Filename thread. Keep it vidya

Filename thread. Keep it vidya.


Remember when posting pic related instantly triggered multiple normalfriends and derailed the thread


Yeah man it's almost like posting the same fucking thing every thread for months diluted the impact somewhat


Needs a vidya name











this has to be staged, no one can be retarded enough to not check the blade or to hold the goat against a chopping block/stone





There's a reason that Africans are still living in mud huts and slaughtering each other thousands of years later.





It's Africa, man.




>GTA IV RPG speed




Was that a women match?


made me sad



>Not Delibird switches into stealthrocks.gif







>slapping JB

Son of a bitch.



i don't remember what this even was so bear with me

Russia must be stopped

>assault on wet dry world





>no horse dick
Try again
