Games you want on the Switch/Games that you think justify buying a Switch

Games you want on the Switch/Games that you think justify buying a Switch

Code of princess 2 you buy a $300 handheld to play a port of a mediocre 3ds rpg.

>Games you want on the Switch

Kh 1.5 + 2.5 REmix


Bad enough that you suggested it, but it's even worst that you suggested it be on another console

>region free
>hd edea butt

I need it

-Super Mario GOTY
-Yooka Laylee

I want to see these backgrounds in HD so bad

Zelda Maker

she has perfect ass & hips

Not actually Pokemon Yellow 3D (though I certainly wouldn't say no), but rather, any kind of mainline Pokemon game

I'm a sucker and a fool but I'll always buy the next installment of Pokemon despite the fact that XY, ORAS and SM were pretty lacking



Why hasn't anyone ripped the BD/BS models yet?

>Actually wanting more BD
this game was so fucking bad user

Care to explain why you think that?

2nd half of first game and the entirety of the second game.

Yeah that was stupid, not "so fucking bad"


Bravely Third or nothing. Don't need Switch swamped with ports of old but easily accessible games.

Yeah? Wanting it on the switch means he'll buy it on the switch.

Yeah, that doesn't mean I'll buy a Switch just to play it.

Confirmed for shit taste, kill yourself you're supporting shit games.

You got me dude


Monster Hunter.


I couldn't stop focusing on Airy while playing the game, her and Agnes and Edea. Jesus christ these girls are fantastic.


Why you have two stars?

Stop it user, a human can't love a fairy. They can't even fit! Post some other BD girls instead.

Why would anyone play this garbage after beating it once?
Why would anyone play this garbage after beating it once?
Why would anyone play this garbage after beating it once?
Why would anyone play this garbage after beating it once?
Why would anyone play this garbage after beating it once?
Why would anyone play this garbage after beating it once?


I'd buy a switch if I knew it'd get all the cross-platform games as PS4/XB1 plus obviously Nintendo exclusives. Being able to play anywhere is more important than the absolutely best graphics for me.

My dad

>> The most boring and safe jrpg series around

Nintendrones have shit tastes

>a human can't love a fairy. They can't even fit!
t. fairy

That's just a challenge

For trying.




No Agnes or Tiz.

You mean Bravely Sword?

Ringabel and three Edeas.

>Strange Journey 2

Man dont play with my emotions like that

>HD remake of an incredibly boring RPG
>On a console whose features would add literally nothing to gameplay

It's okay if Nintendo does it!

Ringabell, Edea and two new characters

Pikmin 4
It'll happen eventually.

I really hope that the Switch being region free puts Treehouse, or whoever, out of business, or at least leads to lay offs for a majority of the localization staff. Of course this is just a dream.

There were rumors from Eurogamer saying the next Pokémon game will be Stars for the Switch.

No thanks.

Advance Wars. Either Days of Ruin or original canon would be great, DoR has more story potential though

An Eurogamer rumor.

Ringabel, Edea, and two new characters

It's what Bravely Second should have been

It'd be fucking hilarious if they actually got Persona 5 on the Switch.

Ranger Edea
Time Mage Edea
Spiritmaster Edea
Freelancer Tiz

A megaman game. A port of the battle network/ starforce games would probably be my preferred pick

>It's okay if Nintendo does it!
They didn't though.

I'd love to see Mega Man 9, 10 and 11 on the Switch.

Ringabel, Yew, Magnolia, Denys, Tiz, Agnes, Mrgrgr, Deneb, Egil, Janne, Nikolai, and Zats mixed around to form a first, second, and Bravely third party ala FF6

I just want bravely third

not necessarily chinatown specifically, but a similar sort of non-numbered gta

>metroid fusion 2
>metroid prime 4
>no metroid dread
What the fuck is wrong with you?