It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

>watch out for the Taurus demon!

what game?


Are you planning on making this thread every single day?


witcher is better desu

The best rpg ever

that dosent look like ultima

Oblivion thread then.
Oblivion is the best RPG ever conceived

why do I have a hard time agreeing with this.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines?

I swear once I mentioned it and no one reinstalled it


i too love mountain blade user

What would happen if we were to blend Gothic and Witcher? A new masterpiece or failure?

Blend what elements?

Be more specific nigga

>It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
that's not the best ropg ever, where are the graphics? Robe doesn't even look cool and I bet you can't craft anything. try a good game for once

Gameplay, fighting of Gothic, story, voice acting, wide world of Witcher.

But that's not Gothic 2.

Gameplay in Witcher 2? Gothic 2? Gothic 3?

Witcher 1 gameplay was a rythm game, Witcher 3 gameplay is a dark souls wanna be and Witcher 2 gameplay was clunky as fuck.

Gothic 2 gameplay was a mess when it came down to the cluncky controls but otherwise it was good with the whole WASD sword swing.

Most of the elements you are suggesting are great in Witcher 3 (story, voice acting[even tho Gothic 2 had great german voice acting]) and the setting is far more interesting than Gothic 2.

Yet Gothic has a thing for small open worlds, Gothic 3 was pretty good in the open world design but yet it felt bland compared to Gothic 2 even if it was smaller.

If you blend a handcrafted world size of Gothic 2, with the gameplay of Gothic 2 but elements like crafting potions, oils, bombs from Witcher 3 with the crafting system of Gothic 2 (having to find a place to do it, like Witcher 1 in the taverns) + having to read lore about monsters to find weakness and just overall the sidequest stories of Witcher 3.

You can have a great fucking game if done right, which will never happen. Games nowdays are always trying to be as gigantic as possible.

Witcher 3 does a great job of making a big map that immerses you plus having sidequests (from decent to great) populating it, but that shit took a lot of resources, so i doubt we will ever get a RPG with that type of equilibrium of attention to detail in the world.

Yeah, sad it will never happen...
