Announcing a partnership with tinyBuild!

tfw Yandere Dev actualy did something right

Other urls found in this thread:

No one cares!

if no one cares then why do all these yan dev threads get lots of posts

They will regret it when they finally dig into the source.

Y'all just jealous he makes a killing on Patreon doing absolutely nothing.


Fuck off Eva, I thought we made it very clear that nobody wants you here.

look at all this junk

holy shit that's literally battleborne tier

can you disable any of that?

>doing absolutely nothing

>I received hundreds of supportive messages encouraging me to take better care of myself. I’ve decided to take the advice that I’ve been given. It’s very important to me to continue making steady progress on Yandere Simulator, so I’m still going to work on it 7 days a week, but I’m going to cut down the number of hours that I work. I’m reducing my work hours to about 10 hours per day. I’ll still only take off one day per month
>reducing my work hours to about 10 hours per day
>7 days a week
>one day off per month
>writing/refining code
>micromanaging shit as a one-man team dependent on volunteer d'nations until now


There goes every bit of (the practically nonexistent) respect I had for tinybuild, jesus christ.

Fuck off EvaxEphon you ugly pedophile, jesus christ.


>mfw Yandere Simulator comes out in about 2 years from now and Sup Forums has to watch as the cringy teenager that used to be one of you ends up creating the Metal Gear Solid of a new generation

>Oh yeah corporations aren't evil.
>btw working with a corporation now
>I'm still poor so keep delivering that volunteer work.
>until we start getting money from Kickstarter and Early Access
>then you can keep giving me stuff for free, we'll just use them and keep the profits

Also, why the fuck would TinyBuild spend the money hiring programmers to re-write the code, when he is currently working on a revision of the code to implement its most important feature? It would make more sense to just wait until that is done, so you can give the programmers full access to all the intended features, rather than asking them to rip apart the game twice to go over any changes between builds.

Now partnering with Gearbox to make this a totally epic badass hobby-grade murder simulator of badassery!

>Announcing a partnership with--
Nope. Dropped.



Cool now they can rewrite his digusting spaghetti code and make all the assets, while turning him into an idea guy and giving him 10% profits
A fitting end to fagdere dev

Because the dev likes to post here from his phone alot.

You mean you're gonna be making more videos whining about how it's soooo hard to work on your own game and how you're sooo annoyed by all those e-mails that are clearly taking away your precious time, for two years.

Meanwhile some random team will be making dosh in Steam with the same idea soon, and it already looks better than your shitty game that's been in "development" for years.

I thought YanDev gave up because he was a normie who couldn't deal with bants/criticism and then wrote a big post on Sup Forums saying Sup Forums was shit and mean to him, and that he'd end game development or at least refrain from engaging with Sup Forums. Why the Yandere threads despite this? Did he get over it, or is he unlocking his inner Jew and shilling all over the place?

Why would he give up when literal little girls are giving him thousands of shekels every month to do about a weeks worth of work tops?


>paying $15 for alpha build
time to pirate

So he was the Jew all along.


He's a huge puss and I fully expected him to disappear once he thought it would become too hard. Now it's less likely, but gonna be way bigger of a deal if he does. Who's taking bets on the amount of money tinyBuild will sue him for when he doesn't follow the contract?


Jesus christ you're a newfag, just look up the above name because that's who YandereDev is, he's absolutely pathetic and genuinely fucked in the head.

>mfw there are eva fags on Sup Forums 10 years later

Falls under strict liability Eva, prepare your anus for that CP charge.

report/sage and move on, life has way more to offer.

>this cluttered GUI
>those stolen character models
>them blending textures in the bottom right
>thar gamecube tree models

fuck of Exa, no one cares

That was all before he started to receive $5k/month from Patreon

dat (((nose)))

>I'm a newfag because I chose not to participate in Yandere threads/posts and follow up with a autistic furry dev's rantings and ravings.

You could have wasted your time in /agdg/ and come out on top above YD threads.