What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't you read?

Stop being CIS white SCUM obviously.

You should never take pride in who you are and if you are born a cis male you should take every opportunity to apologise to women for their struggles

Sorry, but you guys only hate it because white males form the majority of the western world.

Holy shit, thanks user im using this the nex time some faggot says

I don't know why MMD creators don't put a little bit more effort into making the transitions between movements not jarringly fast. It makes it way too robotic.

Thank God I still have jap games to fall back on.

fuck off poltard

Which dev panel is this?

it means the age of white males is over you shitlord, now prepare to get culturally enriched

>end normal people as the default
>instead put loonies, retards and snowflakes
There I translated it for you.

The most normal person in the world is someone of Han Chinese origin.

why are you so offended playing aa a nonwhite person, a women or a crippled person?

as if white males dont make the majority of the gaming demographic
this kind of shit that this presenation is trying to do for gaming is literally shooting yourself in the foot

Shit I didn't know we had video game characters actually posting on this board.

Thanks god there's Japan.

as long there is technology to be invented, the age of white males will never be over


This is only true if straight white men are bigoted towards characters unlike themselves.

Which panel?

How the hell does someone on Sup Forums forget about Japan?

are you dumb lol, since when is a bunch of mostly white males getting together to create a game political? of course they'd often default to their own culture and choose white characters with a few others here and there. SJWs are the ones who make games political which is why games like Mafia 3 and Horizon are horrible despite having huge budgets. it's a waste of industry bux and it affects gamers negatively.

They meant play Final Fantasy VII.
>male (female)
>handicapped in disc 2

Because then their race/sex/disability becomes 100% of their character and stops any meaningful development. They end up being Mary Sues as to not offend the sex/race/disability they represent.

Because as we know, white men are individuals, anything else needs to represent their entire "peoples" and are not real people. Or so this culture tells us.

This is the end result of "Video Games Are Art."

Video Games should never have been considered art or talked about as art because it was immediately co-opted by Cultural Marxists and Post-Modernists.

>are you dumb lol,
>since when is a bunch of mostly white males getting together to create a game political


Learning Japanese to get away from this.

The solution to this is more minority characters, not fewer. If you know only black guy, he will represent all black people for you. If you know 100 black guys, you know 100 different people.

Are you implying nonwhite, women and crippled persons are loonies, retards or snowflakes? That's extremely inconsiderate. You disgust me.


Never fails to make me laugh how you people made literary criticism into a big bad boogeyman

Why would you want to nurture class struggle? It's not a good thing.

No because you can not get into Video Games Art unless you know programming so 99,9% of all females are already out of the game

you are twisting together ors as ands.

asians cant create shit

they can, however, pefect something other people already created

You need white man to CREATE stuff so the japanse can perfect it

Are you gonna spam this shit all day?

the more they push this kind of shit the more it fails
blackhackman2 was a flop
halfpastanigger mafioso 3 was a flop
horizon rat face dawn is going to be flop
im sure last of feminism 2 will also be a flop etc...
when will these companies learn that shoving this shit aint going to work

>Able Bodied not a default
Why? I can get the rationalization behind everything else, but why would you treat anything but a normally functioning body as the default state?

No the solution is to create good characters and not focus on trivialities such as sex/race/disability. Yes, in an ideal world this would include more colourful characters, but the design ethos that they are suggesting wont fix anything. It'll just reinforce bad character design which will upset people who care, and then be rebutted with "you hate blacks lol."

You can't just decide to start at the finish line and expect people to accept this. You also can't demand people change and call them ignorant for resisting. True change comes from meaningful representation, not tokenism.


yeah sorry user you're just dumb like that :/ dunno what to tell ya


not him
but you do this shit, dont expect backlash?
nah youll hear about it, same way we have to put up with the shitflinging liberals whining about trump until the fucking end of time

till idiots think they are oppressed and go hate women and nonwhite people.

What is white to you user? Are Irish white? Are Argentinans white? What about Italians. White is more ethnicity than actual depending where you are in the world.

So this is what became of GDC kind of sad really