What's wrong with this broad?

What's wrong with this broad?

Waifu fags, nintendrones, sonyggers, xbone fags, fags, and autists, I just want to shitpost and share vidya stories/memes

Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/ keep leaking in.

One in every 4 Sup Forums threads are pretty gud tbvfhf

>What's wrong with this broad?
They prefer Red Saber just because she's Saber with boobs.


Truly the best wife.

Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo.

I love this fucking whore.

She's not a whore


Not board you dumb fucking mongoloids

Oh you mean red saber?
She's ok

You're wrong, kid.

Nero never did nothing


He's right though. She calls herself a maiden very often, and she says that her Praetor is the only person in the world to whom she can entrust her first time.

Really activates the old erection module

She suffers from Merchandise Syndrome, aka something just to sell

>your waifu will never have as much merch as any of this fate nonsense

Bla bla whore of babylon bla bla shes a whore
37000 dicks.


Only good for one thing and she knows it she will slurp on dicks till she croaks.

>when they run out of merch to make so they just make another saber

The best is her introduction for Archer.

>This mysterious man deftly wields a pair of swords, even though he is an Archer
>His name is...... unknown!
>Please do not look at me like that, Master, I do not know his name

>Genderswapped anime fiction is slowly overwriting history
Amazing. I can't wait for Trump-chan.


I understood it all. I'm beyond helping.

Sorry I'm not into Sabers

Jesus that's a shit model. That face and those sleeves are all sorts of fucked.

user shes supposed to be ugly.

Pray to Satan he gets the same treatment Hillary did.

I'm pretty sure the game was developed on the vita and ported to the ps4 hastily during development

People like used goods like that Nero whore you just posted.

Nice taste my friend.
But please don't post pictures of my wife without permission.

She's becoming a roastie.

>CTRL+F: "Umu"
>No results found

i prefer alter saber
yes i'm into batshit crazy whores ,it always bite me in the ass

humanity was a mistake

so is this a good game or just anime smut

It's a passable musou game. If you like the fateverse then you'd enjoy it but otherwise you're better off playing a proper musou.

Look out any figure that a fate character is based on and it's usually like that



>people still don't realize that Google filters results based on your search history
>people still don't understand how to clear browser cache
You're all just a bunch of idiots.

>implying that's not from 12 years ago
Can't fool me nerd

How can Nero even compete?

>Mysterious Heroine X
>Ultra Heroine Z
But where is Mega Heroine Y?

Sup Forums too

>Mysterious Heroine X
>Ultra Heroine Z
Wait just a second, aren't those just Sabers?

That's being saved for Saber Caster. Once we get Caster and Rider The great saber war can finally begin.

they are aliens from the future where everything is Saber. She went back in time to kill all saber clones.


She has self-restraint

Because it's fun, honey~

Neros entire character is built around the idea of being girl Gilgamesh. Because they refuse to finally go all the way with him and just give him tits.


I guess you love having fun too, mmm?~


You must love playing games. Want to play some sports?~

>Only Alter Lancer and Summer are good, maybe Santa too
>The rest are low tier


Wonderful. Now prepare yourself.





Nero was a mistake

I guess.

Hello, Nero-friends!

I hope your Nero thread goes well.

Best Regards,
A Tamamo-fag

No pizza for you.


That feel when kids never knew this Nero.

No one can handle her love.

I know nothing about Saber or her games
Is it worth getting into it?
Where should I start?

How do I get into Fate? do I start with the VN or the anime?




Fate/Grand Order

Anime, start with carnival phantasm is the only canon one all the other material is Shirou fever dream

>implying any servant about 3 stars couldn't compete with MHXA

Rolling her gacha was a mistake. ;_;



Todd makes me angry

I used it to make cool dvds for friends and shit.

Also it supported videocds which was great before I could afford a DVD writer.

fuck my life, I got all of that.


Watch the DEEN anime followed by watching the Tsukihime anime. Read the VN dummy.

The VN has smut in it right? How did something that started as porn get so popular?

She isn't Tamamo

The porn was added in to ensure that it would be popular.

it's funny because it's a satire on the human condition while failing to understand its misgivings in the same insult


How can anyone pass up on this cutie?

Who knows.

I played CCC

This shit is 5 years old
Also teenage girls and inherently crazy


Ignore what everyone said and start with unlimited codes.

I guess licensing issues? That's pretty much 99% of the reason things get delisted and such.