Persona 3= all SMT?

I finished more than half of the game(after summer now), and I'm dead tired of this game.

- social links
- walking around school/dorm
- going to sleep/walk dog/study/arcade/eat
- simulator of social life for lonely people
- too much boring fighting(use magic monsters are weak to 4x times, then all out atack)

I was really hyper about this game, the first time I entered velvet room, good shit and giggiles with Junpei and the rest of team. But the game is all over the place, the story and gameplay is watered down by cringe-tier material, and MASSIVE repetition(i feel like a robot- go there, click this, return here). I don't have time to walk around highschool for 60 hours.

Are all SMT games like this?

Forgot to add: boring dungeons with boring items instead of interesting world.

No SMT games are like that.

SMT games are wildly different, usually 100% dungeon crawling with better combat than persona. No random dungeons either, hand crafted with very non forgiving traps.

>100% dungeon crawling with better combat than persona
So almost no storyline?

you can fit all the story dialogue in Nocturne into a single Word document

>Are all SMT games like this?
They are very similar, but they each focus on different things. They have the same basic formula and the same ideas behind the combat though.

You're right that the middle of Persona 3 is easily the worst part, but it starts off great and does get a lot better near the end. That being said, it's probably best you don't continue playing going by what you've said.

So either full Dungeon Crawler with almost no story, or book reading like Persona 3? Nothing in between like Final fantasy 7?

It's not even an SMT game.

Digital Devil Saga? You have a set party who learn new skills by mastering nodes via killing/eating enemies.

Digital Devil Saga is what you're looking for.

There's a story, but don't expect Social Links and comfy party, your relationship with your party is pure Master-Slaves (except for some rare special guys) and you will constantly change your party during the game

There's some Side Mission, but for the main story you will have to figure the way out on your own

SMT has a lot of sub-series, Persona start off being one of them, and each sub-series is very different from each other

Here's Persona's difference to SMT mainline (SMT I-II-III-IV-IV:A)
>No All out attack and Guard, you get an extra turn (for the whole party, not for the one attacking) if you hit an enemy weakness, and get half a turn if you skip turn. You can't completely knock down an enemy either
>Hand-crafted, much harsher dungeon
>You'll have to recruit the demons you fight by talking to them and add them to your party. Most of the time the game will give you a free party member at the beginning, but that's it. Enjoy haggling with crazy pokemon
>No social sims. Most of the time it's the end of the world and shit. Ain't no time going to school
>Main story is a bit like Gothic in that you will have to figure out your objectives and target dungeons from talking

JRPGs are garbage, don't listen to the weeaboos that claim otherwise.

Look at this high quality post

Thanks. I see there is Devil summoner, Nocturne or that Digital Saga you recomended.

If I want less grinding, more FF type of experience which one should i choose?

I really wish Persona 3 turned out better. I felt it is solid 10/10 at begining when started FES. Then it went down to meh. I really liked some of the dialogues and boss battles, but this is not enough to tolerate all the flaws.

>more FF type of experience which one should i choose?
Please explain more, I mean there are plenty of different types of FF games.

Digital Devil Saga, you don't have to recruit demons and character growth is more controlled. It's the most similar ine to typical rpgs and helps to ease you into the series.

Most SMT sub-series doesn't have much grinding. Levels won't help you much compared to having the right skills for the right dungeon

Also Devil Summoner is an ARPG, Digital Devil Saga and mainline SMT is JRPGs, while Devil Survivor is tactical RPG

The closest to FF would be Digital Devil Saga

The encounter rate can be aggravating though.

Only Persona 3 and 4 are like that only. Even Persona 1 and 2 don't play like 3 and 4.

And SMT games are very different.

I really hate the character designs

I think the UI is ugly as fuck

The colors look like shit

And I'm not the least bit interested in a fucking high school simulator.

However, the description on Amazon does make the game sound vaguely interesting. And I'm going to be in need of RPGs to play.

Convince me to pre-order this game.

Get a mainline SMT, 3 or 4. Literally none of what you don't like and all of what make you interested

I'm not interested in going back in time. I'm really only looking at PS4 games right now.

>I really wish Persona 3 turned out better.
Me too man, me too. It really dragged on for way too long in the middle, but I still love the game.
Only wish I could've skipped the pointless days of nothing happening and the social links, they pretty much ruined the game. That and the dungeon design, or I guess lack of a dungeon design.

It doesn't really fit the less grinding part of what he said though.
You don't have to recruit demons, but it's replaced by spending ages fighting demons just to get a new skill or enough money to afford something to level up for a new skill.

I really want to like DDS, but the skill system is really grating. If he's complaining about the grinding in P3, it might be a bit much for him in DDS.

Fuck off. You don't want this game, you just want to shitpost about it.

>Are all SMT games like this?
Considering the fact that Persona isn't part of the Shin Megami Tensei series? No, they're not.
Persona's a spin-off within Megaten, it's not SMT.

Might be best to wait for the new Dragon Quest game. If you're into tactical rpgs try Disgaea 5. Otherwise there isn't a lot in terms of new good turn based rpgs.

>Convince me to pre-order this game.
Are you poor?
If yes, don't bother.
If no, preorder it.

Maybe you people just don't like SMT? You know that's... allowed, right? You won't end up in vidya jail. I like the game for what it is, social links, school setting, juvenile plot for Persona and Gameplay/demon negotiation/grinding for SMT, but if you don't like any pf those things then these games are not for you. It doesn't has to be something it's aiming to be to please other people. There's plenty of games out there.

Thanks. By FF games i meant FF 7-9, where no grinding is required, there is character and plot. Also, better design than having to walk the same stairs in dorm, go to toilet, study, browse the same japan city map for 10000 time. I wonder how much hours is spent on this. Is Persona 4 also like this? I would give it a try if it corrected the flaws of 3.

>Also Devil Summoner is an ARPG,
As in real time combat?

>The closest to FF would be Digital Devil Saga
Thanks, will try it out.

I'm not trying to shitpost. I'm genuinely trying to find some justification for getting this game.

Is there some reason why you can't say anything positive about persona that might make me reconsider my position on it?

There is, but you won't like the game one way or the other. Just fuck off. It's the same as asking "why should I buy COD if I don't like fps, military themes, war or bullshit tecnological gadgets".

You don't like the game and you don't want to like it.

>As in real time combat?
Yes but many find it clunky.

So you're telling me there's absolutely nothing to the game except a high school setting, ugly colors, and stupid-looking characters? There are no redeeming features if you look beyond those problems?

OP here. Disregard the high school simulator bit apperance. I didnt like it first also and thought its some japanophile piece of crap, but it's only the surface. Can't say for the rest of Persona games, becouse i haven't played them, but Persona 3 is really normal like, despite looking like anime for no lifes.

There's 4 Devil Summoner games. The first and second (Devil Summoner and Soul Hacker) are turn-based, the Raidou games are real time ARPGs

Oh no, I love SMT and I love Persona even more. In fact, my favourite SMT related thing is Persona Q probably followed by Strange Journey. The middle of Persona 3 is just not fun user, it drags on forever with barely any plot progression. The dungeons are boring and repetitive and the only hard part about them was a few of the floor bosses.
The payoff in the last 2-3 months was worth it though.

The only SMT related games I haven't loved are Devil Survivor 2 and Digital Devil Saga. DS2 because it was simply boring and DDS because I didn't like not having demon fusion.

Still considering giving DDS a try again, but I can't seem to beat Camazotz' second encounter.

Great soundtrack, the dungeons' aesthetic are pretty unique. The story's twist from normal life to crazy shit at the end (a trait for all Persona games) is also fun
Also,while the high school setting will strike you as anime at first, the characters are actually fairly relatable

>but I can't seem to beat Camazotz' second encounter.
But that's easy, just have Gale Null death every single turn (he comes with the skill) and have Argilla use matera for an extra turn (whenever void earth isn't up). Then after both baphomets die just fight normally (he loses the tera weakness) and heal.

I'm literally playing it right now and not that far beyond you, worst part of the game imo is the encounter rate, though I guess if it wasn't that high it would take much longer to master nodes.

P4 has better bosses, a bit better dungeon and allow you to actually control your party. Other than that, it's almost the same
As for your preferences for FF, I think mainline SMT would also fit considering buffs and weakness are everything in the game, but mainline SMT has very few characters, and they won't be your party member anyways

I just wasn't really sure what I was doing with the Skill things during the course of the game so I'm not particularly well equipped.
Can't seem to find party buffs or enemy debuffs either.

The setting is interesting and I'm dying to know what the thing that says something right before I DON'T WANNA TRY TO FIGHT THIS LOVE is, but it's just not working man.
It doesn't seem to click with me like the other games I've played.

Sure there are. But you just said you're not interested in going back to the previous games. P5 is known to be good for the exact things you're shitting on it, which is why I'm telling you not to bother and go look for something else. Why do you want to play a game you KNOW you're going to hate? You just want to waste money? If that's the case buy it, and then when you hate it just throw it away, no need to keep asking here. People with more patience to shitposting will tell you this though:

>Can't seem to find party buffs or enemy debuffs either.
Huh, now that I think about it, I too don't have any buffs/debuffs skills apart from status effects. I wonder what nodes have them. As for money you should have plenty of cells that are purely for selling at stores (most apart from 1 type reach max price at max noise). Though be warned, Cielo is a shit who is weak to STATUSES, never use him when you don't need to.

Also it took me some time to discover that apparently the key that opens those blue glowing walls in dungeons is given to you by a grunt inside the first boss's (zebra guy) office.

I suppose I'll give it another shot while I wait for Persona 5. I doubt I'll enjoy the grinding for skills, but it might be worth it for the battles and music tracks.
Also I jumped the gun and bought 2 as well, so it'd be a waste.

I'll keep your tips in mind, thanks user.

>Also it took me some time to discover that apparently the key that opens those blue glowing walls in dungeons is given to you by a grunt inside the first boss's (zebra guy) office.
I would probably never have gotten that one, I don't really backtrack unless it's story/unlock/sidequest related.

Strange Journey, IV, and IV:A have plenty of story and the other mainline games aren't completely devoid of it.