thing since at least 2013 when Kit Kat was released, probably earlier.


Why the fuck is this allowed?

Man oh man this thing just keeps delivering. If only they made it a handheld only and didn't try to play gimmick snowflake. It definitely would have been received as a worthy upgrade to 3DS.

Like seriously, get rid of TV mode, make joycons optional, get rid of all motion control tech in the joycons, pro controller, and switch itself and you'd bring down the price. This thing would probably even sell out in Sonygger land in the UK.

I cannot and will not defend this blunder though as it is, Nintendo goofed.

No by a fucking long shot.
Are you having a laugh or seriously this stupid?


and just being able to plug in monitors, eGPUs, hubs, etc. with one cable and not having to carry a power cable for each device

That's because it unironically is. The build quality is terrible and the hardware is shit-tier. Nintendo was too incompetent to design an actual home console so they made a powerful (compared to the 3DS which is like 240p in 2017 lol) handheld and included HDMI out so that they could say LOOK IT'S A HOME CONSOLE IT'S WORTH $300!!!

you just went full retard

The same reason we don't have analog TV or horse drawn carriages I guess.

gotta get the gray joycons IMO. the red blue one is straight up retarded

What a catastrophic piece of garbage holy shit

>buy 2 nintendo switches
>charge them once
>use one to power your house, the other to charge the first one
>get free, infinite power




>Who cares that it has shit tier battery life and can only run at a consistent 30fps when it's not docked, use a battery bank!

this console is dead on arrival isn't it

>owning appleshit

>nintendo babbies only rebuttal is "l-lol apple...."
despite being an apple fanboy is how we see nintendo fanboys

Holy fucking kek





>Sup Forums is shitting on the Mac
>Sup Forums is shitting on the switch

Which is it? Or is it just that both boards pet whipping boy is involved and we should ignore everyone

>look mom I made an another thread bitchin about the Switch how shit is with 0% proof

mods should ban these fucking thread

Becareful what you wish for toddler, last time you all tried this trick after the Wii U completely flopped in it's 1st year it backfired and you's ended up getting banned for constant thread whining



>mods are deleting threads that show the IGN score of this piece of shit

It's most likely the Mac not recognizing it as anything other than a portable battery due to reasons. Still weird though, because it could easily be a bad configuration on the Switch itself which is causing that. I find it more likely it's the Mac's fault, though.

>its more likely the professional artist's laptop used around the world is wrong, not the stupid baby toy for toddlers

i will give a week until some one launches a portable "port" so you can charge it on the go

What % of power do you get back if you discharge a Li-ion bettery into another Li-ion battery?

That's the charging port on the new Macs, so it isn't too surprising if it's configured to be a little bit more aggressive at drawing power from things it sees as nothing but 'this supplies power'.