This is a digimon

This is a digimon.

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Now next time, try starting with vidya.

>Digimon will never be good as frontier
Hold me is.
Digital pet,video game,anime.

Could just as easily be a pokemon by today's standards.

Fuck off fakémon faggot

Looks like shit. No wonder nobody cares or remembers Digimon anymore. If I wanted to direct a pet human, I'd play literally any other game that is better at that.

No, it's a dickimon! haha, get it? me gusta me gusta me gustaaaaa, hahha :9

Nokia best cyber sleuth girl

ooohh... bueno... >:D

She's cute but why do I get the feeling under the mask is a bunch of needle like teeth?

uh *deds you* stfu noob

Why does it have breasts? Isn't this a kids show?

You gotta post that one digimon with huge tits that wears bikeshorts. Her ultimate attack is that she rubs her crotch on people's faces.

Fuck off, you and LordKnightmon pretty much ruined Frontier with you needless padding.

Breasts were literally made for kids, dumbass

excellent taste, OP.

Stop that, we both know damn well it was fucking Protagonistmon 1 and Protagonistmon 2 stealing the show that ruined it. I was just trying to help my ambiguously gendered friend deus valt.

This is best girl (male)

I remember all my Digimon would evolve into literal shit in th PS1 game. Good times.

This isn't Ed Boon's shitty dumbed down game for retard

Or a Korean horror show for that matter.

Human filth needs to be purged.

>He didn't watch Tamers


>Ed Boon's shitty dumbed down game
The fuck you say about my man you little weeb faggot? Mortal Kombat is the manliest damn game in existence and if you disagree with me then you're a shitty little mutt.

That Ed Boon's games are shitty dumbed down games for retards.


I'll slap you straight in the face for that you fat fuck.

Don't strain yourself, you fat fuck, you might actually have to exert yourself for once.

Why are ya'll talking about Ed Boon in a digimon thread?

Because fuck you, that's why.


Worst girl.

This there anything more pathetic than digimon?

The state of Pokemon.

Go post that shit in Sup Forums


I have active contempt for both of the mon franchises.

whats the price?


>trap pussy

I remember fapping to this digimon.


Why was Cyber Sleuth a good game?

No price

Frontier was such a based show.

Wasn't this form supposed to be more animal like?

>Was a clingy jealous girl with ADHD

Only best girl was Alphamon.

Thanks senpai