Former Nintendo of America employee here

Former Nintendo of America employee here.
September 1994-December 2002
Assistant marketing Director
Here to answer any questions "Nintendo related" you may have.

r u gay lmao

What do you think of modern Nintendo?

ur a fgt

post proof, mobile fag

Is reggie a pedo

There's no such thing. Nintendo has remained the same since their inception. It's retarded that say Nintendo is stagnant and rehash the same things all the time, yet also refer to them as "modern Nintendo". Makes no fucking sense.


GET kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 remix on the switch

What do you think of the steady decline of this company ? Should Nintendo convert themselves as a gaming snacks manufacturer ?

How big is your dick ?

Why the fuck did they allow Miyamoto to ruin Paper Mario?

Did you ever play any N64 prototypes?

This. I'll ask a dozen questions, but not to a larper. Also, throw on a trip. It's the 1 time it's ok.

Post proof and claim a tripcode retard

Tits and timestamp, you know the rules.

>Former Nintendo of America employee here.
>September 1994-December 2002

You haven't been relevant in 15 years. Why are you posting this?


you sound pretty dumb

What's that picture supposed to prove? Plus you were working in 1994? Get the fuck out of here grandpa.

Assuming, unlikely but let's play the game, that you're the real deal; "former" why? Fired or left by yourself? It's important in order to be sure of your neutrality about things.

Do you have any prototype or beta stuff?

What should I jerk off to this fine afternoon?

How did papa nintendo allow the CD-i zelda and mario games to be so shitty? Didn't yamauchi have a stranglehold on quality control of his IPs?

I think they're still going strong.Business card?

What's your favourite Nintendo game? What's the worst Nintendo game? What's your favourite non-Nintendo game?

Who's bright fucking idea was it to make the N64DD use floppy disks? Everyone was already using CD-ROM since NEC did it in 1989, and ninty still used floppys in 1997? What the fuck?

>Sales Associate, Nintendo World

Yeah cruisin USA, wave race and donkey kong 64No.

Nintendo didn't like dev's being able to manufacture their own discs

F zero
Mario's tennis on virtual boy
Tomb raider

Why did almost no third parties makes games for the Virtual Boy? Other than Nintendo, I know Hudson soft and Atlus made software, but only a handful of non-nintendo games exist for that console.

Why does nintendo refuse to make a modern waverace game?

They couldn't use CDs since Sorny backed out of their deal or Nintendo threw a fit and made them back out or something

Look guys, I work for Nintendo customer support too!

I'm not sure. But I can tell you trying to marketbthe virtual boy was all but impossible.

old nintendo made new things modern nintendo rehashes what don't you understand you halfwit fuck face

How much fun did you have competing with a resurgent SEGA?

Did ever think about giving up "definitely" the HOME console market back then, like they're more or less doing right now with the switch?

Compete how? Sega was making game for Nintendo by 2001 and they were irrelevant from 1995 forward.

How did nintendo react to sony and Microsoft 1 up-ing them.
