This is it Sup Forums...

This is it Sup Forums. Im selling my gaming pc to move away from my harmful gaming addiction and hopefully becoming a normie again.

It was fun

I wish I could sell Sup Forums, that's my addiction

Post the webm of that whole scene faggot.

and hopefully becoming a pokemon master

Good luck my friend I hope you find happiness. You will be missed. Never look back and I mean NEVER.

buy a console
preferably Xbox or nintendo

Show me your dick you stupid faggot

Get a ps4 , get ps plus and play 'free' games like a normie.

>7 replies
>no see you tomorrow
Fuck newfags

See you in a few days

Moot did it and look at where he is now

I've come so close to being where you are right now. Do it asap, if i didnt work in a tech field and need my PC i'd be doing it right now.

Working on Google earning a lot for very little work

newfags is what keep this stupid board alive you idiot

Being a cuck is what I alluded to, but yeah pretty much

At least he's free, he proved that we don't have to be here forever if we don't want to

Are we going to have this kind of thread now? Where everyone sheds their chan-clothing and speak as normal people?

Yes? No? Maybe?

You'll be back, faggot.

>Watched Pokémon as early as last year
>Thinks he has a single fucking chance at being a normy

Fuckin kids. Get the fuck out of here with your desire to be normal. It's pathetic

That doesn't mean you're getting outta here champ

Stop making threads about how much one should hide their power levels and people will stop wanting to be normal

I don't know

>Still watching Pokemon

Too bad normies rely on smartphones.
You'll still be stuck with Sup Forums.

Reporting in. Already bought a ps4 like a normie. And got a ps plus. Next,a chink phone

op, my gaming PC died almost a year ago and it didn't help me. Granted, I have a PS4, but if you want to kick your vidya addiction you have to quit completely. No consoles.

Chink phone?

My guess is one of the new xaomi phones